Part 3

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Fourth Hour

Time passed slowly. It was as if every minute was snailing across the room before the second hand would tick the mangy sixty seconds it took for it to pass on the clock. Doc sat in his seat, shooting miniature balls of fire at his shoes, allowing the tip to burn until his foot felt the dangerous heat, then he would put it out, only to start it over again. Waverly was doing some homework from her history class. Nicole and Wynonna was all but asleep.  And (surprise, surprise) Jeremy was avidly reading once again.

Waverly glanced at Nicole. She looked so peaceful was she was asleep, like all her worries vanished.

Of course, good things can only last so long. Slowly, everyone became increasingly bored. Jeremy's head dropped down next to his books. Doc stopped burning his shoe, realizing that no matter how many times he did it, his foot would get warm. Eventually he settled back in his chair, eyes drooping shut.

It was only when Mr. Bulshar came in that everyone stirred. He took one glance at those who were in the room, before shouting, "Wake up! Who has to go to the lavatory?" Everyone raised their hands, feeling a great need to relieve themselves.

When they all returned, Bulshar grumbled something and left. Everyone took this as a sign to go about doing whatever. Jeremy resumed reading, Doc put the picture of the past lover away, and Waverly was busy imagining what Nicole's body looked like. Nicole started to stretch for her soccer game which was the following day. While they all did their mindless tasks half-heartedly, Wynonna ventured over to the bookshelf. Grabbing a random book off the shelf, she brought it back over to her seat and began tearing pages out.

"Oh that's real intelligent." Nicole commented.

"You're right, Haught. It's wrong to destroy literature," She continued to rip the pages right from their binding, not noticing the horrified gaze Jeremy and Waverly were giving her. "It's such fun to read and," She glanced down at the author of the book, "Molay really pumps my nads."

"Moliere, actually. Have you read any of it." Jeremy corrected getting papers thrown at him.

Doc bit his lip as she gawked at Wynonna.

"Big deal, Jeremy. There's nothing to do when you're locked up in a vacancy as displeasing as this place."

"Ah, speak for yourself." Nicole grumbled, stopping her stretching. Nicole looked over at Waverly. She was too busy scribbling stuff down to see where her eyes were lingering. Nicole walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, you grounded tonight?"

"I don't know. My mom said I was, by my dad told me to blow her off." Waverly sighed. "Why do you ask?"

"There's a big party at Aaron's. Parents are in Europe. It should be pretty wild."

"Are you going?" 

"Yep, wanna go?" Nicole asked, looking earnest for her answer. Behind him, Wynonna was making kissy faces. Doc caught sight of this and had to stifle a giggle.

"I don't think I can." Waverly's happy face turned into a frown.

"How come?" Nicole said softly, scooting closer to Waverly.

"Well because, if I do what my mother tells me not to do, it's because my father says it's okay. It's like this whole monster deal. It's endless. It's a total drag. It's like any minute, divorce."

"Who do you like better?" Wynonna asked, looking up at Waverly. She always wanted to know this answer. Waverly doesn't talk that much about her father or mother. It's always Wynonna.

"What?" Waverly asked back, surprised that Wynonna was actually speaking to her. "Don't you think they're both screwed?" Waverly answered honestly, getting a nod from Wynonna.

Nicole tucked a hair behind her ear, still smiling at Waverly who looked down afraid to meet Nicole's eyes.

"If you had to pick between just one, who would you pick?" Wynonna asked throwing the book on the floor, and standing right in front of Waverly.

"Hey!" Nicole yelled. "Would you shut up!"

Jeremy, sensing a fight coming over the two, rushed over, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. "Guys, let's be logical about this," he started, trying to pry them apart. Nicole just glanced at the hand, but Wynonna shoved the hand off of him. Jeremy continued to speak, "I don't like my parents all the time either. I don't always get along with them. Their entire mental projection of parental compassion is screwed up." he finished.

"Jeremy," Doc shook his head, he was siting on top of the table. "You're parents love you and you love them. Out of all of us, you probably have the best relationship with them."

"Well, well...," He tried hard to think of a great insult, then he said, "well at least I'm not a Neo-Maxi-Zoom-Dweebie, like you."

For a moment there was absolute silence, then Doc burst out laughing, clapping his hands. "Ha! That's a good one!"

"Why do you have to be so mean?" Waverly finally spoke as she got up from her seat. This was a first, she was actually yelling at Doc, rather then Wynonna.

Waverly side glanced at Nicole who leaned herself on the desk.

"It's called being honest, asshole," Doc shouted, feeling quite angry.

"Hey! Do not talk to my sister that way! Only I can do that!" Wynonna walked over to Doc about ready to hit him. But Doc caught her hand making Wynonna shocked. Doc came extremely close to her, getting his face inches from her own. He wouldn't let her back up. His arm had snaked around her lower back to hold her in place. "Are you a virgin?" he whispered, his lips hovering over her own. She didn't answer him. She just continued to stare into his cold, eyes. "I bet you a million galleons that you are." He smirked evilly. "

"Don't you ever shut up?" She retorted, trying to turn away, but he stopped her, gripping her wrists to hold her in place.

"Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, shoes off, hoping to God that a teacher doesn't enter the empty classroom you're in?" His gaze was extremely intense.

"Do you want me to puke?" She asked timidly, before swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Over the panties," Doc continued, ignoring her question. "No bra, blouse tossed on the floor, shirt in a ball nearby, past curfew only a few steps down the hall from the principles office?"

"Leave her alone!"Waverly shouted. "I said leave her alone."

He loosened his grip on Wynonna, letting his hand drop naturally off of her. As it fell, it touched her butt. Wynonna yelped, but quickly went back to her seat, not wanted to show the red in her face.

Wynonna watched him carefully as he returned to his seat. It was true, not even with her ex did she even do anything risqué. That's the one thing Wynonna was insecure about.

Eventually, everyone goes back to sitting. Finally another hour past, but not one of the students were anywhere near closer to finishing their essay, or coming to conclusions about who they really are.

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