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"Urgh my back~" groaned Namjoon as he stretched his back standing up from the chair. He has been preoccupied with work since few hours ago in his room, and now that he was done, he just realized that he could have a strained back sitting for too long.

Namjoon went out from his room. Since his works were done, all he wanted now is to laid back and relaxing. A little time outside would be nice too.

"Hey Hyung" greeted him to Seokjin who was in the kitchen baking...something.

"Hey Joon." he greeted back without even taking his eyes off from his baking.

"Why are you suddenly baking something different other than cookies today?"

"I just figured it would be nice to have something other than cookie on rainy days like this."

"It's raining?" asked Namjoon and he look out the damn big window and realized it has been pouring. He turned back and saw Jin eyeing him with disbelieve look. Well, it makes sense since it was raining like crazy outside and its impossible not to realize it but again...its Namjoon.

Namjoon went out from the kitchen (to avoid the eyes of Seokjin) and make his way to the front.

..'Frog sounds'..

"What was that?" and then he saw two figures sitting by the window, staring outside while making the frog's noise. One figure was smaller than the other, smaller than any of them actually. That's obviously Yoongi.

"Yah! Yah! Look! There are frogs! They're singing the rain song." Jimin exclaimed in excitement. Which shouldn't look too real since those were not real frogs. And how exactly the frogs rain song supposed to sounds like.

"Oh my god! I have to take a picture!" and then there's Hoseok taking out his phone and started snapping pictures of the two fake frogs. Namjoon did his calculation. Jin hyung was in the kitchen, Jimin and Hoseok were here, Taehyung is out for work, the only candidate left to be the other from was Jungkook.

And yes, he got it right. Jungkook and Yoongi sitting there, having a frog eyes head band and making frogs sounds to the rain.

"Ahhhh!!! Save me Jiminnie!" screamed Hoseok when frog Yoongi started hopping towards him. To Yoongi's delight, Jimin started screaming too.

Both of them went to hide behind the curtain, 'shaking' from fear.

"Minnie, Seokie, don't be scawed. Not real. Its me!" he said giggling, trying to pull out the other two from hiding. "Oh my! Yoonie hide! There's a scary frog here!" Hoseok pulled Yoongi hiding along.

"The fwog was not real!" he exclaimed while still giggling. He didn't know he look so scary.

"But this frog is real!" Jungkook jumped out towards them, making the three of them shrieked. Hoseok was actually screaming since it did really shock him suddenly. Damn, Jungkook can make things look scary.

"Enough with the play guys. Come eat." Seokjin came into the space carrying a plate with freshly baked cinnamon rolls and chocolate rolls. He got some hot cocoa ready too. Yoongi was quick to drop everything and run for the food the was set on the coffee table in the living room.

"Careful baby, it still quite hot. And we all know how dramatic you can be." Said Jin as Yoongi taking a piece of cookie. He chose the one that have more chocolate chips on top than the other. Yoongi just replied with 'hmph' as if Jin had said something awfully ridiculous. Like Yoongi was the calmest human being in the whole family duh.

Yoongi then splits his cookie into half and gave the other part to Jungkook who was busy trying to turn on the telly.

"Look at them, they even share food on days like this when they are in a good term." Jimin commented, eyeing both of the youngest who now busy choosing movie to play.

"And it's like a bomb have been dropped when they are not in good terms." Taehyung said next.

"Jungkook did having fun sometimes though, when Yoongi gets upset with his teasing"

"Sometimes I feel like these two combined, they can create more mischief than any others."


"I'm home~" said Jungkook as he came in from the front door. He dropped his backpack onto the floor and sat down to untie his shoes. It has been a long day with classes and basketball practice, his brain was drained, his muscles all sore, he's starving and stink. All he wanted right now is bath, food and sleep. Thankfully tomorrow is weekend, means no classes. Although practices still ongoing as per usual since they were going to have a friendly match next Monday, he just wanted to enjoy whatever he has.

"Go freshen up and then come eat. You're stink and I can smell from here!" Jin yelled from the kitchen.

Well, this stinkiness going to come around for the next few days anyway. Hyung should really get used to this, Jungkook thought.

On a second thought, he didn't think he smells that bad but dramatic runs in their family.

