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hey i just wanted to say when you start reading there might be spoilers on the purge movies. i really don't understand but some people would like a slight warning so there is going to be a comment on one of the movies

———————————————————————————–"Jaden! Liz! Cmon we are going to watch the purge movies!" amy called. i ran downstairs jaden following. we sat on the couch with me and jaden cuddled and amy and john on the other side of the couch.

"charlie is so stupid. why would he let someone in the house on purge night. especially when they are injured. dumb fuck." i mumbled as we were very interested in the movie. jaden heard and laughed softly.

"dude just pick him up and bring him outside. there is no need to put him on the chair. that's just wasting more time. how stupid are these people, like really?" i whispered.

we were now in the second movie and i was almost asleep. this one is pretty boring compared to the first one.

jadens pov
we were towards the end of the movie and i heard faint snores. i look down and see lizzy asleep. my mom looks over and sees.

"how did she fall asleep during the movie? a scary movie?" i asked.

we finished the movie and i brought lizzy upstairs. i laid down and pulled her close. tomorrow we are going to say goodbye to my parents and get a hotel. i kissed lizzys head, put on the tv for background noise and fell asleep.

you know what i just realized?
third a wrong number story and there is no messaging of the group chat going on
sorry about the super short chapter
i don't really think there was a need of the spoiler but i know some would appreciate it
with that being said i'm gonna make a five hargreeves book
dude i havd no ideas what to write until i get to a smut
it's coming
i don't know how i feel writing a smut but oh well sucks to suck

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