Wynonna's eyes teared up as she looked at you. You took a step towards her and she took one step backwards, obviously not wanting to be near you for the moment. You backed away and turned around to hide your own emerging tears. You heard her clear her throat as if she was going to say something and you knew that pretty soon after one of those bullets was headed right for your brain.
"Y/n." Wynonna said and you stopped. "Look at me."
"No." You said, not caring if your voice sounds broken.
"If I have to do this, I want to see you one last time." Wynonna said and you laughed.
"You don't have to kill me Wynonna, I'm not one of those red eyed bastards you're hunting. I'm not some demon that's hurting people." You said and Wynonna sniffled. "We get what we deserve Wynonna."
"And way down we go." Wynonna said and you looked off into the sunset, waiting for the bullet to pierce the back of your head. The depths of hell swallowing you, pulling you deeper and deeper in until it stopped suffocating and burning you, but started to feel like home. "I don't want to do this."
"So fucking don't." You said, beginning to become bored with the tension. "You can put that gun down and let me walk out of here where we'll never see each other again. You can have your little life with Xavier and I'll find my own way."
"But I don't want that life with Dolls." Wynonna said and you turned to face her, noticing all of the pain evident on her face. The gun was in her hand, but it wasn't aiming at you anymore. "I want that life with you."
"Well, we both know that I can't stay here." You said and Wynonna looked at you sadly.
"But the church." Wynonna said and you laughed. "You said that was a sign."
"A sign that I'm not going up." You said and Wynonna's eyes began to water again. "I deserve this and somewhere along the line, I suppose you will to."
"But you don't deserve this." Wynonna said, wiping a tear from your eye. You placed the gun under your chin and took in a deep breath, allowing her to situate herself to where she could kiss you as she pulled the trigger. When her lips met yours, you heard the click and took a deep breath in through your nose. As the air slowly left your lungs, she pulled the trigger and you felt yourself get swallowed back into hell. "And way down we go."
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