Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Someone burst into the room, slamming open the door and causing Xavier to jump up and stand protectively in front of me, snarling.

Xavier relaxed a little when he saw that it was Parker and scowled. "Parker," he warned. "What was that for."

"TJ told me that she was awake. Is she?" he asked. He tried to peak around Xavier, but Xavier wouldn't let him see me.

"Xavier," I whispered, hoarsely, causing the male to look at me. "It's ok."

Xavier scowled but nodded his head. The mask was back in place, and for some reason, it broke my heart. "Fine," he all but growled and was about to leave but stopped when I hoarsely called his name. He didn't look back at me his whole body tense.

"Stay, please?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. I was scared that he would ignore my request leave, and I was scared that he would stay but beat me for telling him what to do.

Xavier hesitated but nodded his head. He walked over to the chair and was about to move when he heard me growl out a warning. His whole body went rigid when he looked at me, his jaw set.

I stared at him, my eyes wide. I had not meant to growl at him, but it had been easier to do that than talk. I shifted over in the bed some and watched him, staying silent.

"I... think she wants you to sit down next to her," Parker said. There was something in his voice that sounded like happiness, and I couldn't understand why.

Xavier didn't move from his spot where he stood. He watched me with guarded eyes, wondering if I really did want him near me.

I looked at the phone in my hands, not able to meet his gaze. My face was slightly red as a blush appeared. I had no idea if he would do it or not, and I had no idea if I wanted him to or not.

I took a deep breath and sighed. 'Please?' I typed out and handed it to him.

Xavier hesitated and studied the message. He was still stiff, and I could tell that he didn't want to do it.

My heart broke a little when he didn't move to my side, but I made sure that my face didn't show it. I looked away and noticed that Parker had a water bottle and my cousin wasn't back. "Where's TJ?" I asked, my throat hurting.

Parker opened the bottle and handed it to me. "He heard a message about two men at the edge of the border wanting to see JJ, Assie, and Cici."

Xavier growled and took a step forward. Anger filled his eyes, and I could that he didn't like that Parker didn't go after him. "And you let him run off?" he snarled.

I took a sip of my water and felt a bit better. "It's probably the twins," I said, my voice still hoarse. I cleared my throat and grimaced, knowing that I probably looked like shit.

Xavier turned his gaze to me, his blue eyes hard. "What twins?" he asked.

"Princes," I replied. "Only they call me "Assie"." I took another sip of my drink. "They probably left without the King's permission to try and see if I am alive."

"And, how would they know that you are here?"

"I called them," I replied. "Remember? I had asked to make a phone call?"

Xavier scowled and narrowed his eyes. "Where were you headed to?" he asked.

"The castle, duh," a male said from the doorway. "Where we live?"

Two men filled the doorway with TJ in one of their arms. Both of them had the same worried expression on their face, but relief filled it when they saw I was looking at them. Both grinned at the same time but didn't move from their spot. "Hiya, Assie," they said together.

"Justin. Julian," I warned, scowling. "What are you two doing here?"

"TJ called," Justin said.

"Said that you got hurt by a Worber again," Julian added. "And that you had a baby cut out of you."

"When did you get pregnant? Did you two do the deed?"

I bit back a sigh and closed my eyes. I really didn't want to have this conversation with them in front of Xavier. I had no idea what Xavier would do, and I didn't want him to think bad about me for some reason.

Julian had been watching my face and frowned. Anger filled his eyes, and I could tell that he figured it out.

"Don't," I whispered, taking a deep breath to keep myself from panicking. I placed the water bottle of water on the nightstand beside me and stuffed my hands underneath the blanket. I could feel them start to shake and was nervous that he would lash out at me.

"He fucked you up bad, and you are still protecting him? Why?" he asked. He set his jaw, his brown eyes hard. "Don't tell me you still love him."

I shook my head no. I had stopped loving him a couple of months ago, but it was the fear that had kept me with him. I was more afraid of what he would do to me in retaliation, or worse, my cousins.


"I am not," I insisted. "I do not love him."

"Yes, you do. I-"

"Who did he threaten?" Justin asked, interrupting his twin. Unlike his twin, he had a more level head on his body. Sure, it pissed him off that I was this complete and total mess, but he knew better than to go in anywhere guns blazing. He didn't make many impulse decisions, which made him a good king. Justin observed more than he spoke, but when he did speak, everyone listened.

