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chris ?🫣
1:24 pm

i found you



no i mean on instagram..


and u texted me and not the
group chat because ...

well i only found your

i don't even think it's ur main

hey there from nyc

best account ever

yeahh... okay

hit me with a mutual rq

are you soda kid 3000..

yes i am.


okay anyway how did you
even know that it was me

your name is delilah, the
name of the account is delilah

your post mentioned adding
the wrong number to a gc
(obv me)

and u replied to someone's comment
with hoesmad so i could only guess

and i tweeted about being added to
a random gc and half my replies had
already made the connection

okay queen

in ur stalker eraaa

ur turning into a lady

i just observe good

hit me  with a mutual on my
main too tbh


and if i don't ..?

i'll cry.

okay fine. there.

hey delilahpiperr!!!

i'm gonna start calling u

deli meat

that's ur new name in my


yours is literally chris ?🫣

well you should obv change
it now. deli meat.

okay so you're famous and
annoying got it

me ?! famous ?!

you have more followers than


maybe ur only friends
with me cause of my following

are you sure sabrina and
olivia aren't friends with you
for that exact reason

i've known them for too long

the following is just a plus

omg i should watch ur old
family vlogs and get to know the
young deli meat better

absolutely not.

i can tell u everything

i am an only child. i have 3 dogs.
i like to read and bake. and i lowkey
sing sometimes.

there are u happy


but i still want to watch ur
old youtube videos

you can watch mine too dw

okay good. i will for the next

have fun deli meat !!
read 2:10 pm


"are you sure we can trust him" delilah asked her friends on facetime while she scribbled words into a notebook. she could feel a song coming out of her.

"lily , you need to stop worrying. he's our age and brina has more of a following than he does. i think we're good" olivia said as she let out a little giggle

"bro how did he even find your instagram , kind of creepy" sabrina questioned as she replayed what delilah had told them over in her head

"that's what i'm saying !" delilah looked up at her phone "he was really weird and told me to 'hit him with a mutual real quick'. does anyone else not think it's weird"

"actually i take what i said back , it's kind of funny" sabrina laughed

"ugh you guys are no help" delilah sighed and went back to writing words down in her notebook. once she was off the facetime she would find a tune on her keyboard.

"lily what are you doing ?" olivia asked when she noticed the notebook

"i can feel a song coming and i'm trying to get all my thoughts out before i write the chorus"

"songwriters are so weird" sabrina shook her head , agreeing with what olivia had said

"oh shut it" delilah let out a giggle "i love you both , i'll call you guys back later" delilah gave them a smile and blew kisses before hanging up.

she walked over to her piano and started pressing random keys till she found a melody she liked . she looked down at her notebook and the words she had written down. "hmmm" she breathed out .

while playing the melody , she hummed to it with the nonexistent lyrics till something came to her . she flipped to a new page in her notebook and started writing

delilahpiperr just posted a picture!


liked by christophersturniolo and others
delilahpiperr: sumthing

view all comments

user: what's it called ?
-> delilahpiperr: no clue , it just came to me

brinajade: this is why u left the facetime 😒
-> oliviajune: this song better be revolutionary
—> delilahpiperr: sorry 😝

christophersturniolo: i learn a little more deli meat lore every day
-> delilahpiperr: get out topher

jackaverymusic: she's writing again 🙌
-> imzachherron: YEAHHHH

user: since when did she know the sturniolos
-> user: that's exactly what i was thinking

user: chris and delilah ?! new era ??

user: ew she's gonna ruin the sturniolos

kianlawley: proud of my child
-> jccaylen: our* child
—> delilahpiperr: dads calm down pls 🤞

user: so excited !!

user: please release a song soon ! i can only listen to u sing on instagram for so long

ugh so sorry for the slow updates
i'm tryinggg. but enjoy this chapter.
and yes , delilah will have gracie
abrams songs. deal with it.

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