(will come back and edit this this bit later)
okay so listen ive been very busy lately soi haven't posted a lot recently also I apologivve since this chapter has terrible spelling and grammer im using my old busted laptop from when I was 8 which waslike a really long time ago-
anyways ive had somany requests andstuff and ill say ill get to themat siome point and ive gotten so busy soif you requested sum or want to (re)comment it here illmakea list so first come first serve.
if you already have commented a requeston my old request page you need tolike recomment it here kinda like a verification thingy ig idk
a lot of people have been commenting what they want but not responding wheni reply so like- idont wanna puteffiort intoa story if im not sure you want it or will read it
like how do Ik if your actually gunna come back andread iit if you don't even have time to reply-
but anywaysyeah- comment ither ill try to gte to it soon and requests will only be openforso long illprolly temporarily close them after about 5-10 requestsbc I can only handle so much
thank you for understanding!!!
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