Week 3

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Leti’s POV

“This week was made for you girls; divas.” Simon says and we all laugh.

“I’m so ready!” Jessica shouts.

“Do you want to know your song?” Simon asks and we get quiet. “If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher.” Meghan grabs her head and smiles.

“Are you serious?” she asks excited.

“One hundred percent. Now I want to talk a little bit about what a diva is. What do you think a diva is, using one word?” Simon asks and points to Ashlee.

“Well a stereotypical diva is all glamour and self-absorbed, really dramatic. I don’t think all that is true, but a diva is definitely glamorous.” She says and Simon points to Eliana.

“Divas are over dramatic.” She says and Simon chuckles.

“Divas are confident.” Jessica says.

“I think a diva is dazzling,” Meghan laughs and they all look at me.

“You guys took all the good ones,” I say and they laugh. “One word for a diva? Powerful.”

“Very nice ladies, great words. Now this week I want you to be that; glamorous, dramatic, confident, dazzling and powerful.” Simon says and we all nod. “Here are your parts, I will see you all tomorrow for rehearsal.”

He dismisses us and we all stand outside his office.

“What do you guys want to do? We have a while to do whatever; do you just want to go back to the house?” Ashlee asks.

“The house is stupid. We should go shopping!” Jessica exclaims.

“Yeah, let’s do that!” Meghan laughs.

“Eh, whatever you guys want to do. Who knows it could be fun.” I say and we head off to go shopping.


“What do you need to buy?” I ask Eliana and I see a camera following us; great.

“I need a new pair of pants and some shoes.” Eliana says.

“I want to get some hair chalk and color some of my hair.” Ashlee says.

“Oh yeah! That’d be cool,” Meghan says and we walk into the first store. We all start looking around and shopping, and the camera keeps following us. Sometimes I wished we weren’t on the show…

Half an hour later we are going to the next store, but things start to get freaky.

“Oh my gosh! It’s TFM.” A girl shouts and runs up to us with her friend. “You guys are amazing, like AH- mazing! I voted for you so much last week.”

“Yeah, can we get pictures and autographs?” the other girl asks excitedly. Was this for real? Did they actually like us and recognize us?

“Uh, yeah of course!” Meghan says and the first girl reaches into her bag and pulls out a notebook and a pen. She hands it to Jessica and Jessica looks as surprised as I feel.

“That’s awesome that you guys like us, I never imagined people knowing who we were.” Eliana says what I was thinking.

“Oh, we love you girls. Ever since the auditions started I was a fan of Leti, and Eliana, and Ashlee.” The second girl says as I get handed the note book.

“And for you three to get put together and adding the other two that was just perfect! Those judges are so smart.”

“Well thank you,” I say and hand them back the note book.

“Okay now we need pictures!” we all stand together and one of the girls hands her phone to a lady who is walking by and she takes the picture before continuing on.

“So what are you guys singing this week I wanna know!”

“We can’t tell you that,” Ashlee laughs.

“Why? We are your biggest fans.”

“It would ruin the surprise. It’s just a few days, but trust me you’ll love it.” Eliana says.

“Well we better get going.” I say awkwardly.

“Good luck this week!” they shout as we start walking away. Before we get to the next store another group of girls recognizes us. And some more, and even more. It was only week three and this was happening. What would it be like if we made it to the finals?

Meghan’s POV

“If I could turn back time!” Jessica holds the note as the rest of us continue.

“Turn back time,” Leti and Eliana sing together.

“If I could find a way,” Ashlee and I.

“Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.” Jessica

“You’d stay,” Eliana fades out and Simon starts clapping.

“Well done girls, the choreograph needs some work, but we still have tomorrow before the show.” He says and we all nod. “Now go home and practice!” he laughs and we all leave.

“On the first verse, is it left, left turn, or left right left turn? It keeps confusing me.” Ashlee says looking into the mirror.

“Left, right left, turn, drop, turn.” I say and she sighs.

“I’m not a dancer.” She says and I laugh.

“Me either, I just memorize the moves and rhythms.”

“So that makes you a dancer,” she says.

“No, I’ve never danced in my life. Unlike Jessica and Leti. Jess is trained in ballet and Leti has done hip-hop.” I say.

“Good thing we aren’t doing ballet, I’m way too uncoordinated for that.” She laughs and I step next to her and we both look in the mirror.

“It’s simple ok, just start slow and have the beat in your head.” I say and do the steps. “Then start the music and pick up the speed.” I start the music and wait for the right beats. I do the steps and she sighs again.

“So, like this?” she asks and does it slowly.

“Right, now try with the music.” I say and turn it on. She does great and I start clapping. “Who said you couldn’t dance?” I laugh.

“Thanks, luckily that’s the most we have to do, otherwise I would be so lost.” She says as Leti walks towards us.

“Practicing the steps? We should all do that, don’t you think?” she asks.

“If you guys have it down we don’t need to. It is a little late, we can do this tomorrow.” I say.

“Where are the other two?” Ashlee asks.

