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Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani. One of the most famous girl groups to ever exist. Pop, country, rap, they've done it all. 1,000 turned to 100,000 to 1,000,000 fans and it's still on going. They're already big in the industry but they get bigger and bigger as the days past. They began on the X-Factor US, all solo artists to the girl group they are today. They had a bumpy road to getting here but now that they're here that's no stoping them now, so there's only one way from here, and that's up.


Lauren's POV

I'm standing in line, I'm so anxious to get to the sign up table. I'm also so scared. what if I suck? what if they don't let me sing today? what if... my thoughts are interrupted by my mom elbowing me telling me I need to move up with the line.

Gosh now that I'm back to reality I can see what I'm up against.

There's so many people. Tall, short. Big, tiny. Older, younger. Girls, boys. So many different people to compete against. They're probably all better then me.

The line continues to move, faster now that I'm actually paying attention. There's three people in front of me till the sign up table. Every second I'm getter more nervous, and now that I'm actually gonna sign up, I don't want to do it, I want to turn back now and leave, maybe even try next year.

"Mom?" I say and my mom turns to me. "Yes Laur?" She says smiling at me. I give her a weak smile back and swallow getting even nervous as we're now two people away from the sign up table.

"I'm really nervous, I don't think I can do this anymore..." I say looking down, fiddling with my fingers. I hear my mom sigh and I look back up to still see a smile on her face. She puts her hand on my shoulder and is giving me the 'are you serious' look. I give her a weak smile back. "Honey your gonna do great, matter of fact I think you might even win." She says and raises her eyebrows up and down. I laugh and look down again. "You think so?" I ask and she takes her hand off my shoulder to hold both my hands. "I know so." She says and I look back up at her and smile. She kisses my forehead and we move up, now one person away from the sign up table.

I take deep breaths to keep me from just running away. I know that's the chicken way of getting out of it but I'm really considering it, even if my mom says I will be fine I'm still a bit hesitant.

Finally I'm up.

I move up to the table and the lady behind it has a huge smile plastered to her face. "Hey Sweetie! What's your name?" She says very perky. "My names Lauren...." I say shyly. She nods at me and hands my mom a paper to sign, I don't look at it as I'm staring at the table but I'm assuming it's the paper to sign me up, since that is what we're here for.

"You nervous?" She asks and I just nod back, she laughs. "Well don't be you'll do great!" I smile at her and nod trying to calm down.

My mom signs the paper and gives it back to the lady and thanks her. "Well have a great audition Lauren! You'll do great!" She says waving bye to me. I wave bye and say a quite 'thanks' to reply.

Me and my mom head towards the building, she opens the door and we enter.

I see even more people once we enter. They are all scattered around in front of another door. Me and my mom walk past them and through the door that leads to a hallway. The hallway has signs leading the way saying 'audition waiting room' with a little arrow. We follow it to yet another door. We go into the large room and stand by the door not really knowing where to go now.

One of the staff members comes over to me and my mom and smiles at us. "Hey ladies. You here to audition?" She says directing the question more towards me then to my mom. I nod in response and she smiles back. "Ok great. So this room is only for contestants so mom, we're gonna get you to the contestants family and friends room." She says looking at my mom, my mom nods then gives me a hug and another kiss to my forehead. "You'll do great Lauren, I love you so much and I'll see you later." I nod and the lady looks at me. "You can go take a seat or something, you just have to stay in the room. And once all the contestants are here you'll get informed on what's happening and how everything's gonna be set up." She says and I give her yet another nod in response. She smiles then takes my mom out of the room and to the family and friends room.

I sigh now acknowledging that I'm alone with a bunch of people I don't know. 

I walk over to one of the corners of the room and sit in one of the chairs not surrounded by people. I pull out my phone and earbuds, plugging in my earbuds to my phone and playing one of my favorite playlists.

I should probably practice my song one more time but there's to many people here and I'll probably get the chance to do it later in a room by my self. I place my phone in my pocket and just sit there listening to my music.

I soon jump when I feel a hand tap my shoulder. I swing my head around to see a girl standing behind me. She's smiling at me and I awkwardly smile back. The girl's pretty, has semi long weave dark brown hair. A mixture of blue and green eyes. And she has just the right amount of makeup on, not to much to make her look fake and not any at all. She's pretty short for what I see. But considering I don't know her age I couldn't determine yet. I take out one of my earbuds and just stare at her waiting for her to continue with what she has to say since she tapped me.

