I sat in my bed, back at home, I left Los Angeles saturday morning and said goodbye to everyone except Valerie that was still locked in her room. It was awkward to let her parents think all the different reasons why we could be fighting, I honestly didn't even know why we were.
I had been here these two days not being able to get Valerie out my head. My fingers were aching to text her, but i wanted to give her the very much wanted space she asked for.
So i was here closing my textbook cuz i had a quiz tomorrow and even if i couldn't get her out of my head, i needed to pass.
It was almost 10 pm and she hadn't text me or anything, she had my car and i hoped i'd at least see her if she was going to bring it here to my house.
So even if i promised myself i wouldn't do it, i texted her, at least to know she arrived home safe. "Did you arrived home safely?" I typed on my phone, but i guess she wouldn't answer.
My suspicions were right, I had dinner with the boys and we were playing fifa in PlayStation while it was time to go to bed. They all noticed my mood but didn't mention anything cuz they knew it had something to do with Valerie.
I left them in the living room and went to my room, I laid there scrolling down my instagram, seeing a picture of Valerie and her little nephew from this morning. God she was so breathtaking. I love her so goddamn much. Why can't she see that?
I was woken up by my ringtone and the vibrations of my phone I guess i fell asleep and didn't notice, it was probably 2 am, i was studying most of the day and i was exhausted. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the caller id:
Valerie: hey...
Her voice sounded weak and sad. Well, at least was not cold like before.
Noah: *sighs* Hey valerie, did you arrive home safe?
Valerie: Yeah... it was okay, i guess...
Noah: Oh.. great...
I replied awkwardly, i didn't want to ask anything because she might get annoyed like she was back home.
Both of us were silent until she spoke again
Valerie: Listen Noah.. I'm sorry.. i *sighs* i had many things on my mind and i took it out on you. You didn't deserve that.
Noah: I just wanted you to tell me what was happening...
Valerie: I know and I'll tell you when i see you, i just want to know if you think we'd be okay? I don't want to lose you, Noah....
I sighed, ofcourse i didn't want to lose her either, besides, this was just a dumb fight.
Noah: You won't lose me Valerie.. I love you too much to ever leave you...
Valerie: You left my parents' house....
Noah: Well, I only suggested it hoping you'd ask me to stay... but since you wanted me to go... *sighs* I've been thinking about you non-stop
Valerie: so have i...
Noah: Can i come over? i want to see you....
Valerie: I beat you to it. open your window
I frowned and i ran to my window that had a little balcony, i opened it and there was no one there.
Noah: Babe... there is nothing there...
Valerie: what? i'm standing right here, i came up through the tree...
I chuckled, she was on the wrong window, there was no tree near mine, probably since she only knew the house from the inside.
Noah: keep it down babe, you'll wake Chad up
Valerie: What? why chad?
Noah: Because you're on his window
Valerie: fuck
Noah: I'll come to get you....
I hung up and walked quietly to chad's room. I opened it and he was asleep in his bed. Thankfully he was a heavy sleeper so i hoped he wouldn't wake up while i took Valerie inside.
I walked on my tip toes trying to be quiet and opened his balcony, Valerie was there with a playful grin, i chuckled quietly and shook my head taking her hand and dragging her inside.
She was covering her mouth to not laugh and i was shushing her to not wake up chad. Once we were outside, i pulled her to my room quickly.
I closed the door after us and she looked at my with big puppy eyes
"I'm so sorry" She said biting her bottom lip.
I was way too happy to see her that i forgot i was mad, i didn't even care. whatever happened, happened. I smiled to her
"I should've..." She couldn't finish her sentence because i crashed my lips into hers and pull her to the bed, laying on top of her.
She kissed back and she was running her hands through my hair, i loved when she did that. I pulled away and lifted my body with my elbows, looking at her face, she was smiling and so was i.
"So you're not mad?" she asked worried and i shook my head
"Not anymore" i whispered "Fuck valerie, i missed you so much" i told her stroking her cheek with the back of my hand. It had only been two days, but we didn't text either and just being mad at each other made everything worse.
"I missed you too" she confessed and i smiled leaning down and kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, and i bit on her bottom lip asking her to let me in.
I roamed my tongue inside her mouth and enjoyed every second of our kiss that was getting heated every second. I ran my hands through her sides, and groped her breast on top of her shirt.
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