Hickeys and Hoodies

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A/N: Bonjour mes beaux lecteurs. Aujourd'hui Je Les presente une chapitre nouveau. J'espère que vous le trouve excitant. Je les verrai au fin.

Yoongi woke up with the annoying sound of his alarm. He punched his clock to stop it, he groggily rubbed the sleep out his eyes.

He turned over and came to face with Taehyung. He smiled at the sight. Taehyung had his mouth slightly ajar, his nose scrunched up, and his hair sticking up in all directions.

He reached for his phone and snapped a quick photo.

"Tae, wake up. Tae, wake up," Yoongi shook Taehyung to get him to wake up. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes only to grimace from the harsh sunlight.

"Let's skip school, I want to sleep all day," Taehyung said as he turned over and brought the blanket to cover his whole body.

Yoongi laughed, "come on kid get up; or I'll get the ice water."

At the sound of that statement Taehyung shot out of bed and straight to the bathroom. Yoongi got up and looked for some clothes for himself and Taehyung.

After 15 minutes Taehyung came out the bathroom drying himself and a robe hugged his body. He went to the kitchen to see Yoongi setting up the table.

"I left some clothes for you on the bed, get dressed and then come eat," he said as he filled each plate up with food. 

Yoongi poured himself a mug of coffee and brought out some orange juice for Taehyung.

He sat down and started eating the pancakes, eggs, and bacon he prepared.

Taehyung came out wearing some black skinny jeans with an oversized hoodie and black converse.

(Hoodie he is wearing)

"Yoongi hyung, you didn't give me a shirt," Taehyung said as he sat down.

"Yeah, sorry I don't have any that will fit you; also this sweater carries my scent so alphas will back off," Yoongi said nonchalantly.

Taehyung just nodded as he had already stuffed his face with food.

Yoongi was just about to say something until something caught his eyes when Taehyung was drinking the juice. His neck was exposed and he saw a purple patch on it.

It was a hickey. More specifically the hickey he made. He only stared at it, now he thought maybe he got a little carried away last night with kissing Taehyung. It was mind blowing to kiss the young omega.

But he shouldn't have left a mark like that, yet the alpha part of him took pride to have left a mark. His mark.

He didn't say anything seeing as it will go away soon anyways.

Taehyung had finished as he got up to put his plate in the sink, Yoongi shortly followed, "Let's go; we don't want to be late," Yoongi said as he got his bag and keys ready to leave. Taehyung grabbed his bag as well and went to the door.


Yoongi and Taehyung made it to school to see Jimin standing outside the gate waiting for them. Once he saw them he excitedly waved at them until they were standing in front of him.

"Taehyungie, I dropped by your place to walk here with you but you weren't there," Jimin said with a pout.

"Sorry Chim, I stayed at Yoongi hyung's place an-" but before he could finished Jimin gasped.

"Tae the elders will get mad, you know how they feel about you being around an alpha alone," Jimin said.

Jimin then looked Taehyung up and down and he noticed he wasn't wearing his clothes, but what really caught his attention was the purple bruise on his neck.

"Tae what happened to your neck?" Jimin asked as he poked the spot.

Taehyung looked so confused. Suddenly the memories of last night came to mind and he bowed his head to hide the blush creeping up his whole body.

"We were messing around and I accidentally hit him," Yoongi explained seeing that Taehyung wasn't speaking up.

Jimin didn't exactly buy the excuse, but he let it slide for now. He was going to talk about it privately with Taehyung later on.

Jungkook showed up and immediately greeted Jimin. He gave him a hug and a bright smile. Then he turned to the other two and simply greeted them with a 'good morning'.

He caught the scent of Yoongi all over Taehyung and scoffed.

"Wow Taehyung you smell like Yoongi, did you two fuck last night?" Jungkook asked eyeing Taehyung. 

"Watch your mouth Jeon," Yoongi warned.

"So how was he Yoong? Did he scream like a slut?" Jungkook kept prying. "It's not your business," Jimin said.

"Actually it is my business, I'm future head alpha and I should make sure everyone in the pack behaves." Jungkook retorted.

He then looked at Taehyung once again, "I should make sure slutty people like him don't damage our reputation."

At this statement the tears that Taehyung was trying so hard to not let them fall, streamed down his face. Once the few tears fell Jungkook felt slight guilt, he didn't know what he was saying. He just felt so annoyed right now.

He was about to speak, but a punch landed on his jaw.

Yoongi's eyes were glowing, the aura around him was glowering and baleful. Jungkook wasn't backing down, he smirked and got up and stood to throw a punch at him.

Yoongi was ready to take the punch but he never did. At the last second Taehyung got in the way and Jungkook's fist connected with his face.

Taehyung stumbled back into Yoongi as he blacked out. Jungkook looked at his limp body in Yoongi's arms in horror.

Jimin ran over to Taehyung and checked his now busted lip and bruised cheek. He looked at Jungkook with disdain.

"How could you hurt him?!" He yelled, "he's already gone through so much he doesn't need you adding to it!" Jimin yelled.

Yoongi picked Taehyung and started walking off leaving Jungkook standing there. Jimin looked at him and shook his head and ran to catch up to Yoongi. 

Jungkook felt his heart crack a bit, he had never seen Jimin mad at him. And hell it hurt him.

He then thought of the words Jimin yelled at him. 'What did he mean by him going through so much?'

The more he thought about it the more he realized he knew nothing of Taehyung.

He felt like shit right now. He knew he had to apologize to Taehyung and the others.

A/N: Bonjour, est-ce que vous aimez ce chapitre? De toute façon Je vais écrire le Chapitre prochain et je le télécharge très bientôt. Au revoir mes beaux lecteurs. Je les pourpre 💜💜💜💜

~Votre sincèrement

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