(Chapter 3) jealousy

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(Yami's POV)
Well it was fine to me at least, the school year started so I had all year to tell her. She was a great duelist, but my thought was interrupted when my phone buzzed a notification.

Yami? Hey....I miss you, I can forgive you if you just breakup with her I can't live without you...
Tea you should know that I love this girl, I'm sorry.
No please, I swear I'll change
I've already made up my mind, goodbye.
I couldn't help but chuckle at my little lie. Tea actually believed it, sad to know she would want to stay with a 'cheater'

I pack my things up and get ready to meet the boys, and of course like always I was late...

Time skip

"Where have you been?" Said Joey, I usually tell him everything, since he was my best friend. He was the only one in the group I actually liked, so it wasn't to hard to tell him my secrets.

"Tea won't stop texting, clingy bastard."
"That's cuz you're dating her idiot." Duke laughed, he must have joined the gang while I was gone.
"What the hell is he doing here?" I yelled.

"He looked lonely sooo..." stuttered yugi.
"Fine whatever, but I think I should tell you guys that....I kinda broke things off with Tea."
"......WHAT?" They all shouted at me.

"I don't know, maybe she was annoying?" I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Well how did you tell her?"
"Oh, uuuuh..."

I didn't want the guys knowing that I shared a room with Y/n but I didn't want to lie to them either, I'm not that much of an asshole. They still waited for me to answer so I just shrugged.

"Uuuh, I just told her straight up that we should see other people."
"Mmm doesn't sound like you...GIVE ME YOUR PHONE" Yugi tried grabbing it, but I dodged him and raised my phone up high so he couldn't reach.

"No, it's mi-HEY"Duke snatched the phone and somehow already knew my passcode. He went to contacts and saw Tea in the 'blocked' section.

"........" Duke widened his eyes. "Uuh.....you saw the picture didn't you...."
"So.......you're dating Y/n now?" Dike raised his brow.

"Ew no, I just needed her so-"
"I find that pretty cool, you guys look good together, WOAH ARE YOU'RE ACTUALLY BLUSHING IN THIS PIC? I can tell you were nervous!"
Joey fell on the floor making fun of me.

"GIVE MY PHONE BACK"I snatched it out of his hands, Duke was obviously pissed about something. He was glaring at no doubt.

"What's your problem? Oh...is it because I kissed the girl you tried flirting with?"

"How the hell did she get in your dorm anyways you dick."

"We..........well...okay so you know how I was one of the only students to get a dorm to themselves? Well the principle decided that she would go into my dorm because he thought that maybe she would somehow change my attitude? I don't know but he assigned her to stay with me for this semester."

"HA! You guys can fool around in there if you-" I smacked yugi upside the head.


"Hey you should really stop though.." Duke crossed his arms.

"Stop what? Kissing your little crush? Ha, I'll do it so many times that she'll beg for more."
Duke raised his fist and tried attacking me, but I slid out of the way just in time and grabbed his wrist.
"Do you know who I am dumbass? You really just screwed screwed yourself."

(Y/n POV)

"Hey...is that....Duke and Yami?" Jayden licked his ice cream. I look over to see the two idiots fighting.
"Holy Sh-"
"Wait... Jaden I don't think..."

I saw Jaden grab my hand and force me to see the fight. There was nobody around, except a couple of Yami's friends. "YOU BETTER BRACE YOURSELF IM GON-"
"Yami? Duke?" They both stopped fighting, and looked at me.
"Yo their both fighting for you!" A blond screamed from the corner.

"Shut up Joey! I only punched because he tried drawing blood first." Yami pouted.

"Who cares. So what if I'm fighting for her? Y/n don't you feel uncomfortable with him as your roommate. Why don't you change with me?" Duke frowned.

"I uhm...I'm not sure.."

Yami leaned on his shoulder against the wall, he sighed. "This is bullshit....Why the hell did you stop the fight Y/n?"

"You guys stopped fighting by yourselves. Why is it my fault."
"I could honestly punch you right now." He rubbed his temples.

"I thought you told me you don't hit women? And you said you weren't that much of an asshole." I smirked.
"Woah really?" A boy that looked like him chuckled.

"I.........GO STICK YOUR FACE IN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL." He grit his teeth.
"Ahhh looks like you hit a soft spot." Jayden whispered.

"Whatever I'm leaving. Come on guys. But duke, drop dead."

Yami glanced at me for a second before leaving with his group and I heard his friends teasing him endlessly.

Time skip

(Third person POV)

"Hey thanks for hanging with me Jaden, and these tickets to see the most popular duelist fight..well THATS AWESOME THANK YOU."

"Hey no problem Y/n, here..." Jayden got a hold of y/n's hand and placed an extra ticket in her palms.

"You can bring a friend of your choosing to come with us!"
"Wow thanks Jaden!" Y/n pulled him into her embrace.

Yami walked out of the already open the door and stared at the both of them unamused.

The two of them gave each other a 'la bise' which is where they kiss each other on the cheeks. (Very normal in places like Paris for example)
"See ya Jayden!"
"Bye y/n!"

You turned around and saw Yami staring at you and smirking.

