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Y/N had always been known for their exceptional baking skills, delighting friends and family with their delectable creations. On this particular day, they had a brilliant idea—to surprise their father, Kurt Angle, with a box of their freshly baked cookies and pastries. With the treats carefully packed, Y/N made their way to the arena where Kurt was scheduled to make an appearance.

As Y/N entered the bustling backstage area, they spotted Kurt Angle engaged in conversation with none other than the imposing figures of Kane and The Undertaker. Intrigued by the unexpected encounter, Y/N hesitated for a moment but gathered the courage to approach the trio.

"Hey, Dad," Y/N called out, catching Kurt's attention. "I brought some of my latest creations. Thought you might enjoy them."

Kurt turned, his eyes widening with surprise. "Y/N! What a pleasant surprise. These guys here are my friends, Kane and The Undertaker."

Y/N smiled, extending the box of treats towards the legendary wrestlers. "Nice to meet you both. I hope you like sweets."

The Undertaker arched an eyebrow, a rare flicker of curiosity crossing his stoic expression. Kane, towering over the scene, leaned in to inspect the assortment of goodies.

"These look amazing, Y/N," Kurt said with a grin, nudging his friends. "You should definitely give them a try."

The Undertaker's stern facade softened as he selected a cookie from the box. Taking a bite, he savored the flavor before nodding in approval. "Impressive. These are exceptional, Y/N."

Kane nodded in agreement, his mouth full of a cream-filled pastry. "Mmm, you've got some serious talent here. I can't stop at just one."

Y/N's eyes lit up with delight at their response. "I'm thrilled you enjoy them! I promise, I'll bring more next time."

As the trio indulged in Y/N's treats, the initial awkwardness dissipated, replaced by camaraderie and shared enjoyment. Stories were exchanged, laughter echoed through the backstage area, and an unexpected bond formed over the delicious sweets.

Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment, witnessing their father and these legendary figures relishing their baked goods. It was a surreal and unforgettable experience—one that proved the power of food to bridge gaps and bring people together.

Before leaving, Y/N bid farewell, promising to return with an even grander assortment of treats. As they walked away, a sense of warmth filled their heart, knowing that their baking had forged a connection with unexpected allies in the world of wrestling.

Little did Y/N know that their sweet gesture would become a cherished tradition, with the bond between them, Kurt Angle, Kane, and The Undertaker growing stronger with each batch of delectable treats shared in the backstage realm of the WWE.

Y/N couldn't contain their excitement as they arrived at the arena once again, bearing a box brimming with an array of delectable treats. Today's selection featured an assortment of cookies, pastries, and a few new surprises they had crafted with great care.

Walking through the backstage corridors, Y/N searched for the familiar faces of Kane and The Undertaker. It didn't take long before they spotted the towering figure of Kane, his presence commanding attention even from afar.

"Hey, Kane!" Y/N called out, a bright smile lighting up their face.

Kane turned, a rare smile gracing his features upon seeing Y/N. "Ah, it's the master baker. What's on the menu today?"

Y/N held out the box, presenting it with a flourish. "I've brought some new creations, along with a few favorites. Thought you might enjoy them."

Kane's eyes lit up, and he eagerly reached for the box. "You never disappoint, Y/N. I can't wait to dive in."

Just then, the familiar gong of The Undertaker's entrance theme resonated through the backstage area. As if summoned by the sound, The Undertaker emerged from the shadows, his imposing presence sending shivers down the spines of those around him.

Y/N took a step forward, extending the box towards The Undertaker. "I brought some treats for you too, Undertaker. I hope you find something you like."

The Undertaker studied Y/N for a moment, his gaze intense, before accepting the offering with a nod. "Your creations have become somewhat of a legend around here, Y/N. Let's see if they live up to the hype."

As The Undertaker and Kane delved into the box of treats, Y/N watched with anticipation, their heart filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. Moments later, a glimmer of satisfaction crossed The Undertaker's eyes, followed by a nod of approval.

"These are extraordinary, Y/N. Your talent knows no bounds," The Undertaker remarked, savoring another bite.

Kane, his mouth full, managed to speak between bites. "You truly have a gift, Y/N. These treats are a highlight of our backstage rituals now."

Y/N's face lit up with joy, grateful for the praise and appreciation. The unexpected bond they had formed with Kane and The Undertaker through their shared love of baked goods felt like a precious secret of the wrestling world.