"Hi! I saw you were all alone in the corner and I thought I'd make you some company. If that's all right with you of course?" She asks with a bright smile and a twinkle in her eye, she's very peppy from what I can tell, and considering she walked over here to 'keep me company' I'm guessing she's outgoing and talkative. "Uh yeah sure, that's fine." She sits down in the seat next to me happily and I just take out my other earbud knowing I won't get to listen to it after all.

She looks at me and starts talking again. "So, I'm Amy! What's your name?" She says and sticks out her hand for me to shake. I grab it and shake it answering "I'm Lauren." She nods. "That's a pretty name Lauren. So what brings you here?" She says. "Thanks. And uh well to audition?" I say not really knowing what she wants me to say.

She just laughs and shakes her head. "No I meant like why did you want to audition?" "I want to audition because I love to sing. And also I'm terrified of singing in front of people so I want to overcome a fear." I nod at her and think for a second, it's pretty much the same reason why I'm here. I love to sing, and I want to overcome my stage fright.

"Well pretty much the same as you. But wait, your afraid of singing in front of people, you don't seam scared of talking in front of people?" I say and she slumps down in her seat a little. "I'm not scared of talking in front of people because I love talking. But singing in front of people is different, like I sing in my churches choir and I'm fine, but singing alone I get really scared. It's probably just because I think I'll get judged" She says and shrugs, I just nod and sit back in my seat too.

"So how old are you?" I ask the question this time and she smiles looking at me. "I'm 17. You?" She says and I remember from when I said she was short, and now that I know her age, and she's older then me, she's pretty short. She's got to be at least shorter than 5ft.

"I'm 16." I say then say agin. "Not to be rude or anything Amy, but how tall are you, you look pretty small."  She sighs and I immediately regret asking. "I'm sorry, I knew it was rude of me to ask. Your heights really cute though, if that makes you feel better." I say smiling at her, trying to say sorry with my eyes.

"No it's fine Lauren, everyone asks. It just takes a while for me to explain." She says then takes a deep breath. "I have Turner syndrome, which means I was born with only one X chromosome and that's why I'm short." She says and her personality bounces back and she's all bubbly again. "But I'm fine, I've gotten use to it now." I smile at her and just nod, not wanting to ask anymore questions since my last one kinda failed.

"What song are you gonna be singing?" She asks and I look back at her and answer. "'Send it on' by Disney's Friends for change." I say and she slightly sits up. "Oh my god! I love that song!" She says and I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"What song are you singing?" I ask and she smiles. "'Rolling in the deep' by Adele." She says and I sit up and do the same thing she did. "Oh my god! I love that song!" I say less enthusiastic because I can't be that peppy because of my personality. She laughs and I sit back in my seat. "Wow that was to much energy for me." She laughs again.

We continued to talk and I got to know her a little better. She's actually really sweet and funny.

A while later one of the staff members calls out to get everyone's attention. "Hey everybody can I get your attention real quick!" One of the lady staff members said and everyone stops talking to listen.

"Ok, so everyone's here for today's audition and we have the list prepared. I won't say it now because it's to long but when it's your turn we'll ask you to come with us backstage. But we'll ask you when it's two people ahead of you so you'll have time to get your mic and song ready. If you have any questions you can ask Dave." She says and points to another male staff member. "Now good luck with your auditions! Oh but also can I have Jake Carter? You're up first." She says then some guy from across the room walks up to her. They both leave and everyone goes back to what they were doing.

Amy looks at me and smiles. "So this might take awhile, with my luck I'll probably be last and that'll probably be in a few hours." She says and laughs and I laugh along with her. "Yeah and I'll probably be right before you." We both laugh again then just look around at other people.

"Wow there's some cool looking people here. That guy there has red hair......there's a girl over there with really big and fluffy hair it's probably taller then me!" She laughs and I laugh too. "And oh, look there's some girl that's as tall as a tree!!" I laugh again and look at the girl she mentioned last.

She's actually really is tall. She must be at least 5'8, 5'9? Maybe even 6ft. She's pretty far from me and Amy so I can't tell. I sit back in my seat again and me and Amy continue to talk, glad I made the choice of coming here after all.

A/N: Hey guys! So glad you could read the prologue of my new story! :) if you have any suggestions for anything going on in this story I would gladly like to hear it and take it in to consideration. Please vote on this story and comment if you like it, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks guys! <3

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