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Like I knew he was going to Melly killed Keith. In front me. I just sat shocked on the bed, letting my hurt race.

I want to be here and this is why. This only happened one other time but that's enough. It shouldn't have been any.

He came back into the room which scared me because I didn't know what he was doing next but he only went over to the sink to wash his hands.

I looked down at the floor, wanting to say something so bad but I knew better.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard him ask before he put his hand on my chin and lifted it up.

"Nothing" I lied wanting him to move his hand that just had blood all over it off of my face.

He squinted his eyes at me before letting my head go making me look back down at the floor and wipe where his hand just was.

"You mad I killed your little boyfriend?" He asked.

"He wasn't my boyfriend and I'm not mad" I answered and he chuckled.

"You're right he wasn't your boyfriend because I got to you before that could happen. I can't believe you were hiding from me!" He yelled which only made me roll my eyes.

"I wasn't hiding, you just didn't know where I was. My intentions were never to hide because if that was that case I wouldn't be here" I spoke making him chuckle.

He stepped closer making me move back further but he just pulled me back by my ankle.

"Jamell I'm sorry" I told him and he only nodded at me.

"You've forgotten" he told me as his hand began to hold my face.

Fear rushed thru me as I closed my eyes, trying to prepare for anything.

"Open your eyes" he told me and I nodded before opening them.

"Fuck you scared for? You did it" he told me before he smacked me making me began to tear up.

"Take me home" I cried making him chuckle.

"No, you live here" he told me and I looked at him before running out of the room.

I ran downstairs and then to the front door and almost had it open before he grabbed my by my hair making me scream.

He locked the door back before grabbing my arm and beginning to drag me. I tried to wiggle out and open the door but his grip just got tighter as I did.

Fuck, I've fucked. Big time.

He didn't care to pick me up as he went up the stairs. He just dragged me behind him which really hurt.

I knew my begging wouldn't matter so I kept quiet and took the pain. Once we got to the room I was in so much pain that I stopped really paying attention to him.

That was a bad idea because the next thing I felt was him pick me up and sit me on the bed. He cuffed my hands and place tape on my mouth before picking me back and taking me to a different room.

"I tried to be nice even though you didn't deserve it because you wouldn't come back to me and then you try to run. So we're going to do this for now" he told me as he tied my ankles really tight to a chair.

I didn't fight because I knew I was already in trouble but I did start to cry because I don't want him to hurt me.

"Shut up. You did this to yourself" he told me as he tightened the rope.




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