Chapter 22

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Before entering, Abbas knocked on their bedroom door, announcing his presence before he stepped inside. However, to no avail, his wife was nowhere to be seen. Abbas placed the books she had dropped, down on the bed and stepped out again with a sigh, running a hand through his hair before his feet guided him elsewhere.

He had even run into his sister-in-law who too knew nothing of Haifa's whereabouts. As the Prince headed to the other side of the Palace, he spotted Haifa's handmaiden frantically pacing by one of the exits to the gardens. As he drew closer, she looked up and bowed her head politely.


"Where is my wife?"

"She went in the direction of the glasshouse,"

With her answer, he grabbed the handle of the towering door and swung it open swiftly, before exiting and making his way steadily through the roofed walkway that connected the magnificent garden to the Palace. The maid followed a distance behind him, her light steps barely audible over his own.

As the two entered, making sure to restrain his footsteps from creating too much noise, his eyes searched past the shrubbery for any sign of her. Stars began peaking through the blushing sky as the sun made its final descent on the earth, its colours bouncing between the glass roof and walls.

Before he started his search, Abbas stepped to his side and crouched down to the pebbled ground, where a thin stream of water bordered the path. In the middle sat a strip of metal clasping a yellow liquid, floating gently above the calm current of the flow. Striking the firestarter, he hovered the spark over the string bathed in oil until the spark had licked the fuel and blossomed into a flame, creating an illusion as if the fire sat courageously above the water.

The Prince blew out his matchstick and rose as the garden illuminated with yellow light. The ingenious innovation had been his father's. Leaving multiple lanterns around the garden unattended called for a major catastrophe. Because of the dense vegetation, if an ember coincidently flickered onto the leaves it would have easily fuelled a fire. In a matter of seconds, the whole glasshouse would be in flames, and because of the glass infrastructure, the possibility of an explosion was highly possible.

In order to solve this issue, his father had devised the idea of building a stream of water that wound through the entire garden. Floating above and right through its centre, was a metal tray of oil. From any point in the garden, it could be lit, and the flame would travel along the trail, bringing light to every corner of the large expanse. If the tray were to accidentally topple over, which was quite frankly almost impossible because it stretched on for metres, the fire would simply be put out by the water. Asides from the light, the winding stream also served as a cooling system during the hotter months.

With an idea in mind to where Haifa was, he followed the gravel path, making their way deeper into the ostentatious garden. As the grand gazebo came in view, Abbas could just about make out the figure of a person, huddled by the cushioned seats.

"Haifa?" he called out to her as he climbed the step to the arched entrance.

Immediately, she lifted her head, her startled glassy eyes meeting his.

"W-what are you doing here? How did you find me?" she replied, launching up from where she sat. Her eyes travelled to the figure behind him, earning her answer. Haifa gave the traitor a glare, which caused Meena to dash back the path they came.

Haifa scoffed. Of course, Meena had followed her. Tucking the few stray hairs into her hijab, she descended from the gazebo and strode right past the Prince. However, a moment later, she was stopped in her path when a strong hand wrapped around hers.

Abbas pulled her into his arms, hoping to provide a source of comfort. "Hayaati,"

No matter how many times he addressed her that, she always grew emotional. Her eyes began to gloss over again, but she blinked them back furiously. Haifa gently pushed herself out of his grip. "Did you tell my father?"

Her gaze was fierce with anger.

"What? No-well-not really. In fact, he came to ask me about it," Abbas stuttered, trying to tell her in a way that didn't result in anger. However, it was too late.

"And you told him everything?"

"I didn't have a choice, I couldn't lie to him, after all, he is my mentor too," he replied sternly.

Haifa scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why? I wanted to keep this incident away from my family,"

"Didn't you think they would eventually find out? Especially when your father attends the congregations here at the Palace?" Abbas gruffed, imitating her.

"W-well I didn't know he was,"

"And I would have told you if you weren't avoiding me,"

Haifa turned her back to him, so he wouldn't see the treacherous tear that fell from her eyes. "Fine! I admit that what I did was wrong, but it is already done! What do you expect me to do? Go and beg for their forgiveness?"

"There's no need, my mother has already spoken with them,"

"Then are you going to continuously shame me for my actions? What more do you want?"

"That's not-Haifa!" he called out as she stormed past him. Just as he stepped forward to follow after her, she whipped around.

"Out of everyone, I expected you to comfort me in this situation," she cried, a fresh set of tears falling from her hazel eyes. "But instead, it is the complete opposite, to the point where it suffocates me to be around you too! Why else do you think I've been avoiding you?"

And with that, she charged off.

As much as his feet were ready to, Abbas couldn't find it in him to follow her.


Thaina sat on the floor of her workshop room, hugging her legs close and leaning against one of the arched windows, staring out at the view of the city. Her eyes, however, could not appreciate the scene as her mind raced with thoughts.

