T H I R T Y - N I N E | P O V

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I had been on my room for about 2 hours just checking things on my phone and letting time pass by.

I definitely was not gonna go and try to talk to Valerie, she is the one that left me all day, awkward with her family and then when she was back , she didn't care to explain where she was

If someone needed to apologize, it was her.

There was a soft knock on my door and I stood up from the bed with the biggest smile thinking it could be Valerie trying to make up. Sadly it wasn't, it was her sister, telling me that dinner was served. I smiled a little sad and nodded putting on my shoes

"Is everything okay between you and V?" she asked with concern, I sighed

"I honestly don't know" I said frowning and looking down. I didn't have anyone else to talk about these things

"what happened? What did you do Noah?" she asked with a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow, I purse my lips in thought and shook my head

"nothing I swear!!! " I said raising my arms then I sighed a little sad " has she told you anything about it? Why is she acting like this?" I asked concerned

"I don't know, to be honest... Sometimes her mood swings and she gets weird out of the sudden... maybe it has something to do with Stacy or Sebastián.. " she confessed and I frowned at the thought of the last name that she mentioned.

"These things never happened back in Palo alto" I suggested still worried about Valerie's attitude

"Well you know... this house, this neighborhood, it brings memories to her... She is a complete different person to what she was in high-school.. " she shrugged " I mean.. She has changed for the better but you can see bits of the old V every now and then"

I sighed and she motioned to the kitchen with her hand. I walked there with her and sat down. Few minutes later Valerie joined and sat down quietly.

Everyone noticed that we weren't okay, but they didn't say anything. They just tried making little conversations between them.

I sighed and ate quietly not saying anything. Gosh I really wished she would talk to me to make things better. If something was bothering her I hoped she told me.

But instead, she was being quiet and avoiding my questions.

When I was done eating I thanked her mom, she truly was an amazing cook I was enjoying the food the most from this trip. What I was not enjoying was Valerie's attitude.

When everyone were done they all stood up and i was left on the dining table just with Valerie.

She looked up at me and immediately avoided looking at me in the eyes and took a sip from her juice.

"Valerie... i don't know what happened, what did i do, but i don't like what's going on between us" I confessed and she rolled her eyes standing up from her chair

"not everything is about you Noah..." She glared at me, she was pissed at me and i literally didn't do anything to piss her off like that. "I just want to be alone, in my room, with my thoughts. can you at least respect that?" she asked frowning and i sighed not knowing what else to say. she turned around and started walking to her room.

I cleared my throat, which made her look at me "So.... if you wanna be alone for the rest of the weekend... i think it's better that i go back to stanford" i said sighing and looking down. I wasn't really planning to leave, but i want to get something out of her. and honestly, why would i stay if she didn't want me here

"umm.... yeah i think it's a good idea..." she said actually sounding really cold, which disappointed me more. I pursed my lips and sighed. i reached for my pocket, getting my car keys.

"You can drive back in my car..." I told her holding the keys out for her to take " I will just take a bus or something. we'll talk on sunday so you can drop the car at my house."

"You're not really leaving me your car" she asked raising an eyebrow, she knew i loved my car, but at this point i didn't really care to go back to palo alto without it

"Yeah... what kind of douche would i be to leave you out here without a ride back home?" I said biting my lip, hoping she'd say the smallest subtle things to ask me to stay

"umm.. okay... "she said taking the keys from my hand, i was surprised she actually took them but i did offered them anyways "thank you, i guess.... i promise not to crash it" She gave me a week smile, and i just let a sad chuckle.

"Good night Valerie, see you on monday.. I'll leave first thing in the morning" I whispered and stood from the table, walking past her and leaving to my room. I locked myself inside and collapsed in the bed screaming into my pillow, i was so angry and confused.

After a few minutes letting my frustration out, i stood up from the bed and started packing my stuff to leave the next day first thing in the morning. 

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