Chapter 5

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Nine went to sleep after 2am that night. The security cameras had been covered and hadn't caught anything. The killer was suspected to have climbed through an open window near the patient bed. All the doctors and nurses were being questioned. Nine just locked himself in their room. They would just lie there, staring at the ceiling, barely blinking, barely breathing, not moving. Nine's eyes were heavy and they could just fall asleep right then and there but the fear of something getting them in his sleep kept her awake.

Seven knocked on Nine's door and Nine grunted. Seven opened the door and walked in, "Hey Nine, have you eaten?" She asked. Nine didn't reply and Seven knew that was a no. "Ok, do you want me to make you some dinner?" Nine shook his head, and seven hesitated then walked out.

Nine just turned onto his side and closed his eyes, they trusted that they could sleep. Seven wouldn't let anything happen to him, but then Nine started thinking about who would save Seven. Nine sighed and got up off his bed, they walked into the kitchen. Seven was serving them a plate already.

"I said no to food," Nine said bleakly.

"I know, but once you start eating you will realise your appetite." Seven smiled at Nine and they both went to the dinner table. Nine had to admit, the dinner looked delicious but they still didn't feel hungry. Seven started eating, and Nine followed. As soon as they had Taken a couple bites, Nine realised Seven was right. He felt the hunger and began eating like he should be.

Nine checked his phone. He wanted to distract himself but all that he could see was messages from his friends saying sorry and posts about it. They felt irritated, why did this murderer do it? Who are they? Why can't Nine get away from it? How many people will die?

Nine felt rage take over himself, the sadness and tiredness were buried under the anger. He decided to go on a walk, she asked Seven to join but Seven explained that he should have some time alone. Nine agreed and left by themself.

It was dark out, and Nine was somewhat worried, but the street lights were enough to see where he was walking. He did two loops of his block before returning home.

"Hey Seven I'm home," Nine shouted. No one responded and fear immediately gripped their heart. Shit I shouldn't have gone out.

"Seven? Seven!" Nine kept shouting. They couldn't hear any response, he was running around the house but couldn't find her. He pulled out his phone and called her, the phone rang and he followed the sound into the kitchen closet. Nine didn't want to open it.

"Seven if you're trying to scare me.. please come out now." He demanded, his voice breaking.

No one responded, Nine didn't want to risk seeing Seven hurt so he just called the police through tears.

The police arrived, and it was true. Seven was gone, the killer had been back and Seven was brutally murdered and stuffed into a kitchen closet. Who else did Nine have now? She didn't want to talk to anyone else though, he felt if he even interacted with anyone they would be killed too.

Nine was buying groceries and trying to stay far away from everyone as much as he could. Three walked up to him, "hey buddy, I'm so sorry to hear what's happened. If you ever need to talk I'm here?"

Nine stepped back. "I can't talk to you, you'll be next!"

Nine saw hurt and sympathy flash in Three's eyes. "Oh Nine, you blame yourself," Nine looked away from the red integer after they said this. "Nine it's not your fault they're gone." Three blinked.

"Well maybe it's not." He paused, "I would still feel better if I kept a distance from you. I don't want you to die too." Three just stared at him, showing no emotion, then gave a single nod and walked away. 

Authors note: (672 words) okajsckladjfklj yes i did just kill of another character thats what this whole au is abouttt anyways, next chapter u will get a new perspective and find out if these guys will come back to life or anything uhhhjhcjsdhcj. This new perspective will be another main character in the book and i will add their name in the mc slot thing after chapter 7 probably so it doesnt spoil, ANYWAYS HOPE U LIKED THIS ONEEE

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