(Chapter 12) End

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Thanks so much for sticking to this story everyone! Sadly this is the last chapter.but I also want to do a yugi x reader story. Go ahead and tell me what I should do next. Thanks again, and I'll see you later goodies....

(B/f/n POV)
I should have stayed with y/n, I could have impressed Yami with me being more stronger. He probably thinks I'm just a selfish brat. Well, to be honest, y/n has been getting in the way of me and Yami, jeez if it were me to share that dorm with him, if it were me to have that fake relationship with him. Maybe I could have gotten a better chance. Well Tea is dead, so.....if I even fuck with them, he can surely kill me too. Yami...I love him so much.....Wait, holy crap, is that him right now! And he's holding hands with y/n! Typical of them to fake date.....I'll go up to them.
"Hey guys!"
"Fuck off, traitor." Yami Said, this hurt like hell, he hated me...
"Uuuuh, hi, sorry but...it was uncool of you not to do anything, and to just never visit me..."
"And to try to confess your puppy love to me." Said Yami, finishing her sentence.
"Well, you could be nicer, it's not like you guys are actually dating."
"Oh we are, and I love her more than I can ever love you, shit, I don't even like you to be honest." Yami Said. No!
"Uhm, we were on our way....so....see you?" Said y/n
"How could you do this to me! I told you I liked him!"
".....I'm so-"
"Don't apologize, she's trying to make you feel bad dumbass. Hey you, fuck I forgot your name, b/f/n, don't try taking her away from me, I worked so damn hard to get her to like me."
"Let's go Yami...." interrupted y/n. "Gladly." Yami Said as they both walked off.
God....I wish Yami would look at me like that.

(Yami's POV)
After that interruption.....we finally made it home, we were both sent to buy groceries. I thought maybe this would be a good time to finally kiss her, but fuck. It's been a week, and still no progress, this date will have to do.....
We both made it to the house. And while y/n helped Ms-I mean, mom cook. I helped.....dad....with some of his work to.
"Thanks for helping son."
"No problem, I had no shit to do anyways."
"I'm glad your not a teachers pet."
"Trust me I'm not, back at school, I fuck with the teachers often."
"It's nice to know your not abusing my daughter like the last guy, whatever happened to him."
"I beat his ass, he hasn't made eye contact with y/n nor me since..."
"Ha, good job!"
"She's terrifying..." Said dad.
I had to agree.
"So, after lunch, you two better get dressed." Said mom.
"Are you sure honey? Don't you think that these two should just go with the flo-"
"Talk back to me honey, and I will destroy your rock collection."
"WHAT A GREAT PLAN AND DATE SWEETIE!" Said dad. I chuckled, how the hell are they still together.

Time skip

(Y/n POV)
I dressed up, and good, I did break some of Yami's boundaries. I wore a pink skirt, with black leggings, and high top shoes. I wore a shirt long enough to cover my stomach, it was white and pink, with a little cute knot o the side.i put on my bracelet, and curled the ends of my hair. I was pretty proud of myself. I got out of the room and saw Yami completely changed, he was so.........handsome, I blushed at the sight of him. He wore black jeans and white shoes, and he wore a plain white shirt, while wearing his jock hoodie he loved to wear at school. He also wore that pyramid necklace thingy around his neck. He looked up and caught me staring. "Holy shit....y/n your........" Yami stuttered, he felt embarrassed.
"You don't have to Yami." I Said smiling. "Fuck that, y/n your.....beautiful....." he said.
"Your really quite handsome yourself."
"Duh I know I am." He chuckled.
"Yeah, thank god you don't wear makeup, I thought dressing up would take hours."
I laughed as he escorted me down the stairs. We both left saying goodbye to OUR parents.

(Third person POV)
Y/n and Yami walked down for food. They made it to a fancy ass restaurant. "How rich are your parents y/n...."
"I don't even know......I thought we were normal...."
They went inside and were seated next to a window showing the lake.
"We got the best seats!"
"Fuck yeah!" Said Yami.
Yami, looked at y/n admiring her looks, he was happy that they finally went somewhere together, no crazy bitches like tea were here to interrupt them. It was just Yami and y/n. "You know your pretty cute when your excited over the smallest things." Said Yami. "Uhm..." blushed y/n she was taken aback knowing what Yami Just Said, and this time he actually meant it, no more pranks or tricks, just full honesty. The waiter came in and was stunned on how good y/n looked. "My, what a beautiful young lady...."
"Yeah I know, she's mine, and think about doing anything, I'll get your ass fired and I'll make you cry." Said Yami.
"......May I take your order."
"Yeah sure, but if I find spit or hair, I'll kick everyone's ass."