As Y/N bid their farewells, they couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging within the WWE family. The smiles on Kane and The Undertaker's faces reassured them that the treats had not only delighted their taste buds but also brought a small spark of joy into their lives.

Promising to return with more culinary wonders, Y/N left the arena that day, their heart filled with gratitude for the chance to connect with these legendary figures. The journey of their baked goods had become more than just sharing treats—it had become a symbol of friendship, respect, and the power of unexpected bonds.

And so, with each subsequent visit to the arena, Y/N continued to surprise Kane, The Undertaker, and their father, Kurt Angle, with mouthwatering delights, fostering a connection that transcended the boundaries of the wrestling ring. Their treats became a symbol of the enduring bonds formed through the shared love of food, and the backstage realm of the WWE was forever touched by the magic of Y/N's delicious creations.

Y/N's heart fluttered with excitement as they prepared for another visit to the arena. Little did they know that this day would bring about an unexpected turn of events. Armed with a box of delectable treats, they made their way through the backstage corridors, eager to surprise Kane and The Undertaker once again.

As Y/N approached the familiar area where they usually found Kane and The Undertaker, a tense atmosphere greeted them. The air crackled with an unusual energy, and voices rose in heated exchange.

The sight that unfolded before Y/N left them momentarily speechless. Kane and The Undertaker, normally stoic and composed, stood facing each other, their expressions fierce and determined. It seemed that both had chosen the same day and time to ask Y/N out.

"Y/N," Kane began, his voice carrying a rare hint of vulnerability. "I wanted to take you out for a meal and spend some time together."

The Undertaker's gaze narrowed, his tone carrying a touch of possessiveness. "I had the same idea, Y/N. I believe we should go on a date and see where things lead."

Caught in the middle of this unexpected clash, Y/N felt torn. They valued the bond they had formed with both Kane and The Undertaker and didn't want to cause any rift between them. It was clear that their baking had unintentionally stirred feelings they hadn't anticipated.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N stepped forward, their voice gentle yet firm. "Guys, I appreciate your interest, and I value our friendships. But I can't choose between you. However, I have an idea."

The room fell into a silence, the tension momentarily diffusing as both Kane and The Undertaker waited for Y/N's solution.

"I can go on separate dates with each of you, but on different days," Y/N suggested. "That way, we can spend quality time together without any conflict."

Kane and The Undertaker exchanged glances, their expressions softening as they considered Y/N's proposal. After a moment of contemplation, they nodded in agreement.

Kane spoke first, a smile gracing his lips. "That sounds fair, Y/N. I appreciate your understanding. We can make separate plans and enjoy our time together without any animosity."

The Undertaker nodded, a rare warmth in his eyes. "Agreed. It's important to preserve our friendship, and this solution allows us to explore our connection with you individually."

Relief washed over Y/N as they witnessed the tension dissipating between the two towering figures. They had managed to find a solution that honored their friendships while also acknowledging the emotions that had been unintentionally stirred.

And so, the dates were set—separate evenings dedicated to spending time with Kane and The Undertaker. Y/N couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness, eager to deepen their connections with both wrestlers in a more personal setting.

As they left the arena that day, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the unpredictable journey their baking had taken them on. It had not only forged bonds but also presented them with unexpected choices and challenges. However, amidst the conflicts, a unique solution had been found, allowing their friendships with Kane and The Undertaker to flourish while still exploring the potential for something more.

With each passing day, Y/N eagerly anticipated the upcoming dates, knowing that these experiences would not only be sweetened by the treats they would bring but also by the growing connections and bonds they had formed with these legendary figures of the WWE.

The day of the first date arrived, and Y/N found themselves filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. They had chosen to go on their first date with Kane, eager to explore the depths of their connection and spend quality time together.

Dressed in their finest attire, Y/N met Kane at a charming restaurant, their nerves gradually giving way to ease as they engaged in heartfelt conversations. The evening unfolded with laughter, shared stories, and an exploration of their common interests beyond the world of wrestling and baking.

Kane's reserved nature began to soften, revealing a tender and genuine side that Y/N found themselves drawn to. They discovered shared passions and experiences, deepening their connection with each passing moment. As the evening came to a close, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment, grateful for the memorable date they had shared.

Days later, it was time for Y/N's date with The Undertaker. The anticipation built once again, as Y/N arrived at a secluded café where they would spend their time together. The atmosphere was tranquil, matching the enigmatic nature of The Undertaker himself.

