F O R T Y - F I V E | P O V

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A/N: I updated 2 chapters today, so if you haven't read the previous chapter, please do I don’t know what happened and i just started writing in V’s point of view,  and i want to keep my style of only uploading either 1 POV per chapter or one type of writing…



“That you’d realize how fucked up i am…” I sighed

“You.. your life,  i don’t want to be the one that brings all the problems into our relationship,  noah” I bit my lip i looked down shaking my head

“Hey.. hey…” He whispered and stroked my cheek. he used his finger to lift my gaze to his.

“I don’t want to make your days bitter,  with my mood swings, or everything bad that has happened to me that still haunt me,  Noah.. i…”

“You don’t make my days bitter” He interrupted me. I bite my lip and sigh.

“I swear valerie,  You don’t, You have no idea how happy you make my days i had no idea of what real happiness felt like” I smiled at his words,even if i don’t really believe it completely,  i couldn't have possibly make him so happy, but i decide not to say anything.

“I’m sorry. for being a bitch back at Los Angeles,  I shouldn’t have let you come back here alone” I mention again,  not really understanding why he was not picking a big fight about this,  me as the drama queen i can be, would have done something if i were in his shoes. but he gave me the space i needed and didn’t let his anger make the problem grow.

Didn’t know if it was good or bad that he didn’t let out his anger every once in awhile.  Was he always really so happy, or did he just never opened up to me. ?

“i was mad about stacy’s sister and i let myself take it out on you,  and i tried blaming it on someone else, i don’t know why i keep doing this things” I said regretting the moment i treat Noah badly at my parent’s house.

“you don’t have to keep apologizing babe,  I understand why you couldn't act like that. next time,  If there is anything upsetting you, you can count on me,  100%, i’ll always be here, Valerie, I won’t judge, I won’t get mad,  I will only listen and tell you the truth, tell you that I’ll always be here,  That if it doesn’t fix itself, i’m gonna fix it on my own, to make you happy.”

I smiled and rested my head on his chest,  closing my eyes and letting myself get comfortable to fall asleep again,  it was still very early in the morning anyways, and we didn’t exactly went to bed early


I walked out of my sketching class with my arm intertwined with Chris’ ,  he was telling my all about this thanksgiving weekend. and i told him about mine and all the Noah drama. He already knew everything about Stacy and Sebastian,  so i just had to explain to him what an asshole i was to noah

“V,  you have to stop underestimating yourself” He sighed shaking his head “You are Gorgeous,  and funny, and smart, Even if Noah is like.. the hottest guy you’ve ever dated, doesn’t mean he will ever think he is better than you”

I smiled at Chris’ sweet words,  he always knew what so say. I sighed and nodded

“He is perfect Chris,  I love him so much sometimes i can’t even breath,  he’ll be the death of me” I told him biting my lip and he chuckled

“Cmon V; stop being so dramatic” He chuckled again,  i don’t even know if chris knew what real love was, he never tried to love anyone

“Sebastian said he wanted me back” I also told him,  annoyed only remembering

“ugh,  that boy is so annoying,  i’m so glad you dumped his ass,  if you were my friend back then,i wouldn’t have let you date that shitface” He said and i giggled,  Chris and i were walking to the starbucks near the art building. Noah wouldn’t be out of his practice for a couple of hours.

“He visits my mother and brings her flowers and sucks up” I said shaking my head Can you believe he asked me to get transferred to an art school in LA,  that it was a shitty career anyways?” i said angry , i needed my friend chris to let out all that annoyance out, since Noah wouldn’t appreciate me talking about my ex

We ordered our usual drinks at the counter and then walked to the table when they were prepared

“Anyways… where is your hot boyfriend anyways? Hasn’t he train like 5 hours today?” Chris asked frowning,  he would sometimes have our coffee with Noah, and chris loved to chat , joke with him and fake flirt with him

“There is this Bay championship coming up and the team is training really hard to go to the finals.” I answer just as much information as i know about this. Noah has been training almost every day several hours,  and he only comes back home to sleep exhausted, i could not possible get mad at him for that, swimming for 5 hours straight would make me pass out IN THE POOL

I think i should do something nice for him,  he always does it for me and i want to relieve some stress from him in these stressful days

“Can i bring you your favorite take out to your house and sleep over? i miss you my noddle head ❤️ “ I quickly text while Chris drinks his coffee and tells me about his weekend back home and how he slept with some guy he swore was straight when they were back in highschool.

Good ol’ chris

“Are you ditching me for you boyfriend?” Chris asks playfully when he sees i’m checking my phone again and again,  waiting for Noah’s response that doesn’t come quickly. e probably is actually swimming and can’t answer but i am an impatient ass.

“What? not Chris,  I won’t honey, I’ll just sleep over at his place” I shrug,  he hasn’t answer but i hope he does say i can come over.

“You can’t live a day without some D,  can you?” he smirks with a devious smirk and i blush looking down. Making love every night with noah does seem like our favorite activity to do since we came back from L.A ,  I guess that stupid fight brought us closer.

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