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_Chapter 151 Family Scandal

Because it was a family scandal, the county magistrate blocked the news. Although Bai Ye was unconscious, his life was not in danger. There were people in the mansion who were worried, and there were also those who gloated. In particular, the two half-brothers who were going to run for the election with Bai Ye felt that they had lost their strongest opponent. He was poisoned and would not recover in a short time. Even if he recovered, his complexion and health would be poor. As long as Bai Ye did not participate, they would have hope. Without Bai Ye, their mother would have to do her best to promote them. In the past, there was a difference between legitimate and illegitimate children. Their father was a servant and had no status, and they were as humble as slaves. Now that they were registered under the name of the Lin family, they were legitimate sons. If they were successful in the election, they would be nobles and would no longer have to live in a humble manner. Their father could also hold his head high. Thinking of the wealth and glory in the palace and their father's expectation of encouragement, they were very excited. They did not care at all about Bai Ye's coma, and they were even less grateful to the Lin family for accepting them as legitimate sons.

This is a common problem in large families. It's due to the environment, so you can't blame them. Everyone wants to stand out and be the best. Especially those who have been oppressed for a long time also want to turn things around. To achieve their goals, they will lose their minds and even do whatever it takes. As for family affection, it's not absent, but compared to wealth and glory, they naturally choose the latter.

But they didn't know the darkness and horror of the palace, they didn't know that once they stepped in, they couldn't get out, they didn't know that the fighting there was more cruel than the Bai Mansion. They were only teenagers and never left the house, so how could they know? But their mothers knew, and their fathers knew, but they wouldn't tell them. They knew what they would face once they went there, but they sent their sons out without hesitation. There was always a little hope, wasn't there? There were also examples of being favored, and the glory of the mother's family was what they expected. For this little hope, they were naturally willing to give up.

How many people can see things as clearly as Bai Ye? The county governor would not give up easily. She knew how outstanding her son was. If her son could enter the palace, he would definitely have an advantage. Her son was beautiful, smart, and good in all aspects. He was the best candidate. He was also filial. Once he was favored, he would definitely not ignore his mother's family.

In this poisoning incident, the county magistrate was not heartbroken about the brothers fighting each other, but was worried about his own plans and his future. Bai's mother was really angry. After the trial, she directly said that Bai Qi and his brother should be beaten to death! They dared to murder their grandmother and poison their legitimate son. It was good that they were not dragged out to feed the dogs.

Bai Qi's house and shop were taken back, and his family was sold. As for Bai Li, he told others that he was suffering from a serious illness. His husband's family would not pursue the matter of a maid, and the dowry was considered compensation. Naturally, the other party would have no objection to the county magistrate's arrangement. Bai Li was not someone who could be taken care of, but they did not dare to offend him. It was good for him to go back now, and they would not suffer any loss.

Bai Ye was still unconscious, his pulse was relatively stable, but his whole body was red and swollen, with many red spots. He looked nothing like the noble young man he usually was. Several doctors tried several detoxification prescriptions, but none of them worked. They were just thankful that his life was not in danger. Lin had been staying by her son's side. He was actually her own son, and he was filial and well-behaved. He was her support in this mansion. Compared to her two mediocre daughters, this son was her right-hand man. Her position in this mansion was mostly supported by her son. Ever since he learned that his son had saved a sum of money for him, he knew that his son was right. Bai Ye controlled the economic lifeline of the Bai family, and nothing could happen to him no matter what.

Although the doctors could not find out what kind of poison it was, they were all capable and used a lot of good medicines on Bai Ye. Although they could not immediately cure the poison, his pulse and symptoms were much better. He woke up at noon the next day. It was mainly because of the sleeping medicine Xiaobei used. The effect of the medicine wore off, but the effects of other medicines were still there. They were not suitable for the disease, so they could not cure the poison in Bai Ye. It was not that

The doctor is a quack, but Xiaobei is a pharmacist of the 21st century. His knowledge of some medicines is far beyond their understanding.