Over cups of steaming coffee, Y/N found themselves captivated by The Undertaker's intriguing stories and profound wisdom. The date unfolded in an atmosphere of mystery and depth, leaving Y/N craving to uncover more about the enigmatic wrestler. Their connection grew stronger with every word exchanged, and by the end of the evening, Y/N was left in awe of The Undertaker's profound presence.

As the days turned into weeks, Y/N continued to nurture their relationships with both Kane and The Undertaker. Each date brought new layers of understanding and affection, showcasing the unique dynamics they shared with each individual. Y/N cherished the moments spent with both wrestlers, knowing that their bonds had become more profound than they had ever imagined.

Throughout this journey, Y/N's baking continued to serve as a thread that wove their connections together. They would surprise Kane and The Undertaker with their delectable treats, sharing moments of joy and indulgence as they tasted the fruits of Y/N's culinary expertise.

While Y/N's heart grew fonder of both wrestlers, they remained true to their promise of keeping the dates separate. They valued the friendships they had built and wanted to explore the potential of each relationship without causing any harm or conflict.

The backstage realm of the WWE became a place where unlikely friendships blossomed, strengthened by shared experiences, genuine conversations, and the simple pleasure of savoring Y/N's delectable creations. Y/N found themselves surrounded by a support system unlike any other, their love for baking acting as a catalyst for connections that transcended the boundaries of the wrestling world.

As time passed, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the sweet surprises life had brought them. The bonds they had formed with Kane and The Undertaker went beyond their initial intentions, shaping a future that held endless possibilities.

Little did Y/N know that their journey was far from over, and as they continued to navigate the complexities of their relationships, they would soon discover that love and friendship could be as unpredictable and awe-inspiring as the delicate art of baking itself.

Y/N walked into the backstage area carrying a fresh batch of his famous baked goods, eager to share them with Kane and The Undertaker. But as he approached their dressing rooms, he heard raised voices and the sound of a scuffle. Worried, he quickened his pace until he was in front of the two wrestlers, who were in a heated argument.

"Guys, what's going on?" Y/N asked, frowning at the sight of them pushing each other.

"He's trying to tell me how to do my job," Kane growled.

"He's being unreasonable," The Undertaker snapped back.

"Hey, hey, calm down," Y/N said, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "What's this all about?"

Kane and The Undertaker turned to him, both scowling. "He's saying I need to improve my choke-slam technique," Kane said.

"I'm just trying to help," The Undertaker said.

"Guys, come on," Y/N said, exasperated. "This is ridiculous. You're both incredible wrestlers, and you know it. Why are you fighting over something like this?"

Kane and The Undertaker exchanged a glance, and then turned back to Y/N. "Because we both care about you," Kane said.

"We want to be the one you choose," The Undertaker added.

Y/N blinked in surprise, caught off guard by their admission. "Choose?" he repeated. "What do you mean?"

Kane stepped forward, his eyes locked onto Y/N's. "Choose one of us, Y/N. Be with us. You can't have both of us."

Y/N's heart sank. He had never considered that his relationship with Kane and The Undertaker could go beyond friendship, and the idea of having to choose between them was painful. He looked from one wrestler to the other, trying to find a way to make things right.

But then, he had an idea. "Why do I have to choose?" he said, his voice filled with determination. "Why can't we all be together?"

Kane and The Undertaker looked at him in surprise, their expressions softening. "What do you mean?" Kane asked.

Y/N took a deep breath, feeling a surge of courage. "I mean that I care about both of you, and I don't want to lose either of you. We don't have to be exclusive with each other. We can have a relationship that's based on trust, honesty, and respect, where we all love and support each other."

Kane and The Undertaker looked at each other, and then back at Y/N, their eyes shining with emotion. "That could work," The Undertaker said, his voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and hope.

Kane nodded. "I'm willing to try," he said.

Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He had found a way to keep both of the wrestlers in his life, and he knew that together, they could make something beautiful and unique.

The three of them sat down, sharing Y/N's baked goods as they discussed their newfound relationship. It wasn't going to be easy, but Y/N knew that with honesty and communication, they could make it work.

As they finished their treats and prepared to go their separate ways, Y/N felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. He had found not one, but two people who loved him for who he was, and he knew that he would cherish their connection for as long as it lasted.

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