- Shoto is a manipulative yandere.
- He probably fell in love with you as you reminded him of his mother.
- At first Shoto wouldn't care about you but he'd slowly become more curious when he sees you acting like a worried mother when your friends were injured. He could see his mother in you and he began falling in love.
- Shoto is a yandere that is hard to find out. He's very well hidden so you'll probably not figure out that he is obsessed with you until he reveals it to you.
- Unlike most yandere's Shoto won't stalk you. He's too busy too. The only time he can is at school. However, when you move into the dorms that' s a whole different story. He'd sneak into your room late at night just to stare at you... and borrow a couple of things.
- You'll find that a few of your things are missing but won't think anything of it. You'd think that you threw it away or just simply lost it.
- Most likely, you'll be friends or less likely, acquaintances. So of course you'd trust him after all he's a hero in training just like you.
- He's fine with not kidnapping you for a while but soon he'll start getting frustrated when you speak to other men.
- Eventually, Shoto will have enough of you talking with people that isn't him or your friends that clearly have no interest in you romantically. So he'll hire people to take you but to make sure you're unharmed.
- You'll wake up tied by your ankle to a bedpost. In a room that looks very japanese. Then Shoto would be sitting on a chair next to the bed and he'd just happily caress your face.
- If you cry or scream Shoto will just hold you and comfort you with sweet words telling you that you're safe with him and that he'll take care of you, and Shoto will live up to that promise.
- Knowing Shoto he'll buy you a lot of expensive jewelry and pricy clothes, he'll basically treat you as if you were royalty.
- Even when Shoto loves you he doesn't know how to show it. He was attention starved for all his life so he doesn't really know what affection is so he'll just... awkwardly caress your face...
- He'll often go and look through your stuff after all you are dating so he's allowed to. (That's not how it works Shoto)
- Shoto will offer you his shirts and goodies as he's seen on the internet that people offer their partners their clothes as its..cute? (idk why they do it)
- Your family will look for you, your friends will look for you, the heroes will be looking for you but they'll never find you Shoto's hidden you too well.
- Don't worry he will never force himself on you oy a few kisses now and then.
- As soon as you are kidnapped he considers you in a relationship even if you didn't agree to it, according to him you are together.
- If you try and escape Shoto will be a storm of emotions all at once. He's heartbroken, he's upset and he's angry. However, he forces himself to focus, to calm down and figure out where you went. He'll then easily track you down to wherever you ran to.
- He'll take care of anyone in his way, he'll find you and he'll chase you. Then he's dragging you home all the while not saying anything not even looking at you even when you're kicking and screaming.
- As soon as you're home he'll throw you to the ground yelling at you. He'll be a raging storm and you're the target.
- Punishments. He won't harm you after all that's something his old man would do. He'll only yell at you telling you how he was so worried and to never do that again. He'll demand you to tell him exactly how you escaped. Every little detail and then he'll fix the flaw that was made.
- You'll probably never try to escape again. 1. As you know he's made it impossible and 2. It was scary to see Shoto like that so you never want to see him like that again so from then on you'll behave.
- When you fall in love with him he'll promise to marry you as soon as he can so you can be happy with him and he can be happy with you he'll make sure the wedding you have will be the best wedding that has ever existed.
- Overall, Shoto will treat you like you already are his significant other. As long as you just learn to love him eventually then you'll be treated wonderfully and you'll be a happily married couple.
"Oh, Y/n I understand how confused you may be but never fear I won't lay a single hand to you I won't be like my father I promise you that."
Don't mind my errors they're unintentional.
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