“I think Jess is actually asleep, and Eliana is with Jason again.” Leti says.

“Didn’t Carter warn us about him?” I ask.

“It’s Eliana’s choice, how do we know that Carter isn’t as bad?” Leti asks.

“He just doesn’t seem like a bad guy and Jason does. I don’t know either of them so I can’t judge.” I say.

“Maybe we should all get to bed so we are rested for tomorrow.” Ashlee says breaking the tension between Leti and I. Leti was only a year older than me but she liked to try and be the boss. If our group was going to work out we all had to be even.

Ashlee’s POV

“Nice hair,” Joe laughs and I hit him.

“I happen to like it, and the other girls all have big hair too.” I say.

“Big hair don’t care.” He says and I hug him.

“I missed you brother, I missed all of you.” I say to my family.

“We missed you too baby, I can’t wait to see you perform live again.” My mom says.

“I’m just glad you have a nice solo for us to be here; unlike last week,” my dad says.

“Yeah, I was a little upset, but at least I got a small part.” I say and my mom hugs me again.

“We are all so proud of you.” She says and HoJo walks by and I push her off and laugh awkwardly.

“Who are they?” Joe asks and I glare at him.

“That’s HoJo the boy group. There is Logan, Kyle, Jack, and Garrett.” I explain.

“Ashes! Simon wants to talk to us really quick before the show starts.” Jessica says a few feet away.

“Well I have to go, I’ll see you all later.” I say and get one last round of hugs.

“Good luck little sis,” Joe laughs and I walk away with Jessica.

“What do you think about our outfits and hair?” I ask and she laughs.

“The outfits are fine, pretty normal, our hair is crazy though. I feel like Mufassa,” she says and I smile.

“Or Andy Samuels.” I say and we both start laughing more.

“No giggling!” Leti says and then smiles.

“Ok girls, remember what a diva is and be that. Don’t worry about it I know you will do great.” Simon says and hugs us all.

“Thanks Si, we won’t let you down.” Eliana says and he heads to his spot as the show begins.

In just minutes we would be doing our third live show performance and I was just as nervous as the first.


 “Wow! Wow, wow, wow! You girls never cease to amaze me!” Khloe says after our performance.

“Yeah, each week you come out here and I can’t believe it! How do you all feel about that performance?” Mario asks.

“Once again we gave it our all and that’s all we can ever do.” Meghan says.

“Now we also saw earlier that you girls we practically mobbed this week how does that feel?” Khloe asks.

“It was weird, but we might have to get used to as we move farther into the competition.” I say.

“Judges how do you feel about their performance?” Mario asks.

“Cher is a diva, one of my favorites, and the song worked, I love the hair, everything was great.” Britney says.

“It was perfect, vocally I was amazed. There is something really loveable about you all.” LA responds.

“I agree with what they said, and I also enjoyed how the choreography was put together and the fact that you threw in dance moves.” Demi says. This was too good to be true…

“You are so amazing to work with, and I’m so proud of you all. Maybe there is a chance a group can win it this year.” Simon says and I smile. There was no way this was actually happening.

“Well  America, if you felt the same as the judges vote for these girls; but not until after the show. Next we have another one of the rising groups. Simon?” Mario says and we start walking off stage.

“That was amazing!” Jessica exclaims.

“Can I go wash my hair?” Eliana says and we all laugh.

“Guys I’m pretty sure we made it.” Leti says and we all hug once again.

Jessica’s POV

“This is the X Factor, results show!” Mario starts the show and we stand nervously off stage.

“This week two acts will be going home, and in just minutes we will announce the first to go home which is the act who received the lowest amount of votes.” Khloe says.

“Yes, but first let us see what happened last week.” Mario says and as the clips play we walk on stage.

“Last night sure was diva filled, but one act didn’t come through. And that act is going home right now.” Khloe says trying to sound sad.

“That act is,” Mario pauses and Eliana squeezes my hand. “Unknown,” he says and everyone gasps.

“Boys join us over here.” Khloe says and the rest of us walk back stage.

“Did that just happen?” I ask and Leti nods.

“Apparently no one is safe.” She says and we watch as the four boys say goodbye to America. Who would be singing for survival?


“This is my oath to you!” Cher finishes the song and the crowd goes wild.

“Crazy how we just sang that song on that stage and now she is.” Eliana says. I turn and see Naomi George and Talia Porter prepping for their performances. Who knew it would be them this week?

“When we come back we will have our first survival performance from the beautiful Naomi George.” Khloe says and Naomi stands up.

“Good luck Naomi.” I say and she smiles.

“Thanks,” she says quietly. This could be her last shot.


“I hate to say this, but I’m going to have to send Talia home.” LA says.

“So that is one for and two against Talia, Simon this is up to you.” Mario says.

“I agree with LA, Talia I’m sorry.” Simon says and the thirteen year old starts to cry.

“Poor Talia,” Meghan says.

“Just think, she is only thirteen and has her whole life ahead of her.” Eliana says.

It was true, but it was sad. As for us, we were through to week 4.

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