Chapter 12

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Camila was looking through the drawer while Lauren sat on the bed, staring at her.

"You know, it'd be nice if you helped me out, Lauren." Camila said with a huge grin on her face.

"I think I'm fine...chilling over here." Lauren winked and Camila groaned, grabbing Lauren's hand making her involuntarily help her.

Lauren sighed, reaching into the drawer looking for something cute. Lauren grinned, finding a minion onesie. She took it out and turned around, showing it to Camila but caught the brunette staring at her ass.

"Thought you were slick, baby." Lauren teased and Camila blushed furiously.

"Shut up." Camila mumbled and grabbed the onesie from Lauren's hands. Lauren went over to Ally's bed and sat on it.

Camila started to take off her current shirt when Lauren pulled Camila closer to her and grabbed onto her hands.

"You're changing- right, right here?" Lauren squeaked out and Camila smirked, nodding.

"Do you want me to leave?" Lauren asked and Camila giggled, shaking her head.

"No, stay." Camila said, letting go of the bottom of her shirt and putting her hands on Lauren's.

"Okay, should I look away?" Lauren asked, raising an eyebrow.

Camila smirked and shook her head. "You can if you want to but I'm not opposed to you looking." Camila smiled and Lauren gulped.

Camila smirked at a speechless Lauren, she knew exactly what she was doing to the green-eyed girl.

"I think- I should give you your know, so you're, uh, comfortable." Lauren said in a small voice.

"I am comfortable with you here, Laur." Camila assured her, giving Lauren's hand a small squeeze.

"Unless you aren't?" Camila raised an eyebrow and Lauren shook her head.

"Uh, yeah, I'm way comfortable." Lauren cleared her throat.

Camila smiled at Lauren and took a step closer making Lauren's breath hitch. Lauren was not expecting this to happen. She thought they'd just go up here and let Camila change then go back down.

Lauren pulled her hands away from Camila's and Camila started to take off her shirt, Lauren now staring at Camila, not trying to look at her enchanting body.

Camila opened her shirt halfway when the door opened and Lauren tried to scoot back from Camila but fell off the bed.

"Ow, fuck." Lauren groaned and Camila quickly helped her up.

"I can't believe you two were going to get it on in Ally's bed." Normani said, smirking.

"I was just changing my shirt, Mani." Camila said, feigning innocence.

Lauren quickly jumped over the bed and went to Normani.

"I'll let you change in here, Camz, while I- go downstairs and, uh talk to Mani real quick!" Lauren rushed her words and dragged Normani down the hall, after closing the door. Camila grinned widely seeing the effect she had on that green-eyed girl, and proceeded to change.

"What was that, Lauren?" Normani smirked and Lauren let out a breath of relief that she didn't even know she was holding in. The two were walking their way back downstairs.

"I-I don't know! I told her I could give her some privacy and then she told me to stay and she didn't mind if I looked." Lauren nervously said and Normani stopped in her tracks, making Lauren stop walking.

"What the fuck? Get back in there!" Normani whispered loudly, pushing Lauren towards Ally's room.

"Mani!" Lauren exclaimed, laughing. Normani kept pushing Lauren towards Ally's room and Lauren stopped, grabbing on to Normani's hands.

"Wait. You really want me to go back in there?" Lauren asked and Normani shook her head, rapidly.

"Yes!" Normani exclaimed pushing Lauren, one last time. Lauren sighed and nodded her head.

"Fine." Lauren said and Normani smirked, giving her a thumbs-up before quickly running down the stairs.

Lauren went in front of Ally's door and knocked on it, waiting for Camila to open the door.

Camila opened the door, a bit, and peeked through it. Camila smiled and saw Lauren there, gladly opening the door.

Lauren walked in and saw that Camila had her shirt off, which left her top half only with a bra on. Lauren gazed at her and gulped, quickly looking at the ground.

"You gave me a freaking minion onesie, Laur." Camila told Lauren, walking back to the drawer, which also snapped Lauren out of her daze.

"What's wrong with it?" Lauren asked, sitting on the bed, holding the onesie.

