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yes, please call me ridiculous
I know I'm not a man but why?
you can call me names all night long
I won't feel affected by it

zoey is her name
you didn't know her name
before you drugged her
and raped her

I don't know why men think
they can just take advantage of
women and they'll get away with it
that's not how my story goes

I was 13 when a 14 year old boy
reached up my dress sliding
his hands up my smooth legs and
molested me

I was on the bus that day
going home trying not to let
anyone know what happened
I didn't even know what sex was

I got raped when I was 16
by my boyfriend who I
thought loved me but
I was just a dumb girl

why did I let this happen?
when did I become so foolish?
well I thought it would never happen again
men are manipulative true to the end

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