Yandere Naga X Reader

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( ) cave

Images for the story is above! A/N at bottom, take a look please.


"I'm going to murder you!" you shout at your friend as you jump up and chased after him. He had filled his sand bucket up with sea water and dumped it on your sleeping form. The only good thing is that you are in your bathing suit.

"Come on sleeping beauty! We are at the beach to have fun, not snooze!"  Joseph laughed as he ran from you.

"Yea, come on (y/n)!"  Sara also called out.  She didn't have any room to talk seeing how she is laying down and tanning right now. You stopped chasing Joe (your nickname for Joseph) and looked at her.

Let's recap.

You and a few of your friends rented a boat and decided to go to a secluded island/beach so it could just be you and your friends. 

Upon arrival to your point of destination, you discovered the beach was actually empty.

Then again, it is a Monday, but it's also spring break. Maybe Monday's isn't a beach thing for most people, not that you're complaining. Though it's a long trip to get out here, it should be packed with how it looks.

It has a small jungle to it, something you are were definitely going to check out.

You decided to enjoy the sun, so as soon as everyone helped unload the boat, you grabbed your (f/c) beach towel, unfolded it on the sand, and laid on it. You let your guard down and closed your (e/c) eyes and drifted to sleep, only to be awoken by frigid water to your body.

Caught up? Good.

"Settle down everyone. I've finished cooking so come eat!" David called out. He is more like the mother hen to the group. He always cooked when you go on little trips like this and his food is amazing!

Today's menu? Grilled hamburgers!

You stopped chasing Joe and ran over to David, who was taking the burgers off the small grill.

"(Y/N), can you get the table set up while I get the chips and drinks out?" David requested.

"Your wish is my command." You did a mock bow and laughed.

You walked over to the folded up table and started setting it up so everyone could eat, unaware that you were being watched.

~mini timeskip~

After you had finished eating, you told your friends you wanted to take a small walk around.

"Want me to go with you?" Joe asked as he stuffed the rest of his meal in his mouth. He looked like a chipmunk now.

"If you want to." You told him as you made your way to a small trail leading deep into the foliage.

Joe jumped up and nearly tripped trying to make his way to you. You let out a small laugh and started walking with Joe following right behind you.

After about fifteen minutes of silence, your friend broke it.

"Are you enjoying the trip?" Joe asked.

"Yep! Aside from being doused with water." You replied shooting him a small glare.

He gave a sheepish smile, "Just wanted to have some fun with you." He tried to explain.

You raised a brow, "Suuure, whatever you say-Oh look!" you nearly shouted and pointed to a small waterfall and run towards it. As you get closer, you notice a small pool at the bottom and a small stream leading down the side of the trail that you failed to notice earlier.

"Isn't it pretty?" you asked Joe.

"You sure are."

"What did you say?"

"Uh, yea, it's pretty."

You could have sworn he said something else but didn't dwell on it.

"Well, I'm going to take a small dip, wanna join?" you ask as you slid into the small pool that the waterfall filled. Thank goodness you decided to leave your swim suit on

Boy, Joe didn't need to be asked twice! He followed right on in.

Before he got the chance to settle in, he got splashed in the face.  Joe jerked his head up to where you are standing and saw you laughing. Putting two and two together he realized you splashed him.

"Oh that's how it's going to be huh?" he asked as he continued to get in.

"Stay away, that's payback for dumping all that water on me earlier!" you shouted, backing away from his approaching form. Unfortunately, you didn't realize it got really deep in the center and one of your steps was too far. Half of your body disappeared underwater.

Startled, Joe got ready to pull you out of there but calmed down when you let out a short laugh

"Whoa! That was scary." You stated after the shock was over.

"Are you ok?"  He asked.

"yea, I'm all good."


For a good thirty minutes, you and Joe play in the water completely unaware of the tragedy happening on the other side of the trees....Well you were, until you heard Sara scream.


You stop goofing off and went into alert mode.

"Sara?!" Joe called out.

You jump out of the small pool and took off for the beach. Is everything ok?

You are hauling butt trying to get to your friends to make sure they are alright. Maybe Sara saw a snake or something and is freaking out. There doesn't have to be anything wrong right? You look back to make sure Joe is still following, sure enough he is right behind you.