Bai Ye was fine. Naturally he was not feeling well. Although what he took was not a real poison, all medicines have some side effects. There was nothing he could do about it. Although he woke up, he was weak. The red spots all over his body did not subside at all, which was a bit scary. This was what Bai Ye wanted. By doing this, he might lose the attention and love he had before, and he might even have to endure a lot of grievances. He didn't care, as long as Xiao Bei didn't dislike him.

When Mrs. Lin saw her son had woken up, she cried with joy and asked a doctor to see him. She also went to inform the ancestors. As the county magistrate was busy with official duties, Mrs. Lin did not want his wife to be disappointed by seeing his son like this, so he neglected his son.

After a while, the old ancestor came over with people and spoke with concern, "My poor grandson! He has suffered a great injustice!" He really felt sorry for him.

Bai Ye shook his confused head and said quickly, "Grandma! I'm glad you're okay. I was so worried about you. I feel relieved to see you!" Bai Ye said seriously.

The old ancestor was even more touched when she heard this. Her grandson was in such a state, half-human and half-ghost, and he was thinking about her safety first when he woke up. How could she not be moved? She had raised such a good child since he was young, but he was harmed by those mean people and almost lost his life. She hurriedly said, "Grandson! Grandma is fine, thanks to my good grandson, otherwise my old bones would be gone! Thanks to my grandson."

Bai Ye spoke slowly, "I'm glad that grandma is okay, I'm glad that she is okay! Ye'er is fine! Don't worry, grandma, take care of yourself."

"Good boy, don't worry! Your illness is not serious. I will ask your mother to go to the provincial government to invite the best doctor, who will definitely cure you. If not, we will go to Beijing to invite someone!" Bai's mother comforted Bai Ye.

Bai Ye said, "Grandma! What happened to me? And what about the ginseng tea?"

Bai's mother's face changed. "They are two bastards born to Liu. They dared to poison and murder our grandparents. Don't worry! They have been punished and can't harm you anymore!"

Bai Ye knew about it, but he could only pretend not to know. "Grandma! I'm fine, don't be too angry. As for them, maybe they didn't do it on purpose. Don't make it difficult for them. After all, they are your children."

"Silly child! You are harmed by them because you are too kind. The Bai family has never treated them unfairly, but they are so ambitious and dare to do such a thing. Don't worry about it and take good care of your health!" Bai's mother comforted Bai Ye.

"Thank you, grandma!" Bai Ye seemed to be a little exhausted, with his eyes half open and half closed. When Bai's mother saw this, she stopped talking to him and just told Lin to keep it well. Lin naturally responded carefully. The doctor came in again to take the patient's pulse and wrote a prescription, but still couldn't find out what the poison was.

A few days passed like this, and the doctor from the provincial government also came to see me. He said that my life was no longer in danger, but the red spots on my body and face were caused by residual poison and I had to slowly recuperate. He didn't dare to say that it might never be cured.

The county magistrate came to see him a few times occasionally, just to ask about the progress of his illness. Bai Ye knew that he looked terrible, so he put down his veil and refused to see anyone. But his spirits gradually improved, he was able to eat some meals, and he also dealt with some accounts every day, but he did not leave his room or see guests.

The day of selection has arrived. There are two young men to be selected in the Bai Mansion, and the county magistrate picked another one from the remaining illegitimate sons. One more person means more confidence. He can help them pass the county test, but the provincial government test will depend on their own abilities and luck. However, they have to take care of what needs to be done.

Bai Ye's accident, the attitudes of the people in the mansion changed a lot, but with Bai's mother and Lin around, everyone dared to talk behind his back, and more people tried to curry favor with the three candidates.

Young Master, if they are lucky enough to become a noble, they would also like to take advantage of it, right? Especially the biological fathers of several young masters, all of them were very proud, as if their sons were really chosen.

