Chapter 20 - "Stay?"

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The drive back to Kuroo's and Tsuki's apartment was spent in silence. Akaashi had fallen asleep no more than 15 minutes after Kenma had. Both Bokuto and Kuroo was too tired to really talk or banter at this time. It was 4am and neither had that much energy. Kuroo didn't want to distract Bokuto from focusing on driving either. He knew that this must his difficult so he stayed quiet. Boktuo and Kuroo sat in a comfortable silence, Kuroo having his arms around Kenma and Bokuto having one of his hands in Akaashi's. Both boy felt their loves close, not wanting to leave them for even one moment. They couldn't bring themselves to. Kenma and Akaashi both looked so peaceful as they slept.

Kenma snored but only slightly, it was more so a purr anyway. Which of Kuroo found to be adorable. Kenma seemed so similar to a cat. In every form that he took, being a night owl, being independent, only enjoying affection from people he wanted it from, the purring and of course he gentle hold of Kuroo's arm as he slept. Kuroo found it all so cute, words couldn't even begin to explain it. Akaashi was very similar in that aspect too. Him and Kenma hit it off instantly due to the both being very similar in a lot of ways. It was like Bokuto and Kuroo.

"I'm happy that he's finally with you bro" Bokuto said, 10 minutes away from Kuroo's apartment. Kuroo smiled, looked down to the boy in his arms. He brought him closer, almost being rather protective over him. "I'm really happy too...he's adorable isn't he?" Kuroo said, slowly bringing one of his hands up to brush a strand of stray hair out of Kenma's face. Kenma made a small noise before cuddling closer. Kuroo hummed in content, leaning against the smaller boys frame. "Do you think he'd come back to school after a bit?". Kuroo shrugged his shoulders. He knew for a fact that he'd never force Kenma back into public education. It knew how hard it was for him. So if Kenma wanted to continue home schooling Kuro would help him. He'd get websites and online classes to help Kenma feel as comfortable as he could be.
"I'd have to talk to him about it. I don't know how the school would feel about his parents situation though. What if they tell them he's back? I can't let them take Kenma back" Kuroo whispered, keeping his voice low so that he didn't awake Kenma.

Bokuto nodded, understanding his situation completely. It was going to be hard on both of them but Bokuto knew they could make it work. "I believe in you both" he whispered back. Kuroo thanked him, putting an end to their small conversation.


Once they reached the house Kuroo slowly began to try wake Kenma up. "Hey kitten, we're here" Kuroo whispered, brushing his fingers through his hair. Kenma mumbled something in complaint, shaking his head. Kuroo chuckled under his breath. It was still late. He knew he'd have to take the day off tomorrow so that they could spend the day with Kenma, helping him to settle in. He may even take the week off and just ask Bokuto for the work he missed out on. He had to Kenma used to his room mate and his room mate's boyfriend too, for they were often in the house. Yamaguchi was a sweetheart, Kuroo absolutely adored him but Tsukishima, he was a little rough around the edge even though he meant well.

Kuroo made the decision of carrying Kenma inside instead of having to wake him up. He lifted Kenma up into his arms, having him so that Kenma acted like a koala. Kenma wrapped his arms around Kuroo's shoulders as soon as he felt his movements. He didn't exactly have anything registered in his brain. He was far too tired to really understand much. Kuroo wrapped one of his arms underneath Kenma whilst the other got hold of the bags in the boot.

He quickly said goodbye to Bokuto and Akaashi before opening the car door. He kept Kenma in his hold as he began to walk to his apartment complex door. Kenma wrapped himself around Kuroo tighter, complaining slightly that it was too cold. Kuroo nodded, softly shushing him. He told him to try and sleep more, that he got him. "We will be inside very soon, I promise" Kuroo said against Kenma's ear. He got out his key from the complex door, unlocking it before entering.


Inside the actual apartment the instant heat washed over both Kenma and Kuroo. Kuroo had left the heating on, knowing that they would be cold when they came back. He hummed in content, already making his way towards his bedroom. He would let Kenma sleep in his bed whilst he slept on the couch. He didn't want to overstep and assume that he could share the bed. He knew that Kenma wasn't great with affection so he was making sure that he was keeping his distance.

Inside his room he placed Kenma's bags down onto the floor, leaving them by his wardrobe. He walked over to his bed, holding Kenma close against him. The previous setter would've been too tired to walk by himself. Kuroo wasn't complaining with holding him though, in fact he really enjoyed it. He slowly peeled back his blankets on his bed. Kenma went down slowly. Kuroo raised the blankets back up over Kenma's body, tucking him in to bed. Kenma mumbled something that Kuroo couldn't quite hear at first. He leaned down, crouching onto his knees. Kenma's eyes slowly blinked themselves open, gazing around the room around him. "Stay?" He asked again, his eyes going to find Kuroo beside him.

"You sure you want that kitten? it's okay if you dont" Kuroo said, bringing his hand up to hold the side of Kenma's jaw, brushing his thumb over the surface of his cheek. Kenma subconsciously leaned into his touch, smiling slightly from the warmth of it. "Please stay Kuro" he whispered. The sound of Kenma's voice let alone his request made him feel so many butterflies inside his stomach. He nodded his head, leaning forward to gently place a kiss onto Kenma's forehead. Kenma sighed from the gesture, feeling so safe and welcome. "Okay, I'll stay. Move over please". Kenma instantly moved, going over to the other side of the bed so that he could give room for Kuroo to slip under the blankets . Kuroo took off his shoes and socks, leaving on his clothes so that he didn't make Kenma uncomfortable. He got underneath the covers, already opening up his arms for Kenma to come closer.

Kenma moved in against Kuroo's side in an instant. He began resting his head down onto Kuroo's upper chest as soon as they both found comfortable positions. Kenma smiled, subconsciously wrapping one of his arms and legs around Kuroo's body. Kuroo wrapped one of his arms around Kenma's waist, pulling him in closer. The two of them had properly melted into the others grasp, finally content due to them being with the other. They couldn't stop smiling, even as they went to sleep.

"Goodnight Kitten" Kuroo whispered into the air of their dimly lit bedroom. "Ni ni kuro" Kenma responded, his voice weak from the little sleep he's gotten. Kuroo smiled, glancing down to the boy in his arms. He wrapped him up close against Kuroos chest, kissing his forehead once more before slowly drifting off to sleep himself.

It was safe to say that that was the best nights rest either of them have had in the longest of time.

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