I'm only human VI.

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-Ilgaz bey, do you want to divorce? - asked the judge Ilgaz too. Ceylin turned back to the judge and with a straight face, she waited for Ilgaz's answer.Ilgaz looked at Ceylin smiled at her and shake his head before answering the judge.
-Hayir hakim hanim. I never wanted...
-My dear colleagues, I thought you agreed on divorce, but you two decided on not getting a divorce, so now what? I think you should talk before handing in the divorce paper. We should close this case, and if you will want you will reapply.
- Umm a lot of things happened hakim hanim, and it changed the circumstances.- said Ceylin without looking at Ilgaz, she was sure that Ilgaz has that shy smile on his face that he reserves just for her.
- Tamam, we close itand end this case. Have a good day!- as they got out of the room Ilgaz grabCeylin's hand and pulled her in a hug.
-Ilgaz, I have to go now- she tried to run away as always. Ilgaz let her offafter a quick kiss on her forehead.
-Okay, now you can go, but in the evening I will pick you up, we will have amovie night with Defne, I want you to come too.
-Ilgaz we need time, I don't think this is a good idea.
-I did nothing, I give you time, just come and spend some time with us, Defnemisses you already.- Ilgaz knew if he uses the "Defne misses you" card Ceylinwould go anytime.
-Okay, pick me up at 6 then.
-Okay- smiled Ilgaz as she turned her back and run away just like she alwaysdoes.

Ilgaz picked her up from her office exactly at 6 o'clock, he drove them to hishouse and picked up Defne too. They were watching some comedy movie that Defnechose, as the movie ended it was Ilgaz's turn to pick a movie, he picked hisfavorite but Defne found it boring and always complained about it. Until shegot bored and got up from the couch and gave both Ilgaz and Ceylin some goodnightkisses and she went down to spend some time with Cinar too.
Ceylin moved closer to Ilgaz to get in her favorite position with her head onhis shoulder, after a while, she slowly fall asleep. Ilgaz pulls up the blanket tocover her, while he tries to find a better position to them, so he can spendthe night on the couch with Ceylin in his arms. It's been weeks since he hadher in his arms the whole night and he missed it, the last time it was when shecame to him crying and afraid, of course, that night as soon as she fell asleephe pulled her in his arms to be able to sleep. After he made sure Ceylin isasleep he puts his legs up on the coffee table and made himself comfortable andhe fall asleep with her scent in his nose again.
The next morning they had breakfast together and they end up making plans forthe afternoon to buy a new mirror for the office.
They ended up spending the following night together in her office, and Ilgaznoticed his white hoodie on the pillow next to Ceylin's side of the bed. Shetried to hide it as quickly as she could but Ilgaz still saw it.
-So...I'm not the only one who misses somebody's scent.- Ceylin just throw apillow at him and turned away from him.
Before the next therapy session, Ceylin felt frustrated for some reason, shewasn't feeling well about this session. It felt like this time will be thehardest for her, as usual, Ilgaz picked her up and take her there. They didn'ttalk every time Ilgaz asked something she closed the topic with a few words,so he gave up the try. As he parked the car he reach for her hand.
-It's okay?- she nods and gives him a quick hug. She knows that he will be outin exactly the same spot when she will get out after an hour, and she can't bemore grateful for him, as he promised he is with her in every step she takes inthis process. She looks back at him before entering the building and she saw acomforting and supporting smile on his face, and she immediately feels calmer,the discomfort is still there but a little bit she feels better, because of him.
-Hello Ceylin hanim.- greeted the receptionist.- You can enter the roomEylül hanim is there already.
-Hello, thank you!- she entered the room and automatically goes to her"favorite spot on the couch and sits down.
-Good afternoon, Eylül hanim!- said the moment she stepped into the room.
-Good afternoon, please make yourself comfortable. How are you today? Whatabout your divorce hearing?

-I'm fine, a little stressed today, but everything is fine. The divorce? Yeah,I think the judge wanted to throw out us of the room since we applied inagreement to divorce and we ended up in agreement about not wanting thedivorce. If we get back together we should thank her.- smiled Ceylin how sheremembered the judge's face after they told her "no".
-If you get back together? You are not together?
