Chapter 66

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A/N: So, a friend of mine was having a rough day, and I did have another chapter written. I am hoping that this chapter will help make her day better. The next chapter (or two) will be in Xavier's POV. I have a lot of information that I need to cover for him, so I am going to see what I can do. I am also planning three other books (besides the sequel and third book) to deal with these characters. ;) I think that is all, so onto the chapter.




After checking on both Bryson and Clara, I made my way to TJ's room. I was silent while I walked through the halls keeping an eye out for anyone on this floor, especially Xavier.

My heart pounded in my chest and my breathing was labored, and I was more than grateful for the clothes that I wore kept every sound hidden, so no one could know that I was freaking out. I didn't need someone to know that I was there just because I was so excited and nervous to be sharing the same air as him even if I couldn't see him.

Slowly, I walked into TJ's room, closing the door softly behind me before pulling off the hood and the mask before making my way to him, fully aware that I was much taller than previous due to the fact that I was the same size and build as Parker. I sat down on the bed, gently, and placed the piece of paper underneath his pillow, not surprised about how much of a deep sleeper he was.

"Stop," he groaned when I tried to wake him up and shoved my hand away. "Leave me alone." He turned around, and I smirked when I saw him clutching his toy bunny. He looked so relaxed and so carefree that it broke my heart because I had to wake him from his deep sleep.

"Wake up," I whispered, shaking his shoulder. "I don't have much time, T, and we have some stuff to discuss."

TJ startled awake and opened his eyes. He opened his mouth to scream but stopped when I placed my hand over his mouth. His eyes went wide before he finally relaxed and laid still, watching me with those blue eyes of his.

"Are you going to scream if I let go?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't have time for it."

TJ shook his head, and I took my hand from his mouth. "Parker?" he asked, sitting up. "What are you doing here?"

I shook my head no. "It's not Parker," I said. I rolled my eyes when gave me a pointed look. "Fine, I know that I look like Parker, but I swear to the Goddess that it's me."

"Prove it," TJ said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. "How do I know that you are my cousin? Name one embarrassing story that only she knows."

I gave him a deadpanned look. "You pooped in the tub once while I was giving you a bath and blamed it on the bunny," I said. "Do you really want me to say more?"

TJ didn't respond but flung himself on me, giving me a hug. He clutched his bunny to his chest, but I didn't care as I held him close.

"Shush, I am here," I whispered, feeling his body shake from the silent sobs. Guilt nipped at my heart as I placed a kiss to the side of his head. "I am here." Slowly, I rocked him back and forth until the sobs subsided, and he pulled away from me.

"You left," he said, wiping his eyes and blinking back tears. "You left us." He cleared his throat and studied me. "Why?"

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair. "Camen is part of the group that we had been trying to eradicate for years," I said. I shrugged. "We thought we had finished them or sent them packing when we had killed Vincent Langham."

TJ stiffened and stared at me with wide eyes after I had said Xavier's last name. "Xavier's dad?" he asked and watched as I nodded my head. He furrowed his brows and cocked his head, thinking. "Then..?" He trailed off and looked at me expectantly, knowing full well I had picked up on what he wanted to ask.

"Xavier isn't a part of the group," I replied, shaking my head no. "I wouldn't have left you three here if I knew that he was."

TJ hesitated but nodded his head. "Why isn't he part of this group?" he asked. "If his dad is..." He trailed off, and I knew that he didn't want to finish that sentence.

"He isn't like his dad," I said. I shifted in my seat and sighed. "I don't think he ever wanted to be like his dad, not after his father had killed his mate in front of him."

"Wait, what?" TJ asked. "His dad killed his mate in front of him? How? Why?"

I shook my head and smiled bitterly, knowing that I couldn't tell him anything. "It's not my place to tell," I said. I narrowed my eyes at my cousin, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "Don't even ask him about it, Tobias Jones," I warned. "Do you understand?"

TJ flinched but nodded his head. "Yes," he said, his voice shaking. He took a deep breath in and sighed. "So, what are the groups called?" he asked, changing the subject. "Or, are there more than one group?"

I nodded my head. "There are two groups that we have to worry about," I replied. "One of them is called the AQ46T32. This group is formed from descendants of the Ten for whatever reason. I will tell you more about them later."

"If you come back," TJ reminded me, and I cringed. "Are you going to come back?" His voice was soft and cracked, and I could tell that he was scared that I wouldn't.

I sighed and moved a hand across my face, my heart breaking into two. "I don't know, T," I replied, letting my cousin hear the tiredness that I was trying not to let my group hear. "It all depends on Xavier."

"What do you want to do?" he asked. "Don't think about Xavier. Where do you want to go?"

"I want to come back here," I said, instantly. "As soon as I can, I want to come back here, claim Xavier as mine, and forget about how Camen treated me."

TJ nodded, satisfied with my answer. "What is the other group's name?" he asked. He knew that our time with each other was running out. He could feel it, could feel the anxiety that ran through me as I checked the time.

"HQ2TCX," I replied. I saw the confusion on my cousin's face and smirked tiredly. "I left a sheet of underneath your pillow for Zion. I want either you or Clara to take it to him."

TJ frowned and furrowed his brows after he nodded his head. He wasn't going to look because he knew that I wouldn't lie to him. "Why didn't you just message him?" he asked. "Instead of coming here?"

"It was a change in plan that was out of my control," I replied. "I was going to message him about the HQ2TCX when we had more information and when an attack would happen, but that didn't happen."

"Why not?" TJ asked.

I shook my head when my watch dinged, telling me that I didn't have time, and smiled apologetically. "It'd take too long, and I have to get back before I am missed."

TJ nodded his head and gave me a big hug. "I am going to miss you," he whispered. "When will I see you again?"

I didn't reply and held him tighter. I didn't want to leave, but I knew that I had to. I had to for their safety. Hell, I didn't know if I was going to survive tomorrow, not after the look Camen had given me.

TJ sighed and nodded his head before pulling away, knowing that I didn't have an answer for him. "Stay alive?" he asked, staring at me through the dark, his blue eyes filled with unshed tears.

I smiled and rubbed underneath his eyes, wiping away some of the tears that had fallen. "Promise," I said. I stood and looked at my cousin to see him still staring at me. "Keep the bunny with you, and I will check on you when I have the chance."

TJ opened his mouth to ask what I meant but closed it, knowing that I wouldn't answer. He watched as I made it to the window but stopped me from climbing out with a soft, 'Cass.'

I paused and turned my head to him, the urge to leave strong. I could feel myself losing time and instantly knew that he was coming, he was getting closer to the edge of the woods.

"What do I tell Clara?" he asked, quickly.

"Tell her that I love her and will see her soon," I said. "If she wants to help, give the letter to her, so she can give it to Zion. Xavier shouldn't know."

TJ nodded his head. "Go," he said, standing. "Remember your promise."

I looked at him, one leg slung out the window and smirked. "I will," I promised. And with that, I climbed out and started to make my way down the wall, knowing full well that he would close the window for me.

As soon as I hit the ground, I took off running and made it into the woods just as he came out of them. I ignored his shocked, "Parker," my knees almost buckling at the sound of his voice.

My heart thundered in my chest and a small sound escaped my lips, barely loud enough for him to hear, while I pulled on my hood and mask before becoming one with the darkness and out of sight from the man that I loved.

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