A/n: thank you for the votes in the last chapter, you guys are the ever
And hello to all of the new readers that are catching up to the story ❤️ love yall
A little happy chapter with a not so happy ending.
The ending is coming soon, suggest names for the sequel or it'll have a very crappy lame name
Valerie agreed to go out with me, and i didn’t know how to make it a nice evening just the two of us, i needed to blow her mind. It was the beginning of summer, the day were lasting longer. so i decided we could go to the beach before it gets dark.
I packed a kite, a basket and a blanket on the back of my card and i drove off to her Dorm complex to pick her up. I got off my car and walked to the building with a smile. I was not going to let anything ruin this chance i have with her again. Not even Harvard. I was going to lie if i was called and got the chance to go. I was going to tell her i couldn’t so she’d stop talking about it.
When i knocked on the door it was 4:45 PM, she opened it after a few seconds, and she smiled softly at me. She looked so gorgeous wearing a summer dress. making me weak on the knees, She had her hair in a half updo and the bracelet i gave her, that she had no idea where it came from was adorning her wrist.
“Hey, You’re early” She says smirking and i chuckle, I guess i might’ve been about 15 minutes earlier than i said i would, but i was just so eager to see her
“You look beautiful” I say once she has giving me space to enter into her dorm, she smiles and nods, thanking me i guess. Then she grabs a purse and start putting her stuff on it
“I’ll be ready to go in a minute” She says looking at me and then moved around her room to grab the stuff she needed
“No rush, I told you i can be very patient with you” I say talking about her getting ready, but also hinting about her amnesia. She just nodded and then once she was ready, she stood in front of me
“Okay, i’m done” She says with a grin and then out of nowhere she takes my hand. I smile slightly and look down at our hands together, it feel so weird after so long, but it feels so right, like the spaces between our fingers were destined to be filled with each other’s hands.
“What are we going to do today?” she asks once we’re in the car and i’ve started driving, I smile and shake my head
“I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise” I say excitedly and she groans cutely
“C’mon, please tell me” she giggles and i keep shaking my head.
She reaches out for the radio and turns it on, some song comes in and she starts humming. I smile at our comfortable silence and in around 20 minutes, we reach the beach. She looks at it with a smile and i’m thankful it is almost empty.
She gets out of the car eagerly and walks to the sand taking her shoes off. I walk to the back of the car to take the things i brought and start walking to where she is, once i reach her, she looks at me with a smile
“You couldn’t be more cliché could you?” She asks raising an eyebrow and she giggles.
“Pick a spot” I tell her and she points to a spot near a palm tree and i nod smiling. We walk there and i pull out the blanquet, placing in on the sand for us to sit. We both sit there and it’s till pretty bright, there are just a few people on the beach as well
“Have you ever flown a kite?” I tell her with a smile, while i start untying the string. she shakes her head
“not that i remember” She giggles and shrugs and i chuckle holding out the kite fo her
“C'mon, help me out” the wind was blowing intensively and i instruct her to stand several meters away from me holding up the kite.
She is there holding it and i scream telling her to let it go, I run to the opposite side and pull on the string until the kite elevates with the wind and i loosen on the string so it can go further.
“Oh my god, i didn't think you’d actually do it so fast!” she says laughing and walking to me. I’m there holding the rod with the string and she just stands next to me and out of nowhere she hugs me while she looks at the kite in the sky.
I kiss her head and then i look at the kite flying in the sky, i have one arm holding the rod and the other wrapped around her. I want to treasure this moment forever, I used to take them all for granted, but since the accident, I need to appreciate every second with her, because i don’t know if i’ll have her forever.
And just as we look at the kite in the sky and we are hugging in silence, for a moment i feel like we’re back to where we were, back to being us, loving each other, just for a second, i think we are. but then i remember it is just me trying to impress her in our ‘first date’, i sigh and look at her
“Let's go sit on the blanket, do you want to hold it?” I point to the rod and she nods with a cute smile. we both walk to the blanket and sit down, then i give her the rood for her to hold the kite. I give her a few instructions so the kite doesn’t fall, or doesn’t fly too far.
She looks at me and kisses my cheek “This is actually really nice” she says looking at us and the sky “thank you”
I smile and place my hand over hers “you don't have to thank me, this is the least I can do” I tell her truthfully. If Valerie ever gets her memory back, she will know I've tried, the best that I can to keep us together.
We look at the kite in the sky while we chat about lots of things, is mostly me talking because she's been asking numerous questions about me that she has forgotten, being together for almost a year, I know a lot about her, but I pretend not to know and I ask her a few about her here and there.
I brought some sandwiches and snacks that we have been eating since we're sitting here with the kite while we talk about our lives
The sun is starting to set when I start bringing the kite back to the ground, she pouts because she wanted it to stay up there forever.
“the date is not over yet Missy” I tell her with a grin and she giggles
“I know you wouldn't have let me off the hook that easily” she jokes and I roll my eyes.
I lay on my back and rest my head against a cushion I brought and I open my arms. She looks down at me With a playful smirk
“we're supposed to cuddle while we watch the sunset” I state and Valerie shakes her head laughing and rolls her eyes laying down beside me and resting her head on my chest while we watch the sun hiding in the big ocean.
Valerie looks up to me and gives me a small smile, I blow her a kiss and she giggles shaking her head, she leans to kiss me and i don’t hesitate to kiss her back smiling big behind the kiss. She was always making the moves on me because i was too scared to do them on her and make her uncomfortable if she is not ready, but apparently she is and i love it.
I place my hand on her back as we make out laying on the sand, i really wish we could be alone in my room right now, but i guess this will do.
She pulled away and smiled at me, then pecked my lips one more time, and sighed resting her head on my chest “Let’s take a picture, give me your phone” She said and i chuckled
“a picture? will you update your facebook status?” i ask raising an eyebrow and she laughs shaking her head
“I just want to have a picture, you know , I want to remember this if i lose my memory again” she says sighing and i bite my lip nodding, whatever she wants, we can do.
I take my phone out of my pocket and open the front camera holding it out to take a selfie with her, she hides half of her face in my chest, while the other half looks perfectly gorgeous only with a small smile, I smile wide with all of my teeth and i snap one picture.
“Another one” she says leaning up and kissing my cheek, i do as told and then it starts vibrating on my hand.
I curse under my breath when i see the caller ID, because i really didn’t want this date to be ruined by the whole harvard conversation
“Oh my god, it’s them” she says excitedly and sits up, i sigh and look at her
“can i please ignore this call?” i don’t want anything to interrupt our date” I tell her truthfully and she shakes her head
“nope, Please pick up” she says with puppy eyes and i sigh picking up and bringing the phone to my ear, she mutes “speaker” with her lips and i sigh putting it on speaker. Now i can’t lie about what they’ll tell me.
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