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(A/N: Play the music to have some relaxation on reading this book)

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Age: 15

Height: 5'0.ft 


(A/N: Yeah, you're a Shota of course, lol) 

Personality: Calm, Kind, Friendly, Generous, Protective, Lighthearted, and Respectful (Towards the nice people he meets.) 

Rude, Moody, Hot-headed (When he either gets in a mood or someone who disrespects him). 

(A/N: You have two personalities in this story.)

Role: Protagonist of the Protagonist. 

Likes: Everyone, Being Respectful towards others, Smiling, Jokes, Playing his guitar, Entertain others, Freedom, Teasing, Being Alone (Sometimes.) Protecting others he cares about. 

Dislikes: Lies, People who mistook him for his age, Kazuma when he does something stupid, Loss of Freedom, Unhappiness, Being Alone and Being Depressed, Getting Disrespected, Someone who breaks his trust or loyalty, and getting provoked by his enemy, Boredom.


(A/N: I've watched RWBY volumes 1 - 5, and I might have to watch Volume 6 later.)

Love Interest: ???

(A/N: You'll get a love interest, unless you have to get to know the character, but you probably know who it was. I'll posting the chapter in an hour or two.)

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