Gaara Dead Af
(Y/N) yelled, "THAT HURTS YA KNOW!!!!!" holding her fist, Sakura sweatdropped. "Really, (y/n)? Wait- move!!" (Y/n) forget about the fact that she actually broke the barrier. Naruto quickly ran and pushed his sister to the side when he saw a huge rock fall. "Geez, sis. Be careful next time.."
"Sounds like it all worked out." Gai thought, hearing through the small ear piece. "Huh?" Gai looked behind him, seeing that something strange was coming out of the ground, it was the same for Neji, Tenten, and Lee. As the thing was popping out the ground, it slowly morphed into a physical copy of themselves.
Kakashi signaled the group to go inside the hideout, and they followed immediately. Kakashi, Naruto, and (y/n) on the right side of the hideout, meanwhile Sakura and Lady Chiyo on the left.
All of them gasped, except Lady Chiyo and Kakashi. "We're too late." Kakashi thought, looking at the sight in front of him. There, right in front of the group was Deidara, Sasori, and Gaara. "Sasori.." Lady Chiyo repeated her grandson's name.
Naruto's eyes could only see Gaara, being sat on by Deidara. His expression was dead, his eyes were shut, and his face calmed. (Y/n) looked at the way Deidara sat on him, as if he was a stool. (Y/n)'s mouth gritted, trying to contain herself.
"Finally. Well then, which one of you would be the Jinchuriki?" Deidara asked, slyly. Naruto had enough, his eyes were turning red, and his whisker marks were becoming more prominent. "You!... You bastards!!" Naruto yelled out. "I'll kill the both of you!"
(Y/n) looked at her outraged brother, and went infront him, and punched him slightly to get him back in control. Deidara and Sasori were observant of this. "The one who burst in, and the one to finish it." Sasori said, "that would be them, then."
"Sasori, my man, I think you're correct. Hm." Deidara replied, smirking. "Leader never mentioned that one of them was girl, and let alone mention that she was pretty, hm..." Deidara told his partner. Sakura twitched, "did he just? He's too old for (y/n)! But he looks young. He could be a trap..."
(Y/n) smiled uncomfortably, sweatdropped(ing), but the shaked her head no, and looked at Deidara. "What the hell do you think you're sitting on?!" (Y/n) yelled, Deidara chuckled, "well, so much for that mystery. Hm. She's the Jinchuriki, all right. And her brother too, hm. Seriously! Itachi was right on the money, huh?" Deidara told his partner.
Sasori didn't bothers answering his question, he could only concentrate on this specific person in the room, Lady Chiyo. "Gaara! C'mon, what the hell are you doing?! Why are you just lying there?!-" Naruto yelled, (y/n) looked at Gaara, sadly. "Get up, Gaara." (Y/n) thought.
Kakashi and Sakura looked at the two, who seemed stressed out, "answer me! What are you, deaf!?" Naruto kept yelling. "C'mon, answer me already!" He went on this time, stepping forward, (y/n) was quick to act, and got in front of her brother, "Enough! Narut-" Kakashi yelled, cut midsentence. (Y/n) slapped Naruto in the face, "cut it out. Snap out of it Naruto. You know full well that-" (y/n) stopped talking. Naruto looked at his sister.
"(Y/n)..." Naruto whispered, he saw that his sister's eyes were filled with tears yet to fall. "Your sister is right. And you know it, too." Deidara said, "He's been dead for a while now." The blonde boy said, bluntly, slapping Gaara.
(Y/n) looked at Deidara, and her hair started forming Nine-Tails, yes, you know it. Pan Jutsu.
"Will you shut it already!?" (Y/n) yelled, "Boi if you don't I'm gonna bust a move on you-" inner (y/n) thought. "Yup, that's" Deidara said once again. "Is this Gaara kid, her boyfriend or what?" He thought to himself.
Or maybe no pan justu, kinda not good for a situation like this, ya know?
(Y/n) was about to lose it, too. Her eyes were turning red as well, and her whiskers were becoming prominent. Sasori looked at Deidara, "what? Something on your mind, Sasori, my man?" Deidara asked, "I'll hold onto him." Sasori simply said, "huh?"
"Since it appears that the Jinchuriki's will stop at nothing to get him back." Sasori explained, "Hm. Yeah. That's putting it lightly."
Kakashi observed the two Akatsuki members, "So it seems the guy on the left is the one who infiltrated the Sand and took Lord Kazekage." Eyeing Deidara. "Which means. This one is the puppet master who wounded Kankuro so badly." Kakashi then eyed Lady Chiyo, "her grandson, Sasori, huh?"
"Well, my man, I doubt that you want to hear this but I'll just go ahead and say it anyway. I think I'll take care of the Jinchuriki. Hm." Deidara said, "look, our quota is one apiece. Don't push your luck, Deidara."
"An artist must always seek ever greater stimulation, hm. Lets his senses go dull on him, my man." Deidara explained, "rumor has it, the Nine-Tails Jinchurikis are pretty powerful.." Deidara looked at (y/n), who simply looked away, arms crossed. "A canvas truly worthy of my artistry. Hm."
(Y/n) still arms crossed, whispered something to Naruto, "What's the deal with him? He's creepy.. like a second Orochimaru. Did you hear the licking sounds his hands made? Gross." Naruto nodded. Whispering something back to his sister, "I heard that too, it sounds disgusting.. He's hitting on you too, sis! Now that's even more disgusting."
Sibling Gossip at its finest.
I'm gonna post the rest of the episode later, I'm literally gonna pass out. Goodnight, ily, all be safe w/ polices. I hope you have a great day💌
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