"As much as I like minions and want to wear it- people are going to laugh at me." Camila pouted and Lauren motioned her over.

Lauren held Camila's hands and smiled. "You look cute in anything you wear- and if you want to wear a minion onesie then who the fuck cares? Wear what you like." Lauren said and Camila swung their intertwined hands side to side.

"You really want me to wear it?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"Yes. You'd look so unbearably cute in it and- I know you wanna wear it, too. Wear it." Lauren said and Camila smiled, kissing Lauren on the cheek.

Camila let go of Lauren's hands and started to undo her jeans.

"Oh my god, Camz!" Lauren squealed and Camila looked up at her as she unzipped her jeans.

"What?" Camila smirked and Lauren grabbed her phone out, clearing her throat.

"Nothing. Go ahead." Lauren said, not looking at Camila.

Camila laughed and wiggled herself out of her jeans, so she was now half-naked. Camila looked over at Lauren and saw her still gazing at her phone making her smile.

Lauren scrolled through Twitter then decided to have some fun with it by tweeting something out.

'@LaurenJauregui: So...Camz's changing into a minion onesie right now...if anyone sees her outside wearing it, take a picture & send it 2 me pls'

Lauren looked up real quick to see if Camila was done and saw her, putting her arms in the onesie.

Lauren locked her phone and put it on Ally's bed, then reached down to the start of the zipper on the onesie, pulling it up.

"Oh, getting bold, are we?" Camila smirked and Lauren rolled her eyes. Lauren zipped it up and stood up, zipping it all the way up. The two were standing very close to each other and Lauren noticed how Camila's eyes were trained on her lips. Lauren blinked a couple times then was the first one to speak up.

"You look so cute, nugget." Lauren poked Camila's nose then turned around, grabbing her phone. Lauren heard Camila sigh and she pressed her lips into a thin line.

Lauren used her free hand to grab Camila's hand, leading her downstairs.

Lauren realized that there was no sound coming from the TV and that the scary movie had probably ended while she was with Camila.

Lauren heard commotion in the kitchen and saw Camila looking around for the girls.

"C'mon, dork." Lauren said, letting go of Camila's hands and putting her arm around Camila's waist.

The two walked in the kitchen and Dinah, who was the first to notice the two enter, immediately burst out in laughter seeing her best friend in that minion onesie. Ally and Normani were off to the side, boiling some hot water.

"Holy fuck, Chancho. This is better than when you fell down a flight of stairs that one time." Dinah said, putting her phone up and taking a picture.

"Lauren," Camila whined, hiding her face in Lauren's neck.

"You look cute as fuck to me, Camz. I honestly adore seeing you in this." Lauren whispered then glared at Dinah.

"Let her be, Di. I told her to wear it, so watch yourself." Lauren pointed her index finger at Dinah.

"Oh, god, Camila. You can keep that minion onesie, if you want, you know? I don't ever use it anymore." Ally said and Lauren grinned, poking Camila in the stomach.

"You hear that? You can keep that cute ass minion onesie, Camz." Lauren said and Camila laughed, looking at Ally.

"Thanks, Ally. I can really keep it?" Camila's eyes lit up and Ally nodded, pouring the hot water into five mugs.

Camila ran over to Ally and gave her a quick hug before retreating back to Lauren and holding her hand.

"So...something happen between y'all upstairs?" Normani smirked, looking at the exchange between the two girls.

"Oh God, please say no. You guys did not dare to do anything in my room." Ally said, her eyes widening.

"Sorry Ally, your bed is tainted, forever." Lauren joked.

"Oh, so that's why your asses were there for some time." Dinah raised her eyebrows, smirking.

"Their butts are about to be kicked to the curb if they-"

"Ally! I'm kidding, we didn't do anything." Lauren interrupted the smaller girl, laughing. Lauren went over to Ally and gave her a hug.

"Good, I was about to freak out. Oh my God. Anyway, here's your hot chocolate, Lauren." Ally grinned, handing Lauren a mug.

"Ah, thank you!" Lauren exclaimed, grabbing the mug.

"And these other mugs are y'all's." Ally grinned and the other girls squealed.