You finally made it back to the beach to see a horrible sight. The boat has multiple holes in it making it no longer useable. Then there is the blood, so much blood everywhere, yet no sign of David or Sara.

"Where are they?" you ask Joe.

"I don't know!" He yelled in a frantic voice. He then goes over to the boat to check to see if either David or Sara was there.

You look all around when you notice a strange imprint in the sand.  It looks like something was dragged in a smooth zig-zagged fashion. Looking at the rest of the sand on the beach, you see that the imprint is everywhere. In some areas, the sand seemed to be kicked up and really disturbed. Not too far away, you see some blood drops leading back into the small beach jungle.

"Um...Joe?" you called out.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Come check this out."

Crawling off the boat, he approached your form. Pointing to the drops of blood, you suggested that the two of you follow it.

"Are you crazy?! We need to get out of here!"

"But our friends could still be alive! We don't know what happened here and besides, David has the phone. Remember?"

"Remind me why we only brought one phone?"

"It was so we could all hang out without the distraction of social media. Wait, what about the boat's radio?"

His face turned slightly pale," It is no longer there. It's like something ripped it right off the boat."

Just what exactly happened here?

~mini timeskip~

You were finally able to talk Joe into going to help find your friends. Not that it took much convincing; all you had to say was that he would be alone on the beach and who knows, the attacker could come back. Needless to say, that didn't sit well with him. Before leaving, you grabbed a few supplies, such as rope, a flashlight, the small air horn, and a pocket knife. You also changed out of your swim suit into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt .

About an hour after walking, the two of you stumble upon a small waterfall that has a huge cave opening behind it. Hopefully you are getting close as the blood trail is getting smaller and farther in between.

Luckily, there is a ledge that is to the left of the cave and that is where the blood led. If the bleeding person went through the water, then there wouldn't be a trail to follow.

"Are you ready to do this?" you asked Joe.

"Not really but I want to find our friends and get help."

You nodded in agreement and handed him the pocket knife, leaving you with the air horn.  That thing could scare anyone off.

You clicked on the flashlight and entered the cave. The ceiling is dripping wet and the floor is slick. You are seriously hoping that you don't trip and fall into the water. The blood trail is hardly visible thanks to all the water.

"Hey, is that light way back there?" you hear Joe ask, causing you to look up.

Clicking the flashlight off, you are surprised to see that there is a form of light at the end of the cave.

"Joe, you're right! There is light!"




Not getting an answer, your turn your light back on and go to face Joe. Unfortunately, he is not there.

"Ha ha, ok very funny...You can come out now." You nervously laugh.

You slowly back up when you suddenly bump into something.

"Joe?" you questioned and turned to see what you backed into.

It wasn't Joe. You saw a flash of green before everything went black.





You suddenly jolt awake from your slumber and sit up off the bed.

Wait, bed?  Looking around you see that you are lying on a huge mattress, so not exactly a bed. There are also dozens upon dozens of pillows of all shapes and sizes lying all around the ground and mattress.  Diretly across the room is an opening leading to, what you guess, is the hall of the cave.

Torches lined the walls that helped illuminate the room. Was it the light these torches made the same light at the end of the cave? It has to be. You also took notice of the glittering walls that held gems within their grasp.


You turned your head in the direction of the voice and found Joe battered and tied up in the corner on the far end of the room.

"Joe? Oh god, are you ok?!" you say worriedly. You crawled off the mattress and made your way to his bound form.

"I'll be ok, but we need to get out of here! David and Sara, they are dead." Joe explained hurriedly.

"Dead? You're sure?" you asked as you tried to get his bonds undone.

"Yes!  There is a creature here that has killed them, and by the looks of them, they were torn apart! I saw them when he was dragging me about. If we don't hurry we will be next!" he whisper shouted.

"Are you filling my mate's head full of lies? I knew I shouldn't have left you here, but I didn't think my love would be awake so soon. Oh well, life is full of these little hiccups." a deep unknown voice spoke, sending chills down your spine.  How did this person get in the room without you hearing his footsteps?

You turn your head to see who was speaking only to have your face pale and heart start pounding in absolute fear. There, by the exit, stood a creature out of stories and myths. From the head to the hips is a normal man, but the bottom half was a green snake's body. He has long green hair that is styled into a braid, horns of some sort protruded from his head; his nails are long and sharp and his tail is very long.