-No, we agreed to take it slow... slow for us means spending the following two daysat each other and sleeping in his arms. Well we are not together, we just are us,not Ilgaz and Ceylin separately but not Ilcey either.
-Ilcey is our ship name, our friend has a teenage daughter she called us Ilceyonce and after we refer to us like this, it's a little childish, but with ourprofession, we need some cuteness in our life.
-It's not childish, it's a love language.- smiled at Ceylin.- You started withthat you are a bit stressed. Do you have any reason for it? Like a big hearing,or more personal?
-I woke up like this, I had a weird and heavy dream, or I better call it a nightmare. It was about my sister who was killed, sometimes I have such dreams...I can't remember the dreams just that part when I learn that she is dead, butI'm alone this time I don't have anybody to come after me to check if I'm stillholding in life. I'm afraid when next time I will receive such news I will bealone.
-Who was with you when you found out? They are still part of your life?
-It was Ilgaz, not like my husband, he wasn't even a friend back then but hewas there, both of us were working. Me on his brother's case, and he wanted tofind out the truth about the same case.
-You were working on his brother's case? And it turned up to be your sister thevictim if I get it right.
-It's a little bit more complicated. My sister was in trouble so she calledCinar, Ilgaz's brother, for help. Cinar went to help and he ended up being theone who got accused. When I accepted the case I didn't know that my sister isthe victim, after I found out it was hard to believe that Cinar was innocent,but since he helped with the case and Ilgaz convinced me and we workedtogether to find the real killer. Ilgaz was there when I found out she died, hewas there all the way until we found and caught the killer, who was my bestfriend for years... He was there when I found out that my sister was a dealer,and she had a completely different life. I was her sister and I couldn't see allthese... I couldn't see how she changed, how she started to act differently. I couldn'tsee how that idiot Engin was always around her, he was "in love" with her, andI totally couldn't see how he was the one who killed her.- Ceylin starts to cryas she recalls the memories of her sister and all the blame she stillfeels because of her. The therapist hands her a pack of tissues to wipe hertears and listens carefully when she starts to speak again. Another note endsup in the therapist's notebook after the "abandonment issues" the "self-blame" isanother thing that's needed to be worked on. And Ceylin continues.
-After we caught Engin, I was better, but I choose to leave to protect him butdidn't work out, I ended up always being with him.
-With who?
-Ilgaz. As I said he was there when I learned my sister died, he was there whenI made mistakes and he saved me, by marriage. He was there when my familydidn't care about me, they were full of their grief, and nobody asked me howcan I hold on. He was there when my family learned that I was Cinar's lawyerand they threw me out...Ilgaz was the one who protected me and made sure I waseating and getting some kind of rest, he took me to his home. He was there when Ilearned who is the killer, helped me catch him. After Engin was sent to jail Ileft because even in this short time he already got in trouble because of meand I wanted to protect him, even if I break my own heart. His honesty gotquestioned and he got married to a woman he barely knew, so it was betterfor him if I left. But life didn't allow me this, I couldn't be withouthim I ended up going to him after I learned that my father disappeared and hewas there again to hold me when I was ready to fall apart. Basically, I don'tremember one day when he wasn't there for me after our paths crossed.- she wipesher tears away once again, and with a shy smile she finishes somehow she startsto get used to this one-hour limit and she felt like she reached the end of itnow.- You know he said once "When I saw those eyes I knew it, that I would diefor it." but I'm sure he didn't mean our first meeting, he was engaged backthen and our first meeting was unusual and chaotic, just like us.
-I'm ready to hear more about this story next week, we can go on with yourstory? And it's enough a second to fall in love with somebody even a look insomebodies eyes.
-Thank you, and yes I will tell the rest of our story. See you next week.-Ceylin got up and left the room how stressed she was when she arrived now sheis much calmer and she feels so good because she could talk bout how amazinglysupportive is Ilgaz. As she left she found Ilgaz leaning again his car asalways, but since the weather was great he didn't wear a coat anymore and helooked so handsome in that navy-blue suit with the usual white shirt and navytie. She reached him within a few steps and hugged him, with her head on hischest and hands around his waist she felt home. They stayed like this forminutes Ilgaz with his head on hers and she snuggling against his chest, theyeven blocked a part of the sidewalk until somebody asked them for permission topass.