"Thanks Ally!" Camila grinned.

"Thanks, Smallz." Dinah said, running over to get her mug.

"I knew why I liked you better than my other friends, Allycat." Normani winked and Lauren glared at Normani.

"Hey!" Lauren exclaimed, flipping Normani off. Normani chuckled, grabbing her mug.

Lauren rolled her eyes and grabbed another mug, going over to Camila and handing it to her.

"Careful, it's hot." Lauren smiled at Camila. Camila grasped it in her hands and took a sip.

"Did the movie end?" Lauren asked to no one in particular.

"Oh no! Y'all went upstairs and we decided to pause it till you got back." Ally smiled.

"Well, I told their asses to keep playing it, since you and Mila wanted to play dress up, upstairs." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"I don't like scary movies!" Camila whined.

"You should've kept playing it till them end!" Camila added in, pouting.

"It's okay, Lauren can be there to protect you." Dinah winked, grinning.

"And I'll be there to protect my girl." Dinah winked at Normani.

"Hey! What about me?" Ally exclaimed and Normani went over to hug Ally.

"I've got you, Allycat." Normani smirked at Dinah.

"Whatever- I'm sure camren will let me join in on their cuddling." Dinah scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Dinah, you just made fun of Camila's minion onesie. I feel like throughout the movie, you'll just be laughing at her outfit." Lauren said, putting an arm around Camila's waist.

"Okay- I'll contain myself. Promise!" Dinah exclaimed before sipping some of her hot chocolate.

"I don't know, Di..." Lauren raised an eyebrow and Normani sighed heavily.

"I guess we'll take...Dinah." Normani said and Dinah glared at her.

"No, if you want to be with Ally so much, be with her." Dinah looked away from the two.

"Aw, honey, I love you. Ally and I can fit another person in our cuddle session." Normani said going over to Dinah, cupping her cheeks.

"Don't worry! We don't leave anyone out, Biggie." Ally exclaimed enthusiastically.

Normani nodded her head and kissed Dinah real quick.

"Kiss Ally, while you're at it." Dinah pouted and Normani kissed Dinah, again.

"Shut up. Stop being jealous, baby. C'mon! Let's get to the movie already." Normani said, letting go of Dinah and intertwining their hands. Dinah grinned and walked over to the living room with Normani. Ally quickly followed behind leaving Camila and Lauren in the kitchen.

"Did you finish your hot chocolate?" Lauren asked Camila. Camila nodded and stayed by Lauren.

"You can go ahead and watch the movie with the girls." Lauren said squeezing Camila's side a bit.

"I...I think I'll stay here with you, if that's okay." Camila smiled.

"That's more than okay, but I was just going to finish this real quick then head on to the living room." Lauren said, pulling her arm away from Camila's waist.

Camila slightly frowned at the loss of contact, but Lauren grasped her hand, holding it.

Lauren drank the rest of her hot chocolate while Camila stared at Lauren admiring her beautiful features.

Lauren let go of Camila's hand and grabbed her mug, going over to the sink and washing it.

Lauren then put the mugs away and looked back at Camila but saw that Camila was right behind her making Lauren startled.

Lauren grabbed ahold of the sink behind her and rose up a little on it.

"Let's go back to the girls, yeah?" Lauren said. Camila nodded, but took a step forward towards Lauren.

"You have a little cocoa...right here." Camila said, grabbing a tissue and wiping the corner of Lauren's mouth.

Camila threw the tissue away behind Lauren where a small trash can was placed.

"Is it gone?" Lauren asked and Camila put her hand up to Lauren's lips.

"Mhm." Camila said, staring at Lauren's lips, dragging her finger on her lips.

"Camz," Lauren said, her heart rate picking up.

"Sh," Camila whispered, leaning in.

There were only two words on Lauren's mind right now.

Holy fuck.


A/N: oh shiiit ;) da da dummmmm but anyway, here i am chanting: fluff fluff fluff


but also... RIP Christina Grimmie. she was such an amazing human being and had such a kind soul. she was also SO talented and so young. may she be forever peaceful and unharmed now. ❤️

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