💙Yandere Sonic (Boom) x Tails💛

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This is obviously going on Sonic Boom one uwu
Request was by lioncub343

Plz enjoy
Tails pov
Man Sonic has been acting...weird lately, he has been hanging out with me more. Its fine really! But he is really clingy. Just the other day I tried leaving to hang out with Amy, but he kept on begging for me to stay.

Tails: Sonic we cant hang out today, im going with Amy to see a movie.

Sonic: *pouts* B-But Tails! You said we could hang out today!

Tails: No I didn't! You just came in and decided that you wanted to.

Sonic: can't you hang out with her like i dont know tomorrow or next week?!

Tails: I delayed our plans long enough besides, I haven't seen her in a while...ever since Sticks was gone, she was always sad. I wanna cheer her up at least. So no, im not staying here.

Sonic: Pleaaase *puppy dog eyes*

Tails: Sonic no, im going with Amy, we'll hang out tomorrow I promise! *leaves*

Sonic: so....I just gotta get rid of her and then we can be together....and I'll make sure that its just the two of us buddy~ I already got rid of almost everyone in this town, I just need to get rid of her and it will literally just be you and me~
I swear, he keeps getting creepier and clingier everyday! Oh well...maybe I can just try and see what's up with him.

I began to walk to his house, but something gave me a strange feeling not to go to his house. I dont know why but, for some odd and crazy reason, I kept going.

Was it always this quiet?

I ended up reaching his place, but something was a little off. When I went up to knock on the door, it just literally opened up, like if it was already open.

I walked inside, and kept calling out for Sonic, but...no answer. I kept walking around, and ended up hearing small whimpers and crying. It sounded like it was coming from the basement! I tried opening it, but it was locked.

Lucky for me, I brought a pin just in case I had to pick a lock. Dont ask

I ended up picking the lock and walked down the stairs. Did...Sonic always have a basement though? I've been around his house plenty of times and never have I ever seen the door that led downstairs.

The cries began to grow louder as I walked. Suddenly a voice was heard.

"H-hello? A-anybody?" It was Amy! Wait...Amy?! How did she get here! Why is she here?! I ran and saw her, she was tied up to a pole, but all bloody and...one of her fingers was cut off! Did...Sonic so this?! I quickly started to untie her.

"A-Amy! Omg! How did you get here?!" I asked.

"I-I w-was just a-at my house r-ready to c-call you b-but, S-Sonic knocked m-me out. I woke u-up here a-a-and he s-started saying things l-like w-why I stole y-you aw-away from him..." She was in tears.

"Don't worry Ames, Im gonna get you outta here!" I say and kept undoing the ropes.
No ones pov
Sadly and unfortunate for Tails and Amy, Sonic was just at the door and noticed how it was open. He was worried, did Tails go in and...see what he had done to Amy?!

He quietly went down the stairs and did in fact saw Tails trying to help the disgusting woman. He got a board and quietly snuck up on him. Amy then looked up and her eyes widened.

"T-Tails watch out!!" She cried. But he was too late to look behind himself.

Sonic knocked Tails out with the board and smiled to himself. His smile however quickly turned into a frown and glared at Amy.

"I should have killed you a long time ago..." he said darkly as he picked Tails up and took him to his room. He got rope and began tying him up. He gave him a quick kiss on the head and went off to finally finish off Amy once and for all.

•time skip cause author is too scared to write out details•

Tails woke up and looked around. All her could remember was trying to help Amy, and then his world went black. He looked some more and saw that he was tied up! He began to struggle so much, but it wouldn't work.

Just then the door opens, it revealed Sonic but, all bloodied up and with a psychotic smile looking at him.

"Hello Tails my love~" He said while coming closer.

"S-Sonic?! What's going on?! Why am I here, what did you do to Amy?!" Tails yelled and kept struggling. Sonic ignored his questions and only sat next to him and began to caress Tails's face.

"You're so cute like this you know that?~" he smiles and kisses him on the forehead.

"Let me go Sonic..." Tails glared at Sonic. Sonic soon frowned.

"No, you're mine and mine alone~ No one is gonna take you away from me~" He growled.

"But you still didn't answer me, what did you do to Amy!" Tails yelled. Sonic then scoffed and looked away from him.

"You're still worried about that skank? Well...you won't be~ She's already dead my love, I got rid of her and now its just us two forever and ever~" He smiled once more and forcefully kissed Tails. Tails kept struggling, but Sonic had him pinned down on the bed.

Sonic broke the kiss and he said,

"Its just the two of us buddy~ No one and I mean N O O N E will get between us~ Im gonna love you till the end of time💙💛"

Was this good ;3;

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