I was feeling a little tipsy and around half an hour ago Noah went into the crowd. He was quite drunk but i guess it was good to see him happy rather than looking at me like a sad puppy making me feel guilty for not loving him back.
I was dancing with Chris in the dancefloor and even Noah would come dance with us for awhile and then leave to dance with other groups. I didn’t know anyone so i just stayed with Chris.
“I’ll go to the bathroom” Chris tells me in my ear and i nood, i drag myself out of the Dancefloor to not stay there alone, i stumble a little until i lean on a wall and a handsome blonde guy walks to me with a smirk.
“Well, well, well, looks who’s here” The guy says leaning on the wall and looking at me. I shrug and giggle a little
“Yup, it’s me, the one and only” I say with a smirk as well, If he acts like he knows me, he must have.
“Didn’t realize how pretty you were until Noah stopped clingling next to you like a lap dog” I frowned at his words, because he was being a little mean, but i shrugged it off .
“Well, he decided to enjoy the night the best that he can” I say carelessly “I don’t mind, honestly” I say to him and he chuckles
“I’ve been seeing you all night, Valerie, I’d like to know you a bit better” The blond guy says with a smile and i bite my lip , he is really hot, honestly.
“Alright, first of all, I don't like to be called Valerie, so just call me V… what do you wanna know?” I ask raising an eyebrow with a smirk and he chuckles resting his hand on the wall and starting asking me questions. We stay like that chatting for awhile.
We laugh at some of his comments sometimes and he keeps showing that flirtatious smirk all the time, i can only smirk back, i don’t even know if it's even that seductive, but i try my best to keep it cool, probably is just the alcohol in me that makes me act so care free.
I feel a hand grabbing my wrist and i’m suddenly being grabbed out of the living room, to the backyard, outside the house. I frown at the tall male figure with unruly curly hair as he just keeps guiding me outside. once we stop i glare at him
“Hey! you are hurting me” I glare at Noah who doesn’t seem to care that he is actually grabbing my hand really tight.
“You drink a couple of cups and now you’re flirting with my roomates? are you fucking kidding me?” Noah looks at me angry and i roll my eyes at him
“I didn’t know he was your roommate, besides, what if he is your roommate, huh?” I say crossing my arms in front of my chest while i glare at him
“He is an asshole! he is only flirting with you to piss me off!” Noah screams and i gasp, rolling my eyes
“Yeah, he couldn’t be possible talking to me because i'm pretty or likeable, right?” I say shaking my head and frowning at him. Not everything fucking thing revolves around him
“I didn’t mean to say that” He sighed and shook his head “I mean you are gorgeous, anyone would want to hit on you, but Chad is an ass, he is either trying to piss me off or he just wants to get in your pants” He continues and i am losing my temper
“Anyways, I’m going to keep talking to him, because you’re just saying that cuz you’re jealous, and there is nothing else behind it.” I shrug and give him my best ‘i don’t care’ look
“What do you mean? It is fucking embarrassing, my girlfriend flirting with my roommate in a public party in front of my face????” He exclaims and i look at him surprised. What the hell? how dares he talk to me like that?
“Well, Noah, Then you should update everyone and tell them that i’m not your fucking girlfriend, so when they see me flirting, you don’t feel so embarrassed” I say looking directly into his eyes that look so angry and sad at the same time
“What do you mean you’re not? we haven’t even talk about that...” His voice lowers and it sounds a lot sadder than before. But no matter how sad he is , he can’t tell me what to do, he is no one to me.
“I think there’s nothing to talk about Noah, do you really think i see you as my boyfriend? i don’t even know you” I say shaking my head “the second you realized i got amnesia you should’ve realized that i was not your girlfriend anymore, it was as clear as water” I glare one last time and Noah sighs, his eyes glistening
“O..okay then…” He says taking a couple of steps back “sorry to bother you, then” He uses the sleeve of his hoodie and rubs his eyes harshly and walks around me getting inside again.
I sigh and tried to shake off the image of Noah out of my head. He looked so sad, I don’t know what to do, i don’t want to be forced to love him, but i should’ve said things in a different way i guess.
Anyways, there is nothing to do, and i can’t let this ruin my entire night.
I am back at the living room, The boy that was talking to me came back and started chatting with me, his name was Chad for what he said. I just kept on flirting, not really cuz i wanted to , but only because Noah told me not to. I didn’t want him to think he had any kind of power over me.
I was drinking another full cup of vodka punch or whatever, my cheeks were really red and my head was spinning. i was feeling dizzy and leaned my head on Cha’s shoulder
He just chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, and i just kept nodding and replying to whatever he was talking about.
“Wow.. i see why would Noah give up on the Harvard scholarship” Chad said as he pulled my body closer to him. I frowned at the sudden proximity and I pushed him a little keeping both of my arms on his chest
“Harvard Scholarship?” I asked surprised and Chad chuckled shaking his head
“Yeah, right, you don’t remember anything” He laughed at himself and bit his lip “Noah turned down Harvard to stay with you here in California” he chuckled “ this is so weird, that you don’t remember any of this”
“He did that for me?” I was shook. I had no words to say, I really needed to talk to him about this, how could he possibly do that, how did i even agree on that
“Anyways, Enough form noah, right?” He asked smirking, i was still lost in my thoughts and i tried shaking them off but i couldn’t. He leaned down and pulled me closer to him with his hand on my waist and i tried pulling away
“Chad, don’t do that… cmon…” I said trying to not make a scene, and just let him know i didn’t want to kiss him.
“Cmon, Valerie, You want it too” He said with a playful smirk, and his hand lowered grabbing my ass and he pressed his lips into mine. I used both of my hands to push him off me, all of the people around us were now looking at us.
“What the fuck?” He asked glaring at me and i didn’t take a second to think before i was already slapping him across his face. The people around us gasped. and i only glared at him
“No chad, i said no, no means no.” I say frowning at him and rolling my eyes. he looks at me surprised like no one has ever rejected him before and i leave the place trying to calm myself down.
wow, Alcohol does make you braver. I didn’t even know i had it on me, i was still feeling fuzzy, but conscious, as i started asking people if they knew were Noah was, I still needed to talk to him about this whole Harvard thing.
A/n : the harvard ghost is here to haunt us again. I'm so excited for you to start read the sequel of this book. I want to finish this story soon, there's 9 chapters left, are you ready?
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