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(A/N - Is this my way of writing a mini zombie apocalypse type thing? Yes! Is anyone complaining? I have no idea because this is being written before those parts are published! Also I can't believe this has 3k reads!!!)

Wanda grinned. "Wings and Webs. They both have names that match now."

Eliana looked at her questioningly. "Why do you ship them so much? Like I get that they're cute and all, but I didn't think you'd be the 'I would rather die than say this is a bad ship' kind of person."

Wanda was still slipping glances between the cameras and Eliana's face. "Because the author wanted a die-hard shipper of the two before she decided you were going to exist."

Everyone turned to stare at Wanda. Eliana looked a mix of terrified and confused. "Excuse me, what? What the fuck do you mean 'decided I was going to exist'?!"

Wanda sighed, now constantly looking at the cameras. "You were a last minute decision while she was figuring out the next plot point or something. But for now, we need to decide what order we're going to round everyone up in. I say we get Vision first."

Eliana just looked traumatised, but Scott didn't notice and rolled his eyes at Wanda. "Alright, we get that you have a massive crush on him or whatever, but we don't have to go find him first just because you want him to be your boyfriend."

Wanda turned red and stared at him. "He is literally walking around the place, unaware of the demonically over-caffeinated kids in the lounge... WHICH HE IS ABOUT TO WALK STRAIGHT INTO, LET'S GO PEOPLE!"

Wanda burst out of the door and bolted towards the lounge, with Bruce, Eliana and Scott quickly following her. Wanda was silently begging she'd reach him before he reached the demons, ignoring the fact that the others were struggling to keep up with her.

Just as Vision was about the walk into the lounge, Wanda managed to grab him by his shoulder, silently shushing his questions and pointing to the two run-crawling on the ceiling. He backed away with Wanda as quietly as possible until they reached the group.

They all started to run back to the room and once again barricaded the door when they were inside. Vision was a mix of confused, scared and more confused. "What's wrong with-"

Bruce cut him off. "Peter had 6 cups of coffee and 18 cans of red bull, Ash had 6 cups of coffee and 30 cans of red bull. Who are we getting next?"

While Vision was still processing how the two aren't unconscious, the group thought about it. They seemed like they couldn't decide so Bruce suggested something. "It might be a good idea to get Nat. She's on the balcony so we can reach her without going super close to the lounge and if those two find her, she's got nowhere to go."

Wanda contemplated it. "Good idea, but I say you, me and Vision go do that while Scott and Eliana check the vents for Clint. Eliana can obviously use the vents because that's how she got in, and Scott can shrink. Also I'm pretty sure I've seen one of the two crazy ones use the vents. So Clint is in danger."

Eliana nodded and Scott did a thumbs up. Bruce seemed to be deciding whether it was a good idea or not. "Alright, we come back here as soon we're done."

They all agreed and split off into two groups. Surprisingly, Eliana and Scott found Clint easily. When Eliana she spotted him crawling around, she crawled as fast as she could without making noise.

As soon as he was within arms reach, Eliana tapped his foot. He turned to look at her. "El-" She shushed him and quickly motioned for him to follow her. He was extremely confused. "What's-"

Eliana looked him dead in the eye and whisper yelled. "What part of 'shush' don't you understand?"

He followed her the rest of the way in silence until they reached Bruce's lab. "Okay, what the fuck is happening and why did I need to leave the vents?"

Eliana sighed. "How the fuck have you not noticed what's going on in the lounge?"

Clint raised his eyebrow and pointed to the cameras on the laptop screen. "But there's no one in the lounge?"

Scott unshrunk and pulled off his helmet again while Eliana quickly tried adjusting the angle of the camera from the laptop, but the lounge was empty. Her eyes scanned over the cameras and quickly found that the two were bouncing around the halls again and they were headed straight for the others. "They're headed straight for the others. Scott, we need to find them now. Screw running quietly, just don't talk. You come too Clint. I want someone to be there if we die."

Before Clint could ask, the two were out of the door so he followed them. They were doing a full sprint, so it was slightly hard for Clint to keep up but he managed.

It felt like they were running for hours until they found the group, but the demons had found them too. They had Natasha and were very confused about why they were out of the lab. Eliana viciously pointed right behind them until they got the memo. As the others sped up, they started to run back to the lab.

Ash and Peter were practically on their heels when the two groups made it into the lab. They sighed in relief and barricaded the door again. Bruce took a drink from his water bottle on the desk and spoke. "How are we going to get the rest of them with the two running-"

He was cut off by a large puff of green smoke. "Mortals." Loki looked around the room. "What is wrong with the children's minds? They are thinking of very strange things."


Loki looked at her, very confused. "What is this 'red bull' you speak of?"

Bruce answered him this time. "It's a drink with a stupidly high amount of caffeine. If you want exactly how much caffeine the two of them have had, the numbers are on the laptop screen beside the cameras." Bruce brought the two google tabs to beside the cameras. "Peter's intake is on the left and Ash's is on the right."

"...What in Thor's name? How are they not-" There was a loud crack of lightning in the living room.

Clint muttered some swears under his breath before he turned to Loki. "You just had to jinx it, didn't ya!?"

 Loki was very confused. "...Jinx?"

Eliana sighed. "Midgardian slang, Mr Loki. I'll explain later, but for now we need to get Thor out of there and into here."

She turned to the door, about to leave, but Loki left and returned in a large puff of Green, Thor now at his side. Bruce smiled. "I honestly forgot you could do that."

There were a few more pops of smoke and Steve, Sam, Pietro, Bucky, Tony and Fury were all in the lab now too. Sam yelled. "OKAY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?"

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