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"Good morning hyung!" I heard as I felt a pair of arms around me. "Hey Tae." I said softly as it was early.

After I realized what we were doing I pushed him away and just went to bed. I'm not one to make things awkward so I let it go.

I was currently making some breakfast for us all in the basement since there was working kitchen.

"Good morning everyone!" Jimin came in with a rather huge smile on his face.

Wonder what he's so happy about.

"Well I made everyone breakfast serve yourselves." The two younger boys nodded then I realized.

Yoongi isn't here.

"Jimin, where's Yoongi?" Jimin looked up from his plate already stuffing his face. "He's asleep."

Of course.

"I'll be back." My stomach rumbling didn't seem important anymore.

"I don't-" I began running up the stairs not caring what anyone had to say. I know something is wrong and I hate that Yoongi won't tell me what it is.

"Hyung?" I knocked carefully.

No answer.

"Hyung!" I began knocking normally.

"I'm coming in okay."

"Hoseok wait-" but he was too late to finish his sentence.

He's naked.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shut my eyes completely. As I did my ears heard his steps moving frantically and the sound of jeans being pulled up reassured me.

I opened my eyes.


Yoongi tried to walk past me but I stopped him and pushed him inside closing the door behind me.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me then he looked away. "I think I'm messing up."

"At what?"

"Love." He pushed me aside and opened the door.

"Yoongi..." a sudden realization hit me in the face.


"Please don't tell me that's a hickey on the back of your neck."

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