-Pardon Ceylin hanim and navy blue suit bay if it's not a problem I would liketo pass.- said Eylul hanim with a smile on her face, she knew who was Ilgaz,she saw him every week standing outside and waiting for Ceylin.
-I'm sorry- stepped away Ceylin from Ilgaz so the therapist can reach her car.
-Have a beautiful evening Ceylin hanim, Ilgaz bay. See you next week!
-Have a beautiful evening!- said Ilgaz as the therapist sit in her car, as sheleft Ilgaz leans to Ceylin and leaves a quick kiss on her hair.
-Ceylin I need to go back to the station Eren found something. Is it okay if Ileave you in the office?
- Of course- Ceylin didn't want Ilgaz to leave but she had no other way justto accept it. She was proud of him, how he works, how he never give up untilfinds out the truth, even when she was mad at him, she was extremely proud afterher anger passed. Now she feels the same, her hardworking always rightprosecutor needed to catch the bad guys once again.
After he left her in the office, Ceylin put together the latest case documentsand got ready for bed, before she ended up in bed she tried to call Ilgazbut he didn't answer, so she called Eren.
-Kralice! How are you?
-I'm fine you? Ilgaz?
-Ilgaz is interrogating, is there any problem? I'm good also.
-No, just I wanted to tell him something. I had therapy today and it was kindof hard today, with Inci's case and the start of our story, I just wanted tohear his voice once again.
-I don't know when he will be done, but I can call him out.
-Don't you dare, my smart prosecutor is working let him.
-Your smart prosecutor? I beg you for anything get back together, you are awhole damn circus, two clowns...
-Good night, Eren!- she ended the call with a stupid smile on her face. As shewent to bed she checked her messages, she had a few from her sister and Parla,asking her to go home or at least to talk to them. But she was very much awarethat they just want to use her again, so she chose peace and ignored themessages.
Ilgaz finished the interrogation, with not much success but he was okay withit, as he went back to Eren's office he found his friend smiling like anidiot.
-Abi, your wife called you and after me too.
-Ceylin called me? Why is there any problem?
-She wanted to say something to you and talk because she had therapy today andshe said it was hard because she talked about Inci.
-She didn't even mention it... Thanks, I will call her. I'm out, bye
-Bye, clown number two- Ilgaz looked with another stupid look at his friendalready outside his office.
As he reached his car he called Ceylin, who answered at the second ring.
-Did I woke you up?
-No, I haven't slept yet. I was checking social media. How was theinterrogation?
-It was okay, hard as always. Eren told me you called. You alright?
-I'm fine just wanted to thank you!
-Thank what?
-Everything, how you always were near me, always protected me and cared aboutme.
-There is no need to thank this Ceylin, I would do it again, anytime. Are yousure you are alright? Eren told me about the therapy. Why didn't said anythingabout it, if you needed I would stay with you.
- I don't know, I just didn't want to bother you even more, the hug wasenough then. and now too. Just wanted to hear your voice before I'm going tosleep. To talk about Inci it will never be easy but I'm fine now.
-Tamam, if you need anything just call me. Aaand what did you tell her aboutme?
-Just the good things, how carrying and wonderful a person you are. I didn't tellher your control freak part.
-Great, I would be a bad representation, the last romantic, and a control freaknah just doesn't work together.- laughed Ilgaz in the phone, and her heart meltonce again.
-Ablam and Parla are constantly messaging me to go home. But I just don'twant. I'm fine here.
-Actually, I understand, if you don't want don't go home, but you will nottry to talk with them? By the way, I don't like it either that you are in theoffice.
-I don't want to talk with them and I'm fine here. Let's wait and see what the life's next move is, and after maybe I decide where to live. Ilgaz, I'm goingto sleep. Can you write me a message when you get home?
-Yes, I will write to you. Good night, sleep well, and sweet dreams about me!
-Good night, Ilgaz! Stay safe and take care and dream about me.- laughed Ceylinbefore she closed the call and fall asleep, with Ilgaz's hoodie on and a smileon her face.
As usual, Ilgaz picked Ceylin up before her therapy session, and Ceylin couldn'tbe more excited, she felt like a child when she remembered how she can talk aboutIlgaz with her therapist today, she can describe him as she always wanted a bonuspoint she can talk about him as the best and most loving man in the world. Asthey arrived at the session Ceylin give him a quick kiss on his cheek and along hug and she left the car. Ilgaz looked after her and smiled as sheentered the building.
