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chapter twenty-three

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"i think that's great and all, but don't you think that you guys are moving kind of fast. i just don't want to see you get hurt again. i hated seeing you in that state." she answers.

"i know mom, but daniel is nothing like him and you know that. and this would give me time to get to know him better and spend time with him." i say to her.

"you have a point, but you don't have enough clothes. what about school? youtube?" she says.

"i'll come home get clothes and then buy a plan ticket to the city that they will be at. and i'll bring my school stuff with me. i'll do it while i'm there. and me and gemma will figure something out later. it's just, this is a once and a life time experience, not many people get to do this, and it would be stupid for me to turn down the offer." i say.

"i know it's a once in a life time experience, it's just, i'm worried about you. i don't want anything to happen to you. i won't be there to tell you not to stupid things and remind you to make good decisions. it seems like you have a plan so i'll say yes. but i swear if anything happens your home." she tells me sternly.

"ok. thank you, thank you, thank you. and mom, i'm nineteen. i know right from wrong. i know what not to do. there are adults there too. it's not like it's just me and five boys." i tell her.

"i know that. and i have to let go at some point and this is the first step. i'll see you later right?" she asks.

"yeah. we are leaving in a couple of hours. paige and gemma aren't up yet." i tell her.

"of course those two are still sleeping. ok, well i'll let you go now." she says.

"ok, bye, i love you." i says.

"bye, love you too." she responds.

i end the call with a big smile on my face.

i jump up and head into the bathroom. i go to the bathroom and then hop in the shower. when i was done i blew my hair dry and then put on a pretty chill outfit. since we were driving home today there was no reason to dress up.

i put on some denim shorts and a t-shirt. i didn't put any makeup on either. i walked out of the bathroom to see the two other girls finally awake. they were both on their phones still laying in bed.

"oh my god. i forgot to tell you guys, guess what?" i say to them excitedly.

"no." paige says, already done with me.

"oh come on paige! cheer up." i say nudging her.

"just tell us. you already know we aren't going to guess." gemma says.

"oh whatever." i say rolling my eyes at them. "daniel invited me to stay with them for the rest of tour. and i said yes." i say.

"AHHSHDUAHDUAH! that's crazy." paige says.

"wait, you're leaving me?" gemma says with a pouty face.

i turn to gemma and give her a sympathetic look.

"i'm sorry. but this is super exciting for me. and i get to spend more time with daniel and all. and it's going to be so cool."i say.

"i'm happy for you, but what about youtube?" gemma says.

"i am trying to think of something." i say.

"i could take over for you, and we could say you're busy with "school". it's an idea." paige suggests, and she puts air quotations around school.

"we have some videos pre-filmed, so we can post those and then say we are taking a little break. and we have been filming a lot here so i can use all of that footage to make another video." i say.

"yeah, that could work." gemma says.

"ok, but like, what about my plan?" paige says, annoyed.

"paige we can film one video together while lexi is gone." gemma says to her.

"yesssss." paige says excitedly.

"oh, when are you leaving?" gemma asks.

"i think in a couple days." i tell her.

"that soon?" gemma says with widened eyes.

"yeah. when i get home i have to repack, then i'm gonna buy a plan ticket to the city that they will be at and meet them there." i tell her.

"wow, you've gotta whole plan." gemma says.

"yeah." i say laughing a little.

paige and gemma both then started getting ready. i went around the room grabbing anything that was mine and started packing it away. when gemma and paige were done getting ready they both started doing the same thing.

it had been a little while later and we had all finished packing everything up. we had a little bit more time until we had to be out of the room. we were loading our bags onto a cart.

once we finished that we went to the elevator. we went out to my car and packed all of our things up. we went back to the room for one more search to make sure we had gotten everything.

we hadn't found anything so we went back down to the lobby. we check out and went out to the car. we got situated and then we were off.

next stop: home

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