You hated Purgatory. No matter how far you managed to stray from it, you always got pulled back in. When you took on a job finding out if monsters are real and which ones are and aren't, you should have seen it'd drag you right back to Purgatory. You had made quite a bit of money with your television deal and even as you neared the filming of your second season premiere, you were stuck in a shitty little bar in your shitty little home town.
"Send a bottle of your finest whiskey and two glasses to the woman on the other end of the bar." You said, slipping the bartender much more than the cost. "Keep the change."
"Thank you kindly ma'am." The man said, tipping his hat at you.
"You're welcome, nice to see a little extra charm in this town." You said and he sent the bottle to the rather lonely looking woman as you went back to reading over your options for the season. This season's theme wasn't necessarily finding monsters themselves, but finding people who'd seen and lived through them. Obviously they wanted you to at least spend an episode in Purgatory, but you had options here, but you'd make less money with travel expenses.
"Normally when a guy sends me a drink, he comes with it." The woman said, sitting beside you.
"Do I look like a guy to you?" You asked and she shook your head. "I did send the extra glass didn't I? Y/n Y/l/n."
"Wynonna Earp." She said and you looked up at her and smiled. "What are we supposed to know each other?"
"I used to hang around your sister Waverly in school. At least when Champ wasn't there." You said smiling. Waverly Earp was one of the few good things in Purgatory and the stories of her badass, albeit reckless older sister had fueled you with a sense of adventure to do what you did today. "If you're here maybe I should film here."
"Film what?" She asked and you smiled.
"My show, I go around the world seeing how many monster myths and legends are true." You said and she nodded slowly. "I assume I'll have a field day here. So much weird shit is always going down."
"You're not wrong." She said and you smiled. "I, uh, know a bit about the craziness that goes on. Maybe I could give you some information on it."
"Taking me there would be so much better." You said and she shook her head, a serious look on her face. "Alright I get it's dangerous, but if you have the time, I could maybe get a training regiment and help you even. I've been studying up on my demons lately."
"We'll see." She said and you smiled.
"Of all the gin joints in Canada." You mumbled under your breath smiling as you took the last drink from your glass. "How about we have ourselves another round?"
"If you're paying I'm in." Wynonna said and you slipped the bartender more money for more bottles.
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