-Good afternoon!- smiled Ceylin as she greeted the young girl.
-Good afternoon, Eylül hanim is waiting for you.
Ceylin entered the room and sat down to her favorite spot again, it was herfavorite spot because the way she sat she could look at a painting on the wallwhich was almost the same as the one Ilgaz had in his office, and she loved thatpainting.
-Good afternoon, I see you are in a great mood Ceylin!
-Good afternoon, yes I am. It seems that slowly everything will go in the rightway. Ilgaz and I spend almost every time after work together doing basic things.Like going on walks, or watching movies with his little sister, we talk aboutour days, well basically everything that doesn't include us. We keep delaying thatconversation. But I know before we get together we need to talk about ourselves.
-Great mindset, how it started? I mean the relationship between you two, howyou two fall in love?
-That's a quite long story and complicated a bit- laugh Ceylin nervously, butshe was ready to talk about it, to talk about Ilgaz and his beautiful love.
-As I said earlier- she continues- After we met I always tried to be aroundhim and do everything to be in his circle, after I gave up and confess how Ifelt for him. He did the same, of course as nothing in our life, this wasn'twithout a problem either... Because of someevents, I ended up being accused by a murderer of what I didn't commit and hegave up his job to be my lawyer to protect me, all the time he made sure that I'msafe and okay even when I was in jail and he was outside he didn't give me up,he fought for me and kept coming in to support me and give me strength, he mademe believe that I'm worth to be loved and he showed me what this means. After Igot released I spent the first night sleeping with him, actually, it wasn't thefirst one, the first one was before all this mess with me disappeared, but backthen I was drunk and asked him to hug me because I "was cold", I wasn't just Iwanted him there. So the second night with him was like I finally was home, from the first day when I slepton his couch I felt safe, and protected, every hug every supportive word mademe feel worthy of love. When everybody left he stayed,, he made me smile in theworse moments. Before I realized it I was in love with him, without knowing Iwas always looking for a way to be with him. Basically, after we became a coupleofficially we spent every free time together, working on my case during workand at home, for my biggest happiness he went back to his old position,to be the best prosecutor in the court. I'm so proud of him, even if sometimeshe drives me crazy with his "justice first" mindset.
Ceylin took a deep breath and took a tissue from the box, she wasn't sad shewas just moved by all the memories that came into her mind.
-When we first got divorced our dreams we built together got destroyed but hestill didn't leave me, it took me time but I realized I can't live without him.Now I hurt him even more by a betrayal, but when I felt like losing my mind hewas ready to listen to me, when I showed up at his house with fully wet clothesfrom the rain and a bleeding hand from an accident he was ready to do everything tomake me feel better, he helps me with every step I take in this healing process.And I want to be there for him too, I want to hold his hand in every step hetakes to support him in every way I can. Sometimes I think he is not even ahuman, he can't be so perfect...
-He is real I saw him last week, honestly, I see you two every week from thewindow, he waits outside right now too. So my question is why are you delayingthe discussion about yourself? Don't you think you should talk?- asked Eylul.Ceylin knew it was time to talk but wasn't sure if Ilgaz is ready.
-I should, and I will. I love him, he is my best friend, my supporter, mylover, the love of my life. But there is still one thing I want to talk about toclear my mind from it before I talk with him. Maybe I still can delay it untilnext week, since I run out of time. His love is so pure and significant that I couldtalk about it for days not just an hour.
-Next week we can talk about that problem, okay? Also think about it if youwant to continue the therapy sessions or stop, since next week is our last fromthis period. And if you enjoy spending time with him and he wants it too spendtime together, enjoy being with him and talk about everything. He listens toyou and that means a lot for you since you missed it as a child, and even now.
-Tamam, see you next week then! Goodbye!
- Goodbye!- Ceylin left the room and she went out to his partner who iswaiting for her outside.
As usual, they spent the afternoon and the evening together, she didn't stay athis place this time but she managed to sneak out another hoodie from him, this timeit was a dark green which matched with her eyes.
A few days passed and Ceylin was minding her business in her office

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