The unexpected knock on the door pulled her out of them and her attention drew to the person who entered.

Harun forced a smile as he walked over quietly to where his wife sat, a dull expression masking her features. He crouched down opposite her on the plush carpeting, copying the way she sat and took off his Kefiyyah, placing it by his side.

She gave him a short-lived smile. It was in these small moments where she only saw her dearest husband. The man she gave her everything for. Not the Crown Prince of Balqaas.

Harun watched as her gaze drifted back to the view.

As the two sat in silence, he stole glances at Thaina taking in every detail of her. The way her scarf draped loosely over her hair. The way her unbound locks mischievously escaped from her scarf and trailed down by her cheekbones. The way her complexion had become duller and pale. The way she gazed out with such empty eyes, a tactic to avoid his.

And all the while, she still looked breathtakingly beautiful in his eyes.

"Habeebi," she whispered, her voice bringing him out of his daze, echoing throughout the spacious room. "Take another wife,"

Harun immediately frowned. "I-"

"Please," she croaked.

The Crown Prince met his wife's pleading eyes, who were glossy with sorrow for a second before she blinked them back. His heart twisted at the sight.

"I know you are hesitant, but please, if not you, do it for my sake,"

Harun's throat constricted, unable to form a response. A moment of silence drifted between them.

"I am aware of the congregation that took place today, and I know it was about this," she continued, her voice shaking slightly.


The two gazed at each other, their eyes pleading for different things.

"There are many prospective women who you would get along with well,"

Harun gulped, his lips sealed shut as he listened to her go on.

"I just don't have...hope in myself anymore. I feel like it is in my Qadr to not be able to have children and so I am slowly accepting it," she explained, a lump forming in her throat.

Thaina waited for him to say something, anything but instead, he responded with silence.

Turning to him with a stern glare, she saw that he had his head down. Her eyes softened at how vulnerable he looked. How vulnerable she made him.

"You can't delay this any longer. The more you do, the more the others will become persistent," she continued, but he still kept silent.

Thaina unfolded her legs and shuffled closer, placing a hand on his arm.

"Habeebi," she called but he kept his gaze low. Her brows furrowed in confusion until she noticed the droplets of moisture on his thoub.

Cupping his jaw with both her hands, she gently lifted his face until his wet eyes met hers.

"W-why are you-" she laughed, her own tears forming at the sight of him. "You are so silly,"

Yet as she reprimanded him, wiping the tears that continued to fall from his eyes, she too felt her own cheeks dampen. Seeing him like this made her heart smash into pieces, bringing out her own emotion she tried so hard to hold back.

"D-don't cry, I'm just trying to encourage you,"

"Even though I agreed to, I can't," he whispered, watching his wife as she patted her shawl around his face.

"And why not?" she smiled, trying to alleviate the mood.

"Because I could never love another woman as much as I love you,"

Thaina's hand froze mid-air and she gazed at him, his chocolate eyes melting her heart. Her smile slowly dropped and a sob escaped her.

Harun pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her.

"You told me not to, but now your crying," he grinned, stroking her head.

"It is your fault, you started it!" she sulked, which made him chuckle. "It is for the best,"

With his thumbs, he wiped away her tears, giving her a smile which she reciprocated.

"I am so sorry," Harun mumbled, bringing his rough hands to her face.

"No, you don't need to be. I am the one who should apologise,"

Harun shook his head.

The two went back and forth blaming themselves as they wiped each other's faces until tears no longer fell from their eyes. Time stood to a stand-still as they lovingly shared a look that made even the walls blush with shyness.

"You have to promise me something," Thaina said as she leaned her head on his chest, their backs against the warm glass.

"Anything for you," he chided, stroking circles over and over on the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Promise me that you will give her as much love as you do to me,"

The Prince was silent for a moment before he answered.

"You know I can't-"

Thaina kissed her teeth. "Promise me,"

Harun gazed into his wife's glassy eyes.

"Fine," he said reluctantly. "But only because I love you,"


Diya's patience was running thin.

Not only was she seeing Ameera at the Academy but now during her free time too. And to make things worse, her cousins actually enjoyed having Ameera around. It was only Diya who felt like the girl was shoving herself into her family's lives. Not only was Diya forced to help her during her training but now she expected to also do the same in her free time!

It was becoming too overwhelming. Yet, Diya didn't have the courage to tell Ameera to give her a break. If only she really thought of Ameera as a friend, she wouldn't be in this dilemma.

Khalid was another problem. Diya was convinced her cousin was a complete blockhead if he hadn't realised by now the way Ameera felt about him. Otherwise, the only other option would be that he knew but was ignoring it. Though, Diya was sure it wasn't the latter. Ameera had to be the one he was considering proposing too.

