T H I R T Y - F I V E | P O V

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It was so nice to catch up with my mom and sister, we were laughing and talking stupid nonsense for awhile, until we heard screaming from the living room

"YEEESSS I WON! YOU'RE A LOSER! HAAAA" it was Jason's voice screaming to Noah, probably.

A few seconds later Jason came running "Mamiiiii!!!" he screamed and then tapped on her shoulder so she'd turn around , when she did, he looked at her with a innocent smile "Puedo ir a la tienda con Noah?" (can i go to the grocery store with noah?) She frowned not understanding why

"You can... but why? what are you guys buying?" she asked crossing her arms around her chest

In that moment Noah walked inside the kitchen and all eyes fell on him, he threw his hands up in surrender "I didn't do anything, i swear. " he said in between laughs because we were all looking at him , he walked to me and kissed my cheek "Is there a grocery store around? I lost a bet with your Nephew. i owe him gummy worms" Everybody laughed and Andrea shook her head

"You don't have to buy him anything, dear.. it's okay" She said in a soft voice, and Jason groaned

"Whaat? but he lost!!! it's not fair! he said he'd do it!" he said almost crying

"He's right, I'm a man of my word" Noah said putting his hand on his chest

"Alright, Jason, you can go." Andrea said

"See you later, noodles" i said pecking his lips quickly and he smiled

"I'll be right back, monkey" He said winking and then walking outside the house with the car keys in his hands

"Ese muchacho te llama mono?"(that boy calls you monkey?) my mom asked my frowning and shaking her head in disapproval

I only shrugged and drank from the beer i had gotten recently out of the fridge "Yeah he does, I think it's cute" I said with a half smile, i didn't have a problem with him calling me that, i liked his little pet name, i mean Monkeys are fucking adorable, so i think he does it to say i am adorable, or.. i don't know.

"He is disrespecting you, Valeria" She said getting annoyed and shaking her head "No me gusta, esta muy mal" (I don't like it, it's very bad) She said frowning

"Maaaaa" i whined "It's not bad, he is super respectful, is just a pet name!" i groaned, she just didn't understand " I call him noodle head, he doesn't mind either" I defended, but she kept shaking her head pinching the bridge of her nose

"Es un apodo feo"(It's an ugly pet name) She kept saying

"Es gracioso, y original! No quiero ser como esas parejas aburridas de las telenovelas" (It's funny, and Unique, I don't what to be like those boring couples on Telenovelas) I sighed

"Sebastian nunca te llamó así"(Sebastian never called you like that) she added and i rolled my eyes

"Yeah, also Sebastian was a fucking asshole, that manipulated me and humiliated me" I screamed getting angrier

"El todavía te quiere, podrían volver a estar juntos"(He still loves you, you could get back together) she suggested

"ughhh" i groaned and rolled my eyes " Por que no puedes estar feliz por mi? por que tienes que buscar cualquier pretexto para juzgar a Noah y mencionar a Sebastián!" (Why can't you be happy for me? why do you have to find any stupid excuse to judge Noah and bring up sebastian) and then i frowned when it hit me

"how could you possibly know that he still loves me?" I crossed my hands around my chest

"El viene de vez en cuando, nos trae flores, frutas, el delicioso pastel de su abuela, lo recuerdas? es una delicia! Es todo un caballero, no entiendo como lo dejaste ir" (He comes every once in a while, brings us flowers, fruit baskets, that delicious cake his grandma makes! do you remember it? it's a delight! He is such a gentleman, i don't understand why you did you let him go)

I rolled my eyes "I'm tired to tell you, but you don't believe it, he's a douche, period" I walked out of the kitchen and inside my room. I was gonna wait till Noah came back, because i didn't want to talk to my mother anymore, I hated when she brought up Sebastian. Specially after she is seeing how happy i am with Noah.

After being of my phone for a while, and looking at the ceiling i heard some noises downstairs and i heard my father's voice, I smiled and ran downstairs to say hi to him and wish him a happy thanksgiving.

I ran to my father that was on the kitchen leaving some groceries for dinner on the counter and i hugged him from the back

"Hola papi" i said squishing my face to him. he chuckled and hugged me back

"Hola mi amor" He replied stroking my back and kissing my forehead.

"Mira a quien me encontré en el supermercado!" (Look who i ran into on the supermarket!)" he said cheerfully. In that moment, that face i hated so much walked inside the kitchen with a smug smile. I rolled my eyes

"Hey V, happy thanksgiving" he said as he walked to me and i stepped back

"Why the fuck would you bring him here?" i glared and stood there with my arms crossed in front of my chest. 

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