So we were talking on the porch, the night had been pretty good, he was happy that his friends liked me, and i was happy too. I wanted his friends to like me, because i wanted to be with him for a long time.
Why can't i fucking have a guy like me the same way i like him? we would never fucking know.
Some random, but gorgeous, girl walked to us, she probably is another of the thousand girls that like him, Because hey. he is fucking perfect. his face, his body, his jokes, his sweetness.
It wasn't until i heard Noah that i figured everything out and my blood started boiling.
She was Nicole, or well.. apparently not nicole, but Natalie, cuz the bitch was a fucking liar and Noah, didn't care if she was a liar, he was sooo hooked into her even if she had disappointed him the way she did.
His eyes were fucking bright, he looked genuinely happy, like he had always wished that moment to happen.
Of Course he'd be happy to see her. When i met him he was really into her, he couldn't forget the kiss they had, all they talked that night. and man.. the disappointment when he really understood i wasn't her, it was heartbreaking for him, at least.
SO how am i supposed to feel, when the boy who had to settle for me cuz he didn't get the girl he wanted, finally found her again?
Okay, it wasn't his fault that she went to that party, but the way he reacted to it, was what made me angrier. If he didn't care about her, he would have done things differently, but he didn't. and i hated feeling like that, so i left.
At first i was going to just go to the kitchen and get another drink. but when i got there and had time to clear my mind. I thought it was best to give him space with Nicole. space he probably wanted. So i drank a full glass of that disgustingly sweet punch and left that annoying party.
Without Noah, i had nothing to do there. He was literally the reason why I was there in the first place. So if he was going to be the whole party with some girl, i better leave him alone.
But it was easier said than done. I stood outside the fraternity house where he lived, looking at the door, for quite some time. debating whether or not i should leave. tears were running down my face, all the alcohol i had drink made me a lot more emotional.
I had 2 options. Go home and cry all night like the little bitch i am, or go and try to have some fun and not ruin my night.
Everyday valerie would do the first one. Drunk pissed off valerie was definitely doing the second one.
So i walked, probably 15 minutes, to reach this little bar close to campus. It was pretty empty, maybe most people ended up going to Noah's party, who knows? I walked in and walked to a stool on the bar. The bartender came to take an order, and i was glad it was Daniel.
Daniel was just one of the oldest friends i had in college. He was from Panama so when we met we hit it off quite quickly, it was cool To have similar culture and same first language.
He was weirdly over protective, like he was family, like an older cousin. So I decided to spend the night near the bar.
"Un mojito bien grande!" (one big mojito) I ordered when he asked me and he chuckled starting to prepare it in front of me
"V! No te veo desde el año pasado! Como has estado? Why the long face? "(I haven't seen you since last year, how have you been) he asked in a weird English/Spanish combination and I sighed shaking my head
"Todo el año ha estado bien... is just that... " (the whole year has been fine... )I sighed taking a big sip from the drink he just made me "today's been really shitty"
"que pasó?" (what happened?) he asked worried picking up glasses and stuff from the counter
"I hate men" I replied still pretty pissed at Noah, wondering What could he be doing right now with Nicole "por eso Hoy me emborracho! " (that's why today I'm getting drunk) I said determined, and Daniel laughed
Hours and mojitos went by fast and I was pretty fucking drunk
"another one!!! " I slurred and Daniel gave me a look. I smiled innocently
"cmon V, you don't look so great, let me call you a cab " Daniel suggested, but I really didn't care the I could barely talk or barely walk for that matter
"the last one? Pweaaaasse?" I pleaded with puppy eyes and Daniel sighed
"but then I'm calling a cab or your friend Chris to Take you home" he said with an stern look, it was cute that he was worried about me
My phone vibrated in my purse and I picked up the phone without looking. To my disgrace it was Noah.