"Are you guys done with the lovey act, cuz I need to puke, why the hell would he kiss you like that?"
"Oh wow how long ha-"

"Just get inside damn." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Y/n went inside her dorm and fell on her bed. She looked up to see Yami staring at her hand, she noticed the tickets were still there, and of course an act of revenge couldn't help but get her blood pumping.

"Oh...did you hear the conversation I had with Jaden? I have an extra spare ticket...I wonder what I should do with it..."

Yami frowned, but he was also blushing. He wasn't the type to ask for things and he knew if he did he would make things awkward.
And that's what he hated most, being awkward.

"I don't care...." Yami looked away.

"Hmm, maybe I can invite Duke, he seems nice."

Yami flinched  "no....not duke, unless you would wanna end up in bed with him."
"Oh...well then who should I give this to..." Y/n said.

Yami's snapped and roughly pinned her to the bed. He blushed and looked away.

"Don't make me say it..."

"Ok ok...you don't have to." The girl laughed. "Yami do you want go to the duelist annual fight competition and sight see, I have an extra ticket."

There was a moment of silence between the two of you.

"Uhm..." Duke suddenly appeared, and he coughed. "I was just going to ask if....Tch..." He glared.

He was obviously angry. Yami looked up and saw what position he was in.

"Oh shit, hey Duke I swear to god it's not what it-" before he could finish his sentence duke threw a pillow at his face and left.

"Well....I'm gonna go to bed...." Y/n yawned. Pl

Time skip

"Hey...lets go! Get up come onnnnnnn!" Yami shook y/n during her afternoon nap. She groaned and rubbed her eyes as she sat up.

"I'm getting up...you are such a kid..." She blinked.

"It's whatever, just hurry up let's go pleaaase."

You got up and got dressed and heard a familiar sound coming from your phone. As you opened the notifications, you were sad to see what Jayden had to tell you.
Hey Y/n I can't make it...Ya boi Jayden caught a cold...
Jesus. Ok after I'll come and get your some medicine, feel better soon k?
Thanks gurl ur da best:D
I know right?
Whatever lol.

"Why do you look so sad?" Yami munched on his breakfast.
"Jayden got sick he won't be coming...well at least the tickets were't that expensive..."
"He'll be fine, don't worry." Yami pat your head and he quickly walked out.
You smiled at the small gesture before Yami started to look worried.

"Oh shit..." he stopped
"What's wrong?"
"Ugh its Tea, I forgot she goes to this school now, she's in different classes but she's in one of mine."
"Well she isn't in any of-"

"Hey shut the hell up and don't say anything, follow my lead."
He grabbed Y/n's hand and walked past Tea very casually, except you were a blushing mess.

She was pissed off, and she glared at you. Tea smiled when she saw Yami so she spoke.
"Hey Ya-"
"Hey Tea, well I should get going with my date so if you don't mind..."

Yami walked at a faster pace and turned the corner.
"Are you still pretending that I'm-"
"Shut the hell up, she might hear you asswipe."

The both of them glared at each other, and noticed that you two were still holding hands. Y/n jerked her hand away while Yami stuffed his in his pockets.

"Can we go now? It's getting late..."
"Sure." He looked away.

Time skip

The both of them came out of the tournament and looked like they had a blast.

Yami relaxed his hands behind his head while y/n was looking over her pictures on her phone.

"I loved Rex he was cool."
"What? You got to be kidding he was the worst Y/n, why didn't you go for Weavle?"

"Shut up, he's cool and I don't care all of them suck, he actually got second place you know."
"That's not good enough stupid."

The both of them smiled, right now they were looking at the ocean behind the fence the scenery was the best in domino city, and since y/n was new here, she never experienced it.

"Hey Y/n you're not so bad....."
"What did you say?" Y/n's mouth gaped open.
"I said your not that bad damn......"
"I can say the same thing" She smiled.

    He took a step closer to her without thinking. Yami wrapped his arms around Y/n waist and leaned her forward while Y/n placed her arms on Yami's shoulders, y/n was aiming for a hug but Yami's mind was elsewhere.


The both of them quickly separated, Y/n completely forgot what she was doing, she already forgot that she was about to 'hug' someone.

"Damn get off my back, we broke up, and we weren't going to kiss, it was just a fucking hug." Yami quickly said.

"This isn't over..." and she walked off.

Time skip

School was tomorrow, it was already 12:00 am, the two have been talking for hours on end about the show. After y/n looked at the clock, it was getting late.

Don't worry, before all this y/n was able to get Jayden his Medicine.

We should really get some sleep..." she looked at Yami and he yawned and nodded in agreement. " hey y/n?..."


"Thanks for taking me to the tournament..DON'T THINK YOU AND I ARE FRIENDS THOUGH!" He looked away.

Y/n smiled. "All right then loser." She chuckled.

Yami slowly got up from his bed, and had to bend over so he could get closer to her face. He looked at her straight in the eye, and blushed.
"You know sometimes......you can be really cute."

Yami kissed Y/n forehead. "H-huh?"

Yami laughed. "Pranked." He jumped on his bed.

"Wait what??? Yami??? HEY YOU CANT JUST-"

Yami couldn't hear her anymore since he was already asleep. Y/n went to bed pissed off but she grew to get used to the fact that Yami was an asshole, but there was worst.


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