Xiaobei was very worried about Bai Ye, but he could not go to visit him. If he lost his patience at this time, all his efforts would fail. Yan'er would not be able to come out every day, and Bai Ye naturally could not go to the academy. Although the county magistrate ordered to keep silent about this matter, with so many people in the mansion and doctors from all over the city being invited, the news would inevitably spread. It was said that Bai Ye, the number one son of Cheng County, was poisoned and his life or death was unknown. There were all kinds of versions. Some said that Bai Ye had turned into an ugly monster, and some said that he had a strange disease that was contagious and could not participate in the court's selection. Otherwise, with the title of the number one son, he would definitely be selected, and that would mean endless wealth and glory. Everyone felt sorry and regretful, and no one would have thought that Bai Ye was extremely unwilling to be selected. After all, everyone has different ideas.

The county magistrate invited many doctors for Bai Ye, but there was not much improvement. The redness and swelling on his body were no longer there, but the red spots on his face were still there. Bai Ye lived a secluded life and rarely left the yard, but he was very calm. He took care of all the affairs in the house, and gave the clothes, jewelry and musical instruments he had prepared for the election to his three younger brothers, letting them distribute them themselves, saying that he had no need for them and hoped that his three younger brothers could advance smoothly.

Which of the things Bai Ye prepared was not the most exquisite? The three of them fought fiercely for who would get the set of clothes that would make them stand out more, especially the jewelry. How could the three of them have such exquisite items? After all, they were all born out of wedlock and lived a little better than slaves.

The three of them were competitors, so naturally they disliked each other. The county magistrate had given them the quotas, so it was up to the provincial government. One more person would naturally be an additional threat. However, ever since the incident with Bai Qi's siblings, others didn't know about it, but they did. All the illegitimate children were called to the dungeon, and watching them being beaten to death was naturally a warning to them, and they were even more afraid that such a scandal would bring shame to the Bai family.

With the example of Bai Qi, they dared not make any more plans. Their mother did not take them, the illegitimate children, seriously. It was the same in every family. There was a distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children, and between the noble and the humble, but there were still fights and quarrels. The Lin family did not care about these trivial matters, and the county magistrate would not care even more.

Before long, the county's screening was over, and a total of more than 300 men were selected. This became one of the topics of discussion in the county, and people gradually forgot about the rumors about Bai Ye. They all discussed which young man could be selected by the provincial government. As long as they passed this level, they would be able to enter the palace for sure.

Xiao Bei was thinking about Bai Ye's affairs while busying himself with things on the construction site. Thanks to sufficient manpower, the project has now reached the final stage. All that remains is the interior decoration and surrounding road treatment.

Under the design of Xiaobei and several famous craftsmen, Yuehu Villa has taken on a magnificent appearance, blending harmoniously with the surrounding mountain and water scenery. It is like a paradise on earth, with exquisiteness and elegance in every detail. The overall presentation has amazed the craftsmen.

Xiaobei was somewhat reluctant to use it to make money, and couldn't help but want to keep it for herself to enjoy, but Huang Yiping's hard work was also involved. Although the villa was hers, she had promised Huang Yiping to invest half of the money and split the profits equally, so she naturally could not regret it. Huang Yiping gave her 30% of the restaurant's income on time every month.

Looking at the remaining details, it only took Xiaobei one month to build an octagonal pavilion with jade. People here are gradually accepting jade, and this pavilion also uses a lot of materials, which is considered a big project.

Huang Yiping has also been here many times and feels that Xiaobei is really a perfectionist. The decoration of this house is absolutely impeccable, and it is probably comparable to those in the palace. She has left an elegant courtyard for herself. It is also a pleasure to bring her husband here to stay for a few days occasionally.

(End of this chapter)

_Chapter 152 Never Give Up

Xiaobei specially reserved three courtyards which are not open to the public. They are Stepping on Snow to Seek Plum Blossoms, Orchids in the Valley, and Green Bamboo and Red Maple. One is reserved for himself, one for Bai Ye, and the last one for Huang Yiping. As for his father, he likes Linyue Cottage, which was built specifically for him.