*replay the convo on episode 26*
Daniel was in front of me looking at my altered state I was now angrier and sipping quickly through my last mojito
"what did he said?" he asked me because after the phone call I was a Different person
"that he is worried about me, that he'll come and find me, that he didn't do what I know he did " I groaned getting more and more upset
"is there a chance that he is right and you're wrong? I know you can be pretty terca..."(stubborn) he said and I glared at him
"No soy Terca! El es un idiota y lo odio"(I'm not stubborn, he's an idiot and i hate him) I replied angry and felt two hands wrap around me from behind
"I'm pretty sure you are saying I'm an idiot but I'm taking you home anyways" I heard the familiar voice talking
"get off me!!" I said trying to take his hands off me.
"hey hey bro, leave her alone" Daniel said giving him a threatening look
"who the fuck are you? This is none of your business " Noah asked mad
"it is my business, because she asked me to not let any guy come close to her all night" Daniel said standing in front of me and Noah with his arms closed.
Noah let go of me and sighed, there was no use in fighting with the bartender and he knew it "cmon bro, just let me take my girlfriend home" he said in a more calmed way "you see how drunk she is, I just want her to be safe"
"I'll only allow that if she wants to.. If not I'm calling Chris" he shrugged, his face still stern.
"Daniel, dile a este idiota que no voy a ir a ningún lado con el" I said Daniel, knowing Noah wouldn't understand.
"she asked me to tell you that she doesn't want to go anywhere near you" he translated, at least I could use my other language to completely exclude Noah from my conversation.
Noah turned to me angry and crossed his arms " so you're not gonna talk to me? Just give me messages like a teenager?"
I glared at him and looked at Daniel
"Dile que se vaya al carajo, que vaya a hablarle a Nicole " I asked Daniel and he sighed
"she says fuck you, go talk to Nicole instead" Daniel said in an annoyed tone, getting tired of this
"what? I rejected Nicole immediately and and started to look for you but you fucking ran away" he sighed trying to hold my face but I turned my head
"Daniel, dile que... " (tell him that) he interrupted me shaking his head
"V, eres como mi hermanita, y te quiero mucho but I don't want to get involved in the middle of this" (You're like my little sister, and i love you but...) He said giving us a peace sign and cleaning some empty tables. The bar was nearly empty
"Noah, I don't want to get in your way to get nicole" I said looking down at my drink "I already did once"
"No Valerie, you're just getting in my way to be with YOU" he walked to me and held my hands "I only want you"
I pouted and shook my head, my eyes were already glistening because i was gonna cry
"But you prefer her...I was the consolation prize, the second option..." I looked up at him, fresh tears in my cheeks, shit I hated that he saw me crying over him. But I was too drunk to control it
"Are you kidding?" he chucked and shook his head, he placed a hand in my cheek and this time I let him "you were the big price" he made sure I was looking at him "I'm so happy I met you, Valerie, you have no idea" he kissed my forehead "you are pretty drunk and you probably won't remember any of this, but you are the best thing that has happened to me in these 3 years of college" I bit my lip relieved to hear him say that
"what about Nicole? You met her first, you wanted her first, and you were so happy to see her tonight " I said sad, remembering the way he looked at her
" all of that happened before I met you, Valerie, you changed all of that" he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me in a hug that I couldn't reject "and I was just surprised to see her, not happy" he assured me and I was so tired of fighting that I just nodded and hid my face in his chest, hugging him Tight.
"let me take you home, yes?" he asked softly and I nodded " I don't want anything bad happening to my baby" I stood up from the bar stool and held his hand tight trying to stay up straight not being able to walk too great.
"Hey Daniel" Noah shouted and Daniel looked at us "I'll take her home, thanks for taking care of her " he said with an honest smile and Daniel returned it
Noah flexed his legs and offered to take me in a piggy ride, I was unsure at first but accepted anyways because I was barely able to walk and we would take ages to get to my Dorm or his place, whatever place he wanted to take us to.
Helloooo beautiful readers!! i'm here with a new super long chapter (compared to others) .
Please anjoy the cuteness, cuz they are just the best couple ever
btw: can you please please please, go and check my new fanfic? it's called angel, i loved the way i'm writing hehe, and it will be a really interesting story, vote and comment there?
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