A chuckle soon broke you out of your fearful staring and you directed your attention back to the creature's face.

"There's no need to fear me dear, I won't hurt you." He purred in a playful manner.

His words didn't calm you in the slightest as you quickly freed your friend from the ropes. Joe Jumped up and moved to stand between you and the monster.

"Stay back! Leave us be!" Joe yelled.

The snake man didn't seem to like Joe being loud. His already slit eyes, narrowed dangerously. Deciding that you needed to get his attention off of Joe, you whisper, "What are you?"

His yellow eyes shifted to meet your (e/c) eyes and you noticed that his eyes softened.

"I am what you humans would call a naga, half man and half snake. How silly of me, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Nakamura, what is yours my sweet?" Nakamura asked, sticking out his hand as if to shake yours.

"You don't need to know her name, let us go!" Joe shouted again.

Within a blink of an eye, Joe was trapped in Nakamura's coils, the coils then started to squeeze.

"Stop! Please! M-my name is (y/n)!" you spoke quickly.

The coils seemed to relax only a bit, but they still held Joe tight

"(Y/N)....It's such a beautiful name."

"Run (y/n), get out of here!" your friend yelled to you, but you ignored him.

"Please, release Joe. I beg of you!" you tried to plead with Nakamura.

At first he seemed to consider it, but then decided against it. The end of his tail traveled to Joe's neck and with a quick movement, he broke it...killing Joe instantly. He then proceeded to drop the body

No! You couldn't move

Taking advantage of your state of shock, Nakamura slithered his way to you and scooped you up into his arms and held you like a small child. One leg on each side of his hips, he supported your butt with his arm. His other hand pressed onto your back, rubbing small circles is a calming motion.

He then slithered towards the pillow covered mattress and climbed on it. He set you down on a big square pillow and then started to coil the two of you together. You now had broken out of your shock and started to struggle, but, by this time, it's already too late; your hands pinned to your side making you helpless. Once coiled, Nakamura place a sharp clawed hand on your cheek and caressed it.

"No, let me go!" you yelled. "How could you kill him?!"

The monster then placed the other unoccupied hand and placed it on the other cheek to hold your face still. "He would have been a future problem for us, of course. Besides, you don't need him, all you need is me."

"What do you want with me? Why haven't you killed me?" you asked in a pitiful voice. Tears cascaded down your cheeks.

"Oh my sweet little dove, I could never, nor would I ever hurt you, much less kill you! You are my mate." Nakamura spoke in a loving voice.

"Mate? I can't be your mate, I'm a whole different species!" you panicked.

He smirked, the tip of his tail taking place of one of his hands, watching as you shivered from his touch. "You are my mate; your scent tells me so."

"My scent?"

"Mhm, it's how my kind find lovers." Nakamura ducked his head and smells your neck. You go to move your head but his tail slid underneath your chin and kept your head held back. He started kissing the base of your throat, his fangs gliding over the skin.

You let out a small whimper, worried that he would bite you. You feel his lips curl into a grin as he slid his nose back up your neck. When he reached the corner of your lips, he smashed his lips to yours. You could feel his long forked tongue trying to pry its way into your mouth but you refused to let him in.

He wouldn't have you denying him though. His hands slid to your (h/c) hair, gripped your locks of hair, and gave it a slight tug, causing you to gasp and let his tongue in.

The kiss didn't last long and it was a good thing to, you were just about to bite the invading muscle.

Nakamura pulled back and hovered over you and spoke once more, "As for the species dilemma, I certainly don't mind you being human. It just means I have an exotic mate. Oh how I can't wait to consummate our love." You were soon pulled back into a kiss as if to seal your fate.

Will you ever escape from the beast that has killed your friends?


I hope you all enjoyed it, if not....I'm sorry!

Not all of them will be this long; I'm just trying to get the hang of writing one-shots.

If you enjoyed this, you can check out my other stories that I have written (if you want) down below:

Mansion In the Woods(Completed) (beware rough beginning as this is the first story I have ever written)

The Garden's Flower (Completed) (Yandere X reader)

House of Horrors (Working in progress) (Yandere Smart House X Reader)

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