Chapter 68- Xavier

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"Come on, you need to stop with the video," Cassandra said, walking forward and into the view of the camera. She turned to the person holding the camera and grinned. "I have no idea why we are even here."

"Because when words fail you, you can sing them," someone replied. "And you are going to sing for your lover."

Cass rolled her eyes, but she went into the building, followed by the rest of her group. "And what songs have you picked out for me?" she asked. "Love songs?"

"Duh," thirteen people said, and Cass laughed, her brown hair catching in the sunlight gleaming from the window when she shook her head.

"What else?" someone asked. "I mean, we can't do any heartbreak songs."

"Yet," someone chided, and Cass scowled at the person off camera. "Oow, Sergio. What was that for?"

"That was for you to shut up, Hank," he scowled. "They will not break up. If they do, then it will be the end of the world as we know it."

"Be nice you two," Cass said, scowling at them. She rolled her eyes when they muttered an apology. "What songs have you chosen for me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll know when we get in there," the person behind the video camera said, and Cass flicked him off. He chuckled. "You know, that finger is going to be torn off one of these days."

"Ah, but it isn't going to be torn of today, isn't that right, Charlie?" Cass asked, smirking. She walked to the front desk and smiled at the receptionist. "Hello. How are you today?" she asked, reaching into her pocket and setting down the golden coin that marked her as a Guardsmen.

"I am good," the receptionist said, nodding her head when she saw the coin. "Right this way. You have the biggest booth." She stood from her chair behind her desk and led them to somewhere.

"Thank you," Cass said, catching up with them and stuffing the coin back into her pocket. "I am sure that you are aware of what is planned for me? They have been silent." She glared at the camera, and I had a feeling she was glaring at everyone.

"Yes, Alpha Beta. However, my lips are sealed. I apologize."

Cass huffed but nodded her head. "Of course, it is." She stepped into the elevator and waited for it to go up, hopping impatiently and biting her lip. "Can I at least know what songs I am singing, please?"

"We had this conversation before, though. You are singing love songs to your lover," Sergio said. "One of them is c-" He scowled when someone slapped him. "Oow, Hank. What was that for?"

"That was for you to shut up," Hank replied. "She doesn't get to know. Not until she is in the recording studio. We don't need her running off." He winked at her, and the gray-eyed beauty rolled her eyes and smirked.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a large studio filled with sofas and microphones as well as a computer set where a man sat, fiddling with something. When the elevator doors opened, he turned around and grinned at Cass. "Benvenuto, amore mio," he said, taking Cass's hands in his. He kissed them, and I scowled, feeling jealous. He was attracted to her, I could tell, but she either didn't notice or was used to it.

"Hello, Angelo," she said, smiling at him. "How is business going? Still have your other real fang, or do I need to pull that one out, too?"

Angelo scowled, but I could see a small smile appearing underneath it. "My father wouldn't be pleased if you pulled my other fang out when we first meet again," he teased, his Italian accent thick.

Cass snorted and rolled her eyes, a small smile gracing her lips. "Sono sicuro che non gli dispiacerebbe che tiri fuori l'altra zanna quando saprà perché," she said, and I could visibly see the male pale. "It doesn't matter that you are a Vampire Prince; he'd allow me."

Angelo scowled and looked at one of the other Guardsmen, all of whom just chuckled and shook their heads. "Have you been told what was happening?" he asked, looking at Cass. He smirked when she playfully glared at him and reached into his pocket. "You will be singing these songs," he said. "You will be serenading your... amante."

Cass took the list of songs from him and bit back a groan. "How many hours of music is there?" she asked, looking up at him. "And why are there duets when it's only me singing?"

"It's not just you singing, Cass," Hank said, putting his arm around her shoulders. "We are all singing with you, and it's around... five, six hours of music."

Cass frowned but nodded her head. "Ok," she said, handing the piece of paper back to Angelo. "We're doing this one time through, deal? I still need to get back to the kids. I don't like singing for that long."

Angelo grinned and nodded his head. "Of course," he said. He nodded his head towards the front microphone. "Then, let's make sure you don't sound like shit."


She didn't sound like shit when she sang the songs. She was an amazing singer and was able to hit different notes from different vocal ranges. She enjoyed being with the people that she knew; her face lit while she was with them, teasing them with inside jokes that I couldn't understand. However, I didn't care because I could see how happy she was when with them.

She sang anything about love from the soul of At Last to the psychotic country song of Stuck Like Glue. With each song, she didn't lose the power in her voice and hit each note when needed, and I had a feeling that if we were humans and in a different position than what we were in now, she'd have been a singer. While she sang, she danced in front of the camera, and her group had to keep themselves from laughing so that I could hear what she sang.

Sometimes her group members went into the back behind her and sang back up, and having them sing some female vocalist was amusing as they tried to hit the high notes but couldn't.

"Ok," Angelo said as she finished the last song and watched as she took a small water break. He clapped his hands and pulled her gaze to him. "Last song, are you ready for it, amore mio?" he asked.

Cass shrugged her shoulders and took another sip of her drink. "I suppose so," she replied. "What is it this time?"

Angelo grinned and gestured for one of her companions to come forward. "You'll need this," he said, and her companion handed her one of the white roses that I had given her the night before this took place.

Cass took the rose from him and touched the soft petals, a look of guilt and sadness flashing through her eyes before she looked at Angelo. "So, what song do I need for this, then?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Angelo didn't say a word and turned towards the sounding system. He pressed a button, and the song from Hercules filled the room but stopped when he pressed the same button, and Cass groaned in annoyance and smiled.

"Who are my Muses?" she asked, and five men cheered and ran to the microphone behind her. She bit back a snort and nodded her head to Angelo, and he nodded before starting the music.

When she sang the song, I noticed something different about the way she sang. My heart pounded in my chest, and I wondered if she did love me. I watched her body language while she sang the song, and it confirmed my suspicions that there was something there, something that I hadn't picked up on before now.

And when she got to the lines, "At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love," I picked it up when she stroked the flower before she smelled and clutched it to her just a dreamy look in her eyes.

I could tell that I wasn't the only one that picked up on it because the person behind the camera zoomed in on her when she sang that line, and I had a feeling that they were trying to get my attention to her and what she was feeling.

"So," the person on the camera said when the song ended. "Do you have anything to say to the camera?"

Cass stirred herself out of her thoughts and blinked at the camera. Confusion filled her face, and she looked down at the rose before looking at the camera. A small, sad smile appeared on her face as she gently stroked the petals with the tips of her fingers. "I won't say I'm in love."

And then, the screen went black.


Benvenuto, amore mio- Welcome, my love

Sono sicuro che non gli dispiacerebbe che tiri fuori l'altra zanna quando saprà perché- I am sure he wouldn't mind me pulling your other fang out once he knows why

amante - lover

amore mio- my love

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