Chapter 73

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"Sergio!" I exclaimed after I threw the dagger at the male who had tried to control me. My whole body vibrated with power, and I had to make sure that I didn't tap into the ancient powers that I possessed because of my bloodline.

"Here! Catch!" Sergio yelled, and I looked that way. He tossed me my two staffs, and I grinned, dodged an attack that someone tried to do, leaped into the air, and grabbed my two staffs.

I landed on one knee and pressed the button, both staffs becoming their full length before I ran forward and started to attack those that tried to control me with such skill that it was no secret that I was a Guardsmen.

'Switch it to your blades,' Sergio said through the earpiece bond, 'that way you can kill them easier.'

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, sending the end of my staff into one of my attacker's eyes and lifted the attacker's body before flinging it at one that was about to attack Sergio from behind.

Sergio flinched away and stole a glance at me with wide eyes. Fear and respect filled his eyes, and I had a feeling that he forgot that I knew that I was able to fight with the staffs and not the blades. 'Or not...' he said while the other Guardsmen cheered.

I bit back a snort and rolled my eyes. I twisted the middle part, and the wood shifted blades covered in a material that was harmful to all species if they came into contact with it. I knew that I didn't have to use it, but it would be easier to attack them faster because of the number of people that were gathered.

'Gimme a boost, Cass!' May exclaimed, charging at me with two battle axes in her hands. Her eyes had this wild look in them, and I could tell that she was enjoying herself.

I ducked and flicked my swords until they were crisscrossed on my back. When she landed on my back, I lifted myself up and into the direction that she wanted to go in.

'Thanks,' May said. She flicked her ax around and killed the people from the other side. Her green hair stood out amongst the throng of people, so it was easy to where she stood. She turned around and swiped at someone coming up behind her, grinning. 'Now, give them hell!'

I smirked but did what I was told to do and started to attack the people that were attacking my pack. I flicked my blades through them as if they were butter and dodged their attacks, knowing full well that I needed to keep on the balls of my feet at all times if I didn't want to get stabbed.

While I fought, I made sure that I was near someone that would need my help. I made sure to keep near my pack or the Guardsmen, with my back against theirs. If I wasn't near them, it was because I helped others that needed it, especially those that were about to be attacked by my pack but were on my side.

"Thanks," Tito grunted when I blocked an attack from someone from my pack. He offered the Wolf a small bow of the head, and the Wolf, understanding that he was on our side, bowed his head and bolted away into the throng of others, attacking them with his teeth and claws.

"Well, I didn't need you to get injured," I teased, slicing through a Vampire as if he were made of butter. I didn't look at the bloodied carcass, focusing instead of the group of wolves that started to gather around the two of us.

Tito snorted. "It's you that shouldn't get injured," he teased. He surveyed the wolves that were slowly inching towards us. "Shall I end this quickly, or do you want to attack them?"

"End this quickly," I replied, surveying them. I was sorry for killing them, but they had chosen their path and they were going to have to reap what they had sown. They were going to die one way or another, and it'd be easier of Tito killed them quickly.

Not all of them could be saved, and that hurt, but that was the way that life worked. They had a choice, and they picked the wrong choice.

Tito nodded, and the air around him grew thick with magic. His eyes turned darker while he muttered a spell, and the sky turned darker.

The wolves paused in their advancement and looked at Tito warily. They had been at the campgrounds and knew about his magic. They knew that his spells didn't work most of the times, but the way that he looked at them made them take a step back.

When they figured out that he had lied to them about his magic, it was too late. They tried to run away from him, to escape, but they ended up dead before they could get away from him. Their bodies fell over while he cut the cord between the living body and their soul, freeing the soul from its bodily prison.

Tito groaned after he finished the spell and almost toppled over if I hadn't been there and caught him. He grabbed my arm and let me help set him down before he clutched his head. "I am getting too old for this," he said, with a breathless chuckle. "That took too much energy out of me."

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply because others decided to attack us. Quickly, I ended their lives, dancing around Tito and protecting him while he got his strength back. I ignored their looks, some of them I had known when I was at the pack.

It made me sick to think that they would turn their backs to their Alpha and King for a promise that a psycho gave them, but they did and paid the price with their life. They didn't need to live in this world where they would hurt someone just to gain the respect of someone lesser than them.

And while I surveyed the battlefield after I had killed the ones attacking us, I saw something that made me sicker. I saw Xavier while he killed someone, but that didn't make me sick.

What made me sick was the figure sneaking up behind him, the figure with murder on his mind. And while I watched, the figure shifted into his wolf form to attack the unsuspecting male, and this sense of urgency and anger filled my body.

"NO!" I exclaimed when Camen jumped towards him.

And after, everything turned red, and I shifted into my wolf form for the first time in years just to protect my new mate from the asshole that decided to attack him.

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