after hearing that, chongyun couldn't fall asleep. while on the outside he just stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, in the inside, yun was freaking out. did he have to confront xingqiu about it now? since when did he like him? why didnt qiu tell him. thoughts kept flooding and flooding his mind. he moved his head to his side to see xingqiu. and did he feel the same way about him?
xingqiu opened his eyes to see chongyun staring at him. "what are you doing dummy?" he laughed quietly and in a tired tone. "its 4 am.. go to sleep" xingqiu said as he turned to sleep facing the other way. yea... no. chongyun definitely liked him. time had passed and it was now 7 am. xingqiu woke up to the sound of thunder and rain. it was quite calming. he stood from his bed and walked to his kitchen, to find xiangling making breakfast. "you didn't tell me chongyun was staying over! i wanted to hangout with you guys" she said, butthurt. "well i didn't know either! don't blame me!" qiu said as he grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge. "stop screaming" someone said. both xiangling and xingqiu looked toward the door to find chongyun standing there. they both burst out of laughing. chongyun REALLY had a bedhead. "it's not funny!" chongyun said, laughing at the end. he grunted, "whats for breakfast?" "whaaaaat?" xiangling said. "you guys didn't invite me yesterday so breakfasts only for me today!" "WHAT" chongyun screamed. he got on his knees and begged. "please xiangling dont do this, im horrible at cooking and xingqiu's even worse!" "HEY" qiu said as he started tackling chongyun. they both giggled. "okay okay." xiangling said. "ill make something." "thank you" xingqiu said. "hey yun, lets get changed so we can go to the library later!" "ughhhhhhhh" yun grunted. "ok" they both got changed, chongyun wearing a white botton up long sleeve and joggers. xingqiu wearing a vest and some over the knee shorts. "BREAKFASTS READY" they heard xiangling scream. they all sat at the table. "thanks for the meal!" they all said, as they started eating. "soooo" xiangling said. "where are you guys going?" "libwarwgy" chongyun said, with his mouth full. xingqiu giggled. "he means library." "oh thats great!-" xiangling said, " could you please get me a book? its" she paused. "wait a moment im gonna go look for the name!" she excused herself and walked inside her room. xingqiu and chongyun both looked at each other. "wanna try some of my pancakes?" xingqiu said. "sure" yun said with a smile. yun ate some. "ohh theyre good! did you add anything?" "nope!" qiu said proudly. they both realized their faces were close and looked away. then xiangling walked in to cure the awkwardness.