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I ended up staying inside like everyone else for the whole summer.

It sucked, and I only kept myself entertained with the grounding by gathering more clues about what business my dad was doing and what Cololite was all about, also what my dad was up to with it.

It was hard considering he wanted me nowhere near him, but I couldn’t go after anyone else to help me with what I had been researching since I didn’t have enough evidence that was considered solid to back me up.

I chose to stay quiet with it because I didn’t want to provoke him any further, since I knew very well, that I was only going to end up in his red book with whatever action I’d take against him.

I managed to survive and it was the morning of September 9th, the day the universities were opened after the summer holiday.

I woke up early that day and I didn’t know if it was the jitters of going back to university or if I just slept way too much during my holiday, or should I say, homeliday. I am a bad liar so I didn’t want to come up with a conclusion when I knew pretty much it was a lie, I just chose to go with the flow.

When I was done and went down ready to go, I saw Desmond also about to leave for the office.

“Adolfo, you are up early?”

“Is it a sin? I could go back to sleep if you want,”

I didn’t mean to be harsh with him but it was natural instinct with staying home for way too long.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” he sounded sincere and I couldn’t help but feel bad about it. “I was on my way to the office, want a ride?”

I considered his offer, it was tempting and would be great if I drove with him instead of sitting there feeling awkward with those security guards dad hired. But I didn’t have money, my credit cards were also blocked after mom caught me trying to buy something online for Deborah, so I couldn’t buy my own breakfast.

“I was going to get breakfast first if I can trouble you to wait for me.”

“Oh, breakfast isn’t ready. I can buy you something on the way there.”

I had nothing else to say but lead the way outside to his yellow Subaru WRX STI which I always mocked him for it, calling him a taxi driver. But looking at it during that time, I learned that I was the one at a loss.

I was 19 and had nothing on my name except my certificates which was something pathetic looking at. He at least had his Sedan and a job as a sales manager at our family company. I felt ashamed as I climbed in.

“What do you want to eat? I was thinking of some breakfast burrito?” he was really good at trying to keep the peace between those around him, it made me envy him for all those qualities he had.

“Anything fast food will be much appreciated. I have been stuck in that hell hole for far way too long.” I said to him.

He smiled and drove out of the gates that confined me for two months straight. I was ecstatic just to be able to breathe the fresh air outside the temporary jail I’d been in.

I could sense Desmond casting a look at me from time to time as he continued towards the city center where our university was located. I turned away from the window where I was enjoying the scenery and looked at him at the same time that he did, and he smiled at me.

“Are you mocking me? Why are you smiling?”

“Mocking you?! I’m far from that!” He said in a tone that screamed disbelief, and when he registered that I didn’t understand what he said, he decided to clarify. “Actually, I’m pretty impressed with you, you could say I envy you!”

That was a shocker! Desmond, the near-perfect son of the Tequila family was jealous of me, the disappointment. That was a new one.

“You might think I’m joking, but I have never seen someone as courageous and decisive as you are. You always know what you want and you go after it, you don’t let the ground nor the sky hold you down. You speak your truth no matter if those around you like it or not, you don’t care whether people will get angry at you. I wish I was half of what you are.”

It was a moment that I could have said something bratty just to piss him off, but he was too sincere for me to do so. I ended up encouraging him, “You are not bad yourself.”

“Oh Adolfo, whatever I am, I will never be anything like you. I am older than you, but I am nowhere near how smart, courageous, or good-looking as you are. You are the ‘it’ of the family. I wish everyone else knew how much potential you have with you.”

It was official that I was at a loss for words.

I never knew in a million years that whatever I was thinking to be the best qualities of the perfect son of the Tequila family would be his weaknesses and there he was envying what I had. I guess he also got the hint and remained quiet till we got to the pancake stall that was just outside Aspen Business Institute (ABI).

No, don’t get confused, even though I was studying Finance Management, I studied at the University College of Aspen (UCA) which was right across the street from ABI.

“Adolfo! I didn’t know you still have your brother drive you to school! What are you? In Middle School?”

It was Victoria Medford, my best friend.

“I lost a bet, and I have to drive him for the whole week and give him a daily allowance. I regret betting with him,” Desmond said while reaching for his wallet and taking out a 100-dollar bill to give me.

I felt awkward taking his money, but the way he lied so smoothly to save me the embarrassment made me improvise an instant.

“Yeah, and you better be here on time when I get off!”

Victoria and her boyfriend, Bill looked at us strangely as Desmond acted spiteful and went back to his car to leave. I was grinning on the inside at what he did but I had to save face and sneered at him leaving.

“I thought rich kids bet huge, I mean you are the richest student in our class and you bet for 100 bucks?” Bill asked.

“What you mean is I am a student from the richest family among our classmates. Everything rich is my family’s, not mine. And if you would let it rest, today I’ll be enjoying spending the money I earned,” I replied while the bell in my mind kept ringing ‘LIE, LIE, LIE’

“Is it why you are changing majors?” Victoria also asked.

“It’s complicated, but it’s among the front door reasons for my decision!”

Bill and Victoria laughed at what I said and made me feel self-conscious about it. I ignored them and went on to get myself some pancakes for breakfast before I followed them to the Dean’s office, where they picked up their schedules, while I wrote a letter to change majors and forwarded it to The Principal’s office.

Since I was going to change majors, I didn’t think it was important for me to go with Victoria and Bill to class so I went to the science wing to meet my girlfriend, Amanda who said she was busy doing a project with her friend Rosie. Out of boredom, I decided to head back home early to wait for my answer from the principal.

As I got home, I found Blake crying in the front yard with Mom and Deborah him.

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