He walked passing by the living room and he saw Yoongi kneeling on the floor and playing alone. He was trying to make few pieces of his blocks to stand. Few of them fell over when his knees accidently touch them. He grumbled and went back to make them stand.

He was so focused and didn't even care on his surroundings.

Jungkook refrained rom bothering him right then and more focus on his basic needs so he quickly walks off to clean up.

He came out from his room an hour later, definitely feeling fresher after nearly an hour bathing. He saw Yoongi still working on those blocks but now the number of standing blocks doubled he amount he saw an hour before.

"I'm starving!" he announced when he saw Jin already setting up dishes on the table, which definitely the amount for one person. He didn't relay want to bother himself to ask about where the rest of his siblings because really, his ability to think might stop soon if he didn't eat as soon as possible.

"You took batch so long that I thought you went out through a back door that we certainly don't have to go back to practicing." Commented Jin as he put on some cut fruits onto the table.

"I might turn into jelly if I practice for another round today hyung."


When he finished his dinner, all he could think about is to have his sleep early until tomorrow. He wont stop yawning even while he was eating and his eyes were getting heavier the more minute went by.

Passing by the living room again, he saw Yoongi was still with his blocks. Now that the blocks were increasing in number (which certainly only the amount available in his toys basket), he saw how those blocks standing in a line even though some of them didn't incline a few degrees away, he knew Yoongi was trying to make a domino.

"You making domino baby?" he asked.

"Mph!" he answered without breaking his focus. Jungkook look around and saw that the domino starting point was at the area quite close to his standing point. "What if I make your block fall?" he asked teasingly.

"No!" he final broke his focus "No kookie!"

"Okay okay, I won't." Jungkook raised up hand in surrender when Yoongi showed desperation on that. Intimidating even. Jungkook didn't really wish to know the wrath of this. Yoongi squinted his eyes to him with the unspoken 'right, I knew so'.

Jungkook yawned and he just realized how exhausted he was getting by the minute and think that he definitely should retreat to his room and have his early sleep. He didn't bother to talk to Yoongi again -or in a better word didn't bother to disturb- and move away from the scene. However, he thinks his brain was playing tricks on him when suddenly his feet felt like jelly and stuck by the edge of the carpet. When he slipped, he causes the carpet pulled a bit but the slight motion has caused the whole block fell over and scattered away.

Jungkook was on the floor with dumfounded look when he saw Yoongi having the same look with his hand hanging in the air, the position when he manages to make his latest block stood.

'Shit!' he cursing in his head and then, "KOOKIE!!" Yoongi yelled and that immediately made him cringed when it was so loud and Jin emerge from the kitchen. Then Namjoon emerged from his room, then taehyung, Hobi and Jimin from their room respectively.

Ahhh, turned out everybody are home already.

He turned his focus backed to Yoongi and saw Yoongi's face glaring at him, but then his face started to scrunched up. The tears started welling and he knew he broke the dam when Yoongi started wailing. He looks awfully dejected.

Jungkook sure that he has never feel so guilty in his whole life, until today. Especially its involving Yoongi.

Yoongi kicked away a few blocks in front of him and ran away into his room.

Now he feels bad. Not even a typical tantrum, definitely went bad.

Jungkook walked quickly towards the youngers room. The door wasn't locked and he saw Yoongi hiding under the blanked. The animal printed blanked shook as the companion underneath definitely crying dejectedly.

"Baby..." he called but was quickly cut with "Go away!" from Yoongi. He didn't even hide his wailing.

Jungkook felt a presence of someone by his side and it was Namjoon.

"It was an accident hyung. I really didn't mean to ruin his blocks." He explained without being asked to.

Namjoon pat Jungkook by the shoulder "I'm sure you really didn't mean to. But I also know that Yoongi has been working so hard on it for few hours now, right?" Jungkook nodded.

"We can't blame him for being upset and I'm not going to put more guilt on you. Just talk to him and reconcile again tomorrow. Some time to cool down might be good for him right now."

Jungkook nodded absent mindedly and retreat back to his room, not without spending another glance to Yoongi's shaking figure. 

to be continued..

please ignore any error whatever that can be related to that. I'm too sleepy right now but i just wanted to update a little something for you guys. 

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