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Anna pov

Once I post my thank you's I turn my phone off and go to the shower 

Once I'm done with my shower I go to see if Sienna and Pay are up and not surprised they are

 Anna - morning my little babies 

Sienna - Morning mommy where's mama 

Well that didn't take long

Anna - She's sleeping 

I go and pick up Payson 

We go downstairs 

I put Payson in her chair and then put Sienna in hers 

I start making there breakfast when I hear the door open 

I see Ravon come through the door with Mario 

Anna - What are ya doing here

Mario - he dragged me here

Ravon - I told you I was gonna come here yesterday 

Anna - Well help yourselves 

Ravon goes straight to my pantry 

Anna - Don't take everything 

Mario - where's Billie 

Billie - right here 

She comes and gives a kiss on the cheek

Billie - morning 

Anna - Morning 

I give Sienna and pay their sandwich 

I look at Ravon eating my fruity pebbles

Anna - Ravon those are mine 

Ravon - I don't care 

I roll my eyes

Anna - Your buying me more then idiot 

Ravon - Ok 

I go upstairs to the girls room and take an outfit out for today 

After I do that I go to my room and change 

I go back downstairs and see Ravon and Mario aren't here then Sienna and Payson on the floor playing

Billie - they left 

Anna - Ok

Billie - Where you going 

Anna - WE are going out 

Billie - where 

Anna - Well girls 

They look at me 

Anna - Wanna go to the park 

Sienna - YESS

Payson nods 

Anna - Ok cmon 

We all go upstairs billie goes in our room and I go with the girls into there room 

Once the girls are finished getting changed 

Anna - cmon lets go wait for mama downstairs

I pick Payson up and hold Sienna's hand while we go downstairs

I put pay down



I go outside with the girls 

Since they look cute I tell them to smile 

Payson does a little pose and Sienna is already in her carseat so I took a picture of that 

Billie comes out the door so I take a picture of her

I post all three pics on instagram

Liked by MarioSelmen, Ravon, Twaimz , Larray, And 995,493,998

AnnaShumate : Park day with my three babies

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Anna - Yea cmon 

We all go to the swings 

I put Sienna in the baby swings while billie puts Payson next to her 

We start swinging them 

Once they get tired of the swings they go to the playground 

Billie and I go to the swings 

Anna - sit 

She sits on the swing 

Billie - My ass don't fit

Anna - yes it does

I grab the sides of the swings and start walking backwards 

Once I get as far as I could I let go 

She screams and I laugh

I keep pushing her 

I see the girls on the bridge 

Sienna - Mommy look 

She starts jumping up and down 

Anna - Be careful baby 

I go in-front of billie 

Billie - ANNA MOVE

Once she gets close I move out the way then go back 


Again once she gets close I move away but I sit on the swing next to her

I hear a little squeal 

I look at the entrance of the park and see a little boy running to where Sienna and pay are 

I also see someone coming over to the swings 

When they get closer I see who it is 

Oh shit 

Brooke - Anna 

Anna - Um hey 

Billie stops swinging 

Brooke  - Hi

I smile a bit 

Billie comes next to me 

Billie - whats going on over here 

Anna - Nothing 

Billie - um ok 

Brooke - Hi I'm Brooke

Billie - Billie Anna's girlfriend 

They shake hands 

Sienna - Mommy look we made a new friend 

I turn around and see the girls with a boy

Anna - hi 

Sienna - This is Liam, Liam this is our mommy's

Billie - hello

He waves and runs to Brooke

She picks him up 

Payson comes to me 

I pick her up 

Billie - I'll let you two talk cmon Sienna 

They go back to the playground

I sit on the swings with Payson on my lap 

I start swinging a little 

Brooke - I see Mario went to your house

Anna - yea

we all talk and catch up with each other then we leave and go home 

Once we get to the house I take off the girls shoes and they go to the playroom while I make them lunch 

Billie - so what did you two talk about 

Anna - just catching up with each other 

She nods slowly 

Anna - Jealous

Billie - what no 

her nose twitches 

Anna - liar your nose twitched

She rolls her eyes and smiles a bit 

Billie - maybe a little 

Anna - Don't be, ok 

Billie - k but she better watch out cause you are mine 

She gives me a kiss 

Billie - so I have some stupid meeting tomorrow but its not gonna be long 

Anna - About 

Billie - I don't know 

She gets a text 

Billie - guess its not tomorrow cause they texted me to come in and bring you 

Anna - What about the girls 

Billie - call Mario 

Mario - I'm already here 

I turn around 

Anna - What are you doing here 

Mario - I forgot my phone 

Anna - how did you get in 

Mario - I found a spare in your doorbell 

Anna - I gotta change that also could you watch the girls 

Mario - Yes to both of those 

Anna - Thank you 

Billie and I go into my car and drive to where the meeting is 

Once we get there Finneas is outside waiting 

I turn my car off and go over to billie's side and open the door for her 

Billie - Why thank you 

Anna - Your welcome 

Once she gets out I close the door and lock the car 

Finn - About time 

Billie - Shut up 

We go inside and upstairs 

We all walk in to this room and I see billie's team and parents 

Billie sits down and I sit next to her 

Billie - So what's this meeting about 

Danny - It's about what Anna posted today, its not bad just want to know who those girls are to you 

Anna - Um there my daughters 

Billie - Our 

Anna - Yes our daughters Sienna and Payson who are 4

Finneas - you adopted them 

Anna - No My ex birthed them but this was before I met billie 

Danny - ok and whose the birth father I'm guessing 

I explain everything to them

Brandon - when will we be able to meet them 

Anna - I think tomorrow is ok right 

I look at billie 

Billie - yea 

Brandon - ok then 

After talking about other business things we leave and go home 

Anna - WE'RE BACK 

Sienna - MOMMY 

I pick her up 

Anna - Where's your sister 

Sienna - sleeping 

Anna - ok did you guys eat 

She nods 

We go to the living room and see Payson sleeping on the couch and Mario on his phone 

Anna - Thank you 

Mario - Your welcome also they both took a shower 

Billie picks Payson up 

Sienna - Bye Mario

Mario - Bye

He gives her a kiss on the head and goes out the door 

We take the girls upstairs, put them in there beds, and we go to bed 

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