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He locked me in a dark room, there was a lot of space in here but I couldn't see anything and I was scared.

I back myself into a corner and put my head in my lap before I heard his voice on the intercom, somewhere in here.

"Foods by the door slime" he told me but I didn't know where the door was so I stayed where I was.

"Can you please just let me out of here?" I asked since I know he could probably hear me.

"Why should I? You haven't said sorry" I heard his voice again.

I sighed deeply as I swallowed my pride so I could say it "I'm sorry."

It was quiet until I heard the door open and light finally came in the room, he came in and picked me up before carrying me out of the room.

My body was definitely dirty now because that floor was and I was on it. My arms in leg were covered in dirt but I couldn't even see the dirt because of how dark it was in there.

"I shouldn't have let you out, Melvin is still mad at you" he spoke making me scrunch up my eyebrows.

"Melvin? There is someone else here?" I asked as he sat me in a chair of a different room before I seen him go into the bathroom.

But he still didn't answer my question.

He started some water and then come back over to me and forced me up and to the bathroom.

"Get in" he told me before walking away.

I got in and started to wash, soon hearing him come back in and sit down on the toilet making me peek my head out.

He was sitting there with clothes on his lap "What? You thought I'd leave you in here by yourself? Nope that's how the last one almost escaped" he told me and I nodded, finishing my washing.

I made the curtain cover me as I looked over at him.

"Can you-" before I could finish he shook his head at me.

"You have to get dressed in front of me" he told me and I let out a huff.

I really don't want him to see my body. He handed me the towel and I wrapped it around myself before stepping out, in front of him.

He handed me the clothes and I sighed. It was only a short, boxers, and a pair of socks but I didn't want to get dressed in front him.

Instead of letting him see my body I put the shirt over me while I had the towel on and when I took it off it went right over my body. Then I slid the boxers under and put the socks on.

"Alright lets go" he told me as he grabbed my arm and led me into a room.

"This is where you'll sleep, you know until I get tired of you" he told me and I nodded at him.





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