I looked down, not answering. Tears pricked my eyes, and I hated that I was wanting to cry.

"Cass?" he asked, softly. He sighed when I shook my head and didn't answer. He walked over to me and knelt beside my bed, pulling a hand out from underneath the cover. His touch was warm, but it wasn't the one that I had wanted. "Can I take a guess?"

Hesitantly, I nodded. I had a feeling that he knew who I was trying to protect, trying to keep alive.

"Is it her?" he asked. His grip tightened when I nodded my head and growled softly. "He won't touch either of you, ok? I promise."

"Wait, who is he trying to hurt?" TJ asked. He had gotten down from Julian's arm and made it to the bed. He sat down on the edge and glanced at his sleeping sister.

"We'll worry about that when it comes time to it, ok?" Justin asked, looking at TJ. "And it will never come to it." He gave me a pointed look, causing me to take a deep breath and nod.

"So... you don't love him?" Xavier asked, finally speaking for the first time. There was a small bit of hope in his voice, and I was the only one that heard it.

I shook my head no. "I don't think I ever had," I said. My mind was shutting down a bit, and all I wanted was to go back to sleep.

Justin seemed to know what I was thinking and squeezed my hand. "I will call my dad and see if he can't send Doc over, ok?"

I nodded my head, feeling grateful that he would do that. I knew that Dr. Trent wouldn't mind coming over to see how I was doing and helping me eat again.

"Uh... we have a good doctor over here. Why do you want to bring someone else over?" Parker asked.

"Because," Justin said, squeezing my hand before standing. "He knows her and knows how to help her eat, again. I am not going into too much detail, but she was skinnier than this when Julian and I first met her."

Julian shrugged his shoulder. "It's a long story," he said. He looked at me and rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. "I am sorry for..."

I held up my hand, silencing him. "I know," I whispered. "I forgive you. Big brother mode was activated again." I rolled my eyes.

Even though we were six months apart, they still tried to treat me like I was way younger than them. It had ended all three of us in the hospital at one time because we kicked each others' asses so much.

Julian nodded his head and walked over to Clara and picked her up gently. "I'll put her to bed," he said. "Show me to her room?"

"Well..." Parker started but stopped when Xavier started to talk.

"Fifth floor, first door on the left," Xavier said. "TJ's is next to it, and Cass's is the first door on the right with mine next to hers. Are you two staying?"

"For the time being, if that is alright with you, Alpha," Julian said. "We want to talk stuff over with our sister here when she is better."

"Then I will show you to your rooms." He started to walk away but stopped when I made a small squeak.

I glanced at Parker, feeling horrified. I have no idea why, but I didn't want to be alone by myself. I felt... safe with Xavier, and I couldn't understand why.

"I will show them to their rooms," Parker said, picking up what I was feeling. "I think you are wanted somewhere else." He gave Xavier a pointed look.

Justin looked between Xavier and me before nodding his head. He had this stupid smirk on his face that I so badly wanted to punch off.

"Cass?" Xavier asked, causing me to look at him. His whole face was guarded, and I couldn't tell how he was feeling.

"Please?" I asked. I still had the spot open for him to sit down, hoping that he would actually do it.

Xavier hesitated but nodded his head. He stayed in his spot, not moving a muscle.

"This is where you go and sit down," TJ said, hopping off of his spot. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Love ya, Cass."

I bit back a smile. "Love you, too," I said. I kissed his forehead, causing him to groan and wipe it off.

"Let's go and leave them alone," TJ said. He waved goodbye and walked away, the rest following behind him.

Slowly, Xavier made it to me and sat down on the corner of the bed. He grunted in surprise when I pulled him farther onto the bed but didn't say a word.

"I feel protected by you," I mumbled, sheepishly. "And, you are warm."

Xavier stayed silent and nodded his head. He laid down and pulled me down beside him.

I sighed and laid my head on his chest. "Thank you," I whispered, closing my eyes.

Xavier stiffened and looked down at me. "For?" he asked.

"Everything," I replied. "Though, you were a dick for the first month."

He didn't answer but squeezed my shoulder, and with that, I fell asleep feeling like nothing could touch me.

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