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(1 year later)

Tamaia sat on her couch scrolling through her Instagram. As she scrolled she came across an article that says they found a girl in Florida dead and the first thing to come to her mind was Melly.

She wasn't sure how to feel about everything now because she realized how wrong everything was that he was doing and that's why she shouldn't be with him. She always knew but being away from him made her really realize.

She didn't too much care no anyways she'd moved away from everything and that made her mom happy. Her mother feared for her to go back to Jamell because even though she never told her exactly what was happening when she was with him her mom just didn't believe the whole thing.

They'd gotten away with it in court but her mother seen past all of that.

Jamell on the other hand waited for Tamaia to admit when she was ready to come back to him, she'd been 18 for awhile now and he still hadn't heard from her.

He was beginning to get antsy along with his other personality Melvin. They didn't want to take her like they did last time but it seemed like they'd have to.

She never posted on social media so they couldn't watch her even though they really wanted to and they didn't know where she was. They'd already checked her mothers house one night when Melvin decided that he couldn't take it anymore.

"We have to find her" Melvin spoke in the back of Melly's head as he laid down in his bed.

"I know that we miss her but maybe she doesn't miss us, I don't want to force her through all that again" he responded.

"Oh so you just gone be a bitch and let her get away?" Melvin asked making Jamell smack his teeth.

"Fine we'll look for her but we better not get caught because of you."




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