Chapter 22 (Edited)

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A/N: Here is another chapter. They aren't kissing yet. I must get to the kiss scene soon, but there are important stuff that I have to cover before I do get to it. T^T 



"So, I have been thinking," Justin said from his spot on the bed where the three of us were watching tv as Xavier did some paperwork. He turned down the volume on the tv causing Julian to groan.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked, stuffing some popcorn into my mouth.

It had been a couple of days after the fight, and I was slowly able to walk longer distances than I had been. My bruises were all healed as well as the other minor injuries that I had received.

The only thing that was still healing was the bite on my inner thigh, but Dr. Trent said that I could start training with the pack when the week was up. And, I was grateful because I wanted to get some training in before I was to meet my uncle and aunt again after a long absence.

"Your lineage," Justin said, causing me to look at him. He was already looking at me with this thoughtful look in his eyes, causing me to cock my head.

"What about it?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Remember how we couldn't find that much information about your family before the tenth generation from both sides?"

"Ya, and?" I stuffed some more popcorn in my mouth and chewed it as I waited for my brother to continue with his thought.

"What if you are related to one, or two, of the original Ten?"

I stopped chewing and stared at him with wide eyes. I knew that he wasn't joking; I could tell by the fact that his expression had never changed as well as his eyes having this serious look.

The original Ten... that was what he had said. These Ten were the first Pure Alphas that the Moon Goddess had created after she had created the Alpha King. These Ten were said to be just as powerful as the Alpha King with some saying that they were more powerful than him.

There had been rumors that they were going to go against the Alpha King and become Kings and Queens themselves, and when the Alpha King had heard of these rumors, he had sent out an army to kill them where they were staying.

However, the Ten simply vanished into thin air, before these Warriors killed them as if they had not been created at all.

Slowly, I began to chew again, not saying a word.

"They are myths," Julian said. He looked at me before looking at his brother. "Are you seriously saying that they are real?"

"We... did find evidence that they were real. Remember?" I asked, looking at Julian. "We found the journal that your many times great-grandfather had written."

"Before Dad found us reading it and took away."

"Oh, ya... was that the time that I had decided to color Cass's hair orange with a marker?"

"Yes," we chorused. "And, purple."

Julian nodded his head, smirking. "Good times... good times," he said, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"But, why is your interest peaked now and not before?" I asked, looking at Justin. "I mean, I have not been living at the palace for years."

The door opened and Xavier walked in carrying Bryson. He walked over to me while he set his jaw because the three of us were staring at him. "What?" he asked.

Justin didn't say a word but took my son from him when Bryson reached out. He looked at me, and I could tell that he was wondering if we should have this conversation later.

"He can't do anything," I said, grabbing some popcorn and stuffing it into my mouth.

"You mean, he won't," Julian said, wiggling his eyebrows and causing me to blush. He grew serious as he looked at his brother, causing me to be surprised. "But, I am curious as well. The reason we might not be able to find information about her ancestors might be because of the Massacre that happened a long time ago."

Justin shrugged, scowling. "And, if that isn't the reason?" he asked. "We found files for about half of the Guardsmen that we could trace their ancestors back to the first one."

"How?" Xavier asked, still standing in his spot. "I didn't know there was a written language yet."

"Sit, and get comfortable," Julian said. "You don't have to stand around like a statue when this is your room." He caught a piece of popcorn in his mouth when I threw it at him. "Thanks, Sis," he said, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"It's not like what we have today," Justin explained. "But, there was some form of written language so we could keep up as to who was mated with who and who they shouldn't be mated to as well as their ties between the packs."

"It was said that the Moon Goddess created mate bonds when two men fought over the same women and almost wiping the whole population of Werewolves," I said. "It was so bad that different species started to turn against each other and it was very bloody."

Xavier finally sat down. He took the popcorn bowl from my side and moved closer to me before putting the popcorn bowl on his chest and taking some.

"When are you two going to kiss?" Julian asked out of the blue. He placed his cheek on his hand and his elbow onto his arm as he stared at us.

Justin smacked Julian with a pillow, causing him to scowl. "That is not important, Justin Abrams," he scowled. "You have made them silent, and Assie's face red."

"So, what, you don't approve of this? Whatever this is?" he asked, gesturing to the two of us. "Mr. 'It-is-her-choice-to-stay-here'."

"I do, but it is none of our business when they kiss or confess their feelings for each other," Justin replied.

"Ok, which of the Ten do you think that I am related to, if you had thought about it," I said, changing the subject back to the one we were having. 'I am so going to kill you in your sleep.'

Justin and Julian looked at each other before looking at me. Their faces were rather paler because they knew that I might do it with the key word being might.

"Uh... ya, Justin," Julian said, his voice shaking a bit. He cleared his throat. "Which one?"

Justin cleared his throat and shifted on the bed beside me. "Ingford the Chosen," he said. "And Fia the Kind."

"Why them?" I asked, cocking my head. A shiver ran down my spine, causing me to shudder. There was this... feeling of completion as if a part of me knew that what he was could, in fact, be true.

Xavier, having caught me shudder, placed his arm around me. He didn't seem to care that both twins were also in the bed, one of them at my feet while the other was at my side. He squeezed my shoulder, causing me to look up and smile at him.

"Ingford is known for his inability to die," Justin said. "And, his ability to find a way out of any situation. He was said to be the closest to the Alpha King and would take over if he died and didn't have anybody to take his place."

"And... you are the next in line after us and Aunt Hedie if we perish and don't have a kid," Julian said. "And, you also have the inability to die."

"Uh... I can die," I said. "I am definitely sure that I can die."

"Uh... no, no you can't," Justin said. "You didn't die after killing those Worbers. They almost killed you, but you bounced back."

"And, let's not forget about the Frithen's scratch," Julian added. "I mean, you didn't die from it, even though their claws were filled with poison, and it takes a matter of seconds before a Werewolf dies."

"But, no you just had to walk in where Dad was having a meeting with the Guardsmen to see if there was a way to rescue your body from the Frithen to give you a proper burial and place the head of the Frithen in front of him with half of your veins almost black."

"And then you decided to pass out with no snarky comment."

I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't a mature Frithen," I said. "That's why it didn't kill me."

"It doesn't fucking matter," they said in unison. "You still were supposed to be dead, but you are sitting right in front of us."

"What's a Frithen?" Xavier asked.

"It's a snake/bird hybrid with a long neck and a long tail. Some of them can be up to a hundred feet long and fifty feet tall," Justin said, shrugging his shoulder. "I have never met one."

"And, you never will," I said. "They aren't native to America or Europe. They're native to Africa and do well in that arid climate," I explained, catching his confused look.

"How did you get back to base?" Justin asked. "I know that no one had stayed behind with you, and you were in Africa."

I shrugged, not knowing how to respond. I had no idea how I had been able to move that fast or if I had moved at all. I remembered passing out after I had torn off the Frithen's head and then waking up in front of the Guardsmen's base.

"Why Fia the Kind?" Xavier asked, keeping his arm around me. He squeezed my arm and leaned his head on mine.

"Uh... because she is the kindest person I have ever met, even though she is a bitch," Justin said, causing me to shrug my shoulder. "And, she risks her own life for people that she cares about."

"And, she tries not to judge others based on what people say," Julian added. "And, she absolutely cares about people."

"Which sucks that she had to be put up with an asshole of a mate who decided to abuse her just because she is feral," Justin said.

"And almost caused us to lose our sister for real."

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