chongyun woke up before his alarm rung, still tired, he turned to his alarm clock. 6:23 AM. yun was a little shocked on the inside, after a while of just staring at the clock, his eyes widened. chongyun remembered what happened yesterday, getting a little flustered, he let out a faint smile. immediately getting up, he walked toward his closet for his uniform.
even though it was early in the morning, chongyun's day was already very unusual. usually, he never wakes up before his alarm, and now... he finds himself staring at his closet. "umm..." he thought out loud. yun had become conscious about what he wore.. i mean, today's the day they're gonna see eachother from a different perspective..
though he obviously had to wear his uniform, he wondered if he should wear jewelry.. or any cool shoes. he though for a moment, eyes widening. he thought of something. chongyun searched through his drawer. "there it is!" he said, with a grin. he held the 2 black earrings in his hands. these were actually gifted to him by xingqiu.
yun headed to his kitchen, were he made breakfast for himself and for his parents who would later wake up. he turned the tv on, which was conveniently already on the weather channel. he stared at the screen for a minute. "ughhh" he grunted, it was gonna rain while he was at school. though he decided not to bring his umbrella since it wasn't going to rain afterschool.
he headed out, finally making his way to school, he checked the time on his phone. 7;40 AM. well no wonder no ones out here yet.. school isnt even close to starting. he grunted again. he spotted a bench nearby, sitting down and quite fast, falling asleep. i guess waking up early finally hit him. after around 30 minutes, someone woke him. he opened his eyes, squinting. he looked down, making a surprised face. his clothes were super wet. he looked up, to finally realize it was raining. he then grunted again. the boy next to him laughed, putting an umbrella over his head. "you're such an idiot." he said, smirking. after finally opening his eyes properly, he realized the boy was xingqiu. "oh. hey qiu!" yun started, "i didnt think it would rain so early..." he sighed, honestly, he was a little embarrassed. yun sneaked a peak at xingqiu, he was smiling so much, that he himself couldn't hold back. chongyun started laughing. "should we head to school then? its starting fairly soon." qiu asked. "oh yeah," yun said, getting up from the bench.
the 2 boys walked to school, surprisingly, it wasn't that awkward. "oh!" xingqiu started, "have you studied for the end of the year exam today?" yun paused. how could he forget???! well. how could he remember!? theres no way he could focus on studying when he had just confessed! xingqiu stared at him, confused. after finally realizing, he burst into laughter. "dont tell me!" he laughed. "you actually forgot??" "oh my god yun.." xingqiu said, laughing, but genuinely worrying.. before arriving at school qiu tried reviewing some of the basics with him. they finally parted at the schools doors, each heading to their own classroom.
"okay guys!" the teacher started. "we have testing in computer lab 203, though our test will be on paper. please bring the supplies needed, including calculators. " as everyone was seated, chongyun turned to his side to find yanfei sitting there. "oh good yanfei. your here." he said, relieved. he whispered, "im gonna need to cheat from you." yanfei laughed. "yeah right." yun stared down at the empty desk. he tied his bangs back to be able to focus more. "hey yun!" yanfei said, taking a selfie of them right when he turned. "hey!" he said, complaining. yanfei laughed as she put it on her snap story. "okay. phones off everyone, were passing out the tests.