Time skip
The local theme park was right next to them. Since they got tickets and fast passes, they could go anywhere wherever they wanted. "Let's go there!" Said y/n, she pointed at a huge ass roller coaster. "Fuck, your not scared?"
"No, are you?"
"Uhm.....no, that ride is easy...."
"Then lets go!"
Y/n grabbed Yami's hand and his face turned red. How the hell does he still blush like that even if he already dating her.
The ride began, Yami was nervous as hell. Y/n started feeling scared herself, then the drop came. Yami opened his eyes and realized roller coasters were fun as hell. Y/n on the other hand, was terrified. "WOOOOOOO" Screamed Yami.
"WERE GONNA DIEEEEEE" Screamed y/n. Yami laughed and grabbed on to y/n hand the entire ride.                       "Wasn't that fun?"
"No...I regret my life..."
"Your the one that wanted to go on it dumbass."
"Shut up you were scared to."
"Hell no I wasn't."
"Hey dumbass, look it's uuuh.....cake and candy over there, whatever girls like to eat I don't know."
"Here try it!" Y/n said holding her spoon up trying to feed Yami.
Yami opened his mouth and took a bite, "huh, this isn't bad, okay my turn." He grabbed the spoon and got a piece of the funnel cake and held it up. "Let me feed you."
Y/n ate the funnel cake, and saw Yami was grinning in a cute way.
"Aren't you fucking adorable?"

Time skip

After a few thousand rides, they went out for a walk in the park, it was night time already, and they had so much fun.
"Wow That was fun!" Said y/n.
"Yeah.......that was...okay."
"What's wrong?"
"Uhm....let me take you somewhere."
Yami held y/n hand and they both walked together p, he noticed y/n was freezing, so he took off his jacket and placed it around her. "Aw you don't have to..."
"Well your stupid, your here wanting to look cute, but not even bothering to put a sweater on, plus, your gonna catch a cold, and your parents will beat my ass."
Y/n smiled, and wrapped her arms around Yami's left arm, and hugged it. Yami noticed how tiny she was, he was 5.9 while she was 5.2. He smirked noticing how cute his girlfriend was. He liked that name. Girlfriend.
"Here we are asswipe! The view all the fucking squealing girls love for some odd reason." Said Yami.
It was an entire park, with a huge tree, and grass so green that there wasn't even a spot of yellow on it.
"Let's sit under that huge ass tree!" Said y/n. They both sat down. Yami stared at y/n, her smile was so fucking bright, literally, she outshined the fucking streetlights. God damn, not even, the piece of shit sun!
"You know I love you right?"
"Yeah, I love you too..."
Yami sat closer to y/n. This is it. The moment he's been wanting and waiting for. Yami couldn't wait. And y/n couldn't too. Yami stood up and picked y/n up by the hand. He leaned in raising her chin up to his, she stood on her tippy toes, since she was short as hell to him. He leaned in, and there lips met. Y/n loved the feeling of this, a lot! At first it was rough, but then it was gentle and sweet, but rough again. Yami tugged on y/n's bottom lip for entrance. They weren't kissing anymore they were making out. Yami heard someone saying "YEAH YOU GO BRO"
"Damn luckyyy." But Yami didn't care he was lost at the moment knowing that y/n was finally his, and he was finally hers. They separated for air, only to go back the heart melting kiss. After a full 5 minutes  of this gross shit, they separated.
"I love you"
"I love you too y/n."

HUGE ASS Time skip

"Hey babe, can I uuh...talk to you?" Said y/n
"Sure, what's up?"
"FUCK! I was gonna do that!" Said Yami, holding up his flowers and chocolates.
"No way! You got me the limited addition duel disk from kiaba Corp? That shit is expensive!"
"Anything for you love!"
Yami leaned in and kissed y/n, she wrapped her hands around his shoulders and kissed back.
"Everyday, I think I fall in love with you all over again...." Said Yami
"I think so too, my feelings won't ever fade..." replied y/n. The both of them have been together for 3 months. Now they were comfortable with each other.
"Alright then dumbass, let's get to class."
"What's with you in calling me dumbass?"
"Because it's a sign telling other boys that's your mine, and plus..." Yami grabs y/n by the waist and leans into her once again.
"Your my dumbass...."
Y/n leaned in and made the first move and kissed him. He kissed back once again.
"I love you!" They Said at the same time.
Then they packed there books and walked out of the dorm, hand in hand into the light of the hallway....

The end....

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