Huang Yiping went to see it specially. There were green bamboos planted in an orderly manner in the yard, a two-story bamboo building, several maple trees at the back, and a pond in the yard. She was very satisfied with it and believed that her husband would like it too.

Time passed quickly. The officials sent by the imperial court to various provincial governments had arrived at the county. The screening was very strict. They were picky from head to toe and had to take an exam on their talents. Soon two-thirds of them were eliminated, leaving only one hundred people. These people were determined to go to Beijing. Two of the three sons of the county magistrate were lucky enough to be selected. Naturally, it was because of the county magistrate's face and arrangements. After all, their skills had to be truly selected again. One more person meant a greater certainty.

A few days later, all the selected people were about to leave, and they could bring a personal attendant with them. The county magistrate attached great importance to them, and personally encouraged his two sons. Although he hardly remembered them in normal times, it was different now. He bought them the best clothes and accessories, and sent two of the smartest and most reliable people to follow them. He did not forget to prepare a sum of money for each of them, so that they could make arrangements when they arrived in the capital. When he gave the orders, he found that Bai Ye had already made preparations. He still felt sorry that Bai Ye did not run for the election, but this son was smart, and as long as his illness was cured, he could naturally make other proper arrangements.

As the legitimate father, Lin naturally had to prepare a gift for the two sons, which was neither light nor heavy. The two of them hurried to express their gratitude. Although they were selected, they were fortunately under the name of this legitimate father, otherwise it would be difficult for them to even participate. The difference between legitimate and illegitimate status was huge. Even if they were lucky enough to enter the palace in the future, this status would be of great help to them. If they became nobles, they would also need the support of their mother's family. They knew this.

Lin was as amiable as ever. She gave them a few kind instructions and did not forget to ask them to go to their grandmother. Naturally, the two of them learned from her. Recently, their status has risen, and people from all walks of life in the mansion have given them gifts. They have received honors they have never received before, but they have forgotten Bai Ye, who was proposed to let them go to the academy to learn etiquette and to let Lin take them in.

Bai Ye was doing this for himself, so naturally he didn't care. Now that he had passed the test safely, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing his two younger brothers off, the County Magistrate's Mansion had returned to peace, and Bai Ye was also planning to go out for a while. Now that his mother was not paying attention to him, it seemed like she could forget about him, but she didn't have time to interfere in the affairs of the mansion. Bai Ye still took care of the affairs of the mansion and the Bai family's business as usual.

Bai Ye wore a veil and asked Yan'er to accompany him to the academy. Lin knew that he was going out, but did not stop him. She just told him to bring two guards with him and be careful. Now her son seemed very depressed and his appearance was ruined. She was afraid that he would have bad thoughts at home, so it would be good for him to go out for a walk.

Bai Ye took a carriage and went directly to the academy. He hadn't been here for a long time. Bai Ye felt a little sad. He had seen what he looked like. It was indeed ugly. Although he knew it was only temporary, he didn't want his lover to see it.

Xiaobei knew that Bai Ye had arrived, and hurried to look for him. He was in the courtyard where his grandmother lived. The guards sent him to the gate and were sent away by Bai Ye. When Yan'er saw Xiaobei coming, he went to hide in the kitchen. He was the only one who knew about the matter between the young master and Xiaobei, but he agreed with it.

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a sore nose when he saw Xiao Bei. Xiao Bei hurriedly hugged him, "Ye'er! You've suffered!"

After hearing this, Bai Ye felt that all the fear and suffering of the past few days were no longer important! He hugged Xiao Bei tightly and couldn't help shedding tears.

Xiao Bei patted his back to comfort him, "Ye'er! It's okay! Don't be afraid! We've passed this level!"

Bai Ye nodded in her arms, "Bei! You

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