T W E N T Y - N I N E | C A L L

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Valerie: Hey mom, how you doing?

Clara: Valeria, Ya te dije que no me hablaras en ingles! (I told you not to talk to me in english)

Valerie: Mami! igual me entiendes! por qué eres así? (Mom, you understand anyways, why are you like this?)

Clara: I don't want you to forget where you're from!

Valerie: I won't forget it, ma, Te lo prometo (mom, I promise).

Clara: Bueno mi amor, vas a venir a Los ángeles para el fin de semana de acción de gracias? (Okay love, are you coming to L.A for the thanksgiving weekend?)

Valerie: Si, mami, emmm.... puedo invitar a alguien? (Yes mom, can i bring someone?)

Clara: Alguien? y quién sería ese alguien? (someone? and who would that someone be?)

Valerie: my... boyfriend?

Clara: Valeria! tienes nuevo novio!!!? por qué no me habías dicho?(Do you have a new boyfriend? why didn't you tell me before?)

Valerie: It's been like 2 months or something, Entonces si? puedo traerlo? (so, yes? can i bring him?)

Clara: De donde es? (where is he from?)

Valerie: Emm... de aqui (from here)

Clara: QUÉ? No Valerie, no me digas que tu novio es gringo! No quiero un nieto gringo! ( <Gringo: American in an offensive way> What? no Valerie, don't tell me you have an american boyfriend! i don't want american grandchildren!)

Valerie: I have nothing against them mom! ughh.. I'm sorry but 90% of this university are gringos and you can't expect me to only date latinos cuz you only like latinos

Clara: Valeria! a mi me hablas en español! (Valeria, only speak to me in spanish!)

Valerie: Voy a llevar a mi novio al thanksgiving y vas a tratarlo bien, okay? (I'm bringing my boyfriend for thanksgiving, and you'll be nice to him, okay?)

Clara: I can't promise you anything, por qué no eres novia de un buen muchacho? ... como Sebastián! (why don't you date a nice kid? like Sebastián)

Valerie: Maaaa, por favor? I really like him , he's the sweetest boy i've been with.

Clara: Bueno mija, esta bien, haré lo posible, pero tienes que llamar a tu papá a contarle que vas a traer a tu novio (Okay hun, I'll try my best. but you have to call your father and tell him you're bringing your boyfriend).

Valerie: I'll ask Noah first if he wants to come, and then i'll tell dad. Thanks mom.

Clara: Bueno mi amor (Okay, love. )


Don't forget to vote and comment <3 double update today cuz you are the best :D

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