She couldn't imagine him asking anyone else.

It was the third time this week that the three of them were walking back home together, courtesy of Ameera, of course. Diya was perfectly capable of making her own way back home, however, like the previous two cases, Ameera insisted on Diya joining her and Khalid. Diya couldn't help but feel bitter that if not for the fact that the two were not allowed to be alone together, Ameera wouldn't have bothered asking her to be there.

She felt immensely awkward as the sparks flew between her cousin and her mentor, preferring to stay quiet as they chatted away about all sorts of topics. Mainly Ameera continuing the conversation whilst Khalid politely answered.

They probably hadn't even noticed her fall behind them.

Now as she trudged after them, Diya watched as her cousin's face shone with an aura she was not accustomed too. She was sure that today he had smiled more than she had ever seen him do in all the previous years combined. And it irked her how much her cousin changed in front of a woman.

Diya scoffed again, kicking the dust beneath her sandals, wishing she could just slip away from them and head home herself. Her body was drained of energy especially after a gruelling day at the academy. However, Khalid insisted on dropping Ameera off first since she lived further away from the two of them.

Just as they turned away from the main street, a scuffle could be heard ahead and Diya lifted her gaze off the floor to see what the commotion was about.

Khalid had gone ahead to inspect the issue.

"What is going on?" Ameera asked as Diya joined her side. The two followed Khalid, pushing through the small crowd that had formed in front of the entrance of a motel.

Diya gasped at the sight she saw. A deranged-looking man had grabbed a young woman by her arm, roughly pulling her down the steps of the entrance whilst another greying man was trying to loosen his grip. The young woman had her hair uncovered, her shawl abandoned on the ground as the man viciously tightened his hands around her wrist. Despite the situation, not a single hint of fear was displayed on her face. Instead, she glared at him with pure irritation and anger.

"Let go of her Jafr!" Diya heard the old man boom.

"This bitch planned it all, I know it! She did this on purpose to break our engagement!"

Khalid strode forward and immediately untangled the man's hand off of the girl's wrist. The girl retreated back, rubbing at her red skin, whilst the old man stood in front of her like a shield.

"What do you think you're doing?!" the man spat, sizing Khalid up.

"That is what I'd like to ask you,"

Diya watched worriedly whilst her cousin pulled out a bronze emblem, holding it up int he man's face. As soon as the man noticed the Balqaas Guard design, his demeanour faltered for a second before he returned to his deranged attitude.

"This woman here is a scheming whore who played dirty to break off our wedding,"

Beside her, Ameera gasped.

"I did no such thing!" the girl from before retaliated, stepping forward.

"You lying-" the man pushed past Khalid and was about to swing his fist at her when he was pulled back from the back of his shirt.

"You dare to attack a woman in front of a Royal Guard?" Khalid scoffed, giving an icy glare at the man.

"Get off me!" the man hissed, whipping around aiming his fist for him.

Diya had almost stepped forward, realising he was aiming for her cousin. However, Khalid was much swifter, and in a blink of an eye, he ducked the attack and whipped out his scabbard from his belt, slamming the hilt onto the back of the man's neck.

The man looked stunned for a millisecond before his body slumped to the dusty ground, knocked out cold.

The crowd gasped in shock, Diya and Ameera included.

"Not to worry, he is just unconscious," Khalid reiterated to everyone.

Cheers broke out and many stepped forward, patting Khalid's back for his efforts. Other's dragged the unconscious man away from the motel. The old man from stepped forward, shaking Khalid's hand in gratitude whilst the girl muttered words of appreciation.

"Thank you, he has been troubling us now for a few days and wouldn't stop pestering my daughter,"

"No problem, I was only carrying out my duty,"

His humbleness bought a smile to Diya's face.

The crowd began to slowly disperse now that the drama was sorted.

"Your cousin is just...impressive,"

Diya turned to Ameera, who had her admiring eyes glued to her cousin.

"No matter what he does, he never fails to amaze me,"

"You're right," Diya replied and as she turned back to him, their eyes met for a millisecond before he looked away. She stayed behind as Ameera strolled over to him, kicking a pebble by her feet.

It was happening again. Her heart was pounding furiously in her chest whilst butterflies fluttered around in her stomach.

As the three of them continued on their way back, Diya zoned out of their conversation, gazing up at the pink clouds above them, hoping to distract herself. However, the fluttering had gotten worse once they dropped off Ameera.

She knew Khalid had purposefully slowed his steps so that she walked in front. Neither of them spoke, but the silence didn't feel awkward. Not an ounce of anger from before was left in her, but rather Diya felt calmer, unable to understand what had extinguished her flames.

Even as she made her way to the door, they didn't break the silence and it was not until her father appeared at the door was the silence broken.

"Ah, Khalid! Why don't you come inside for tea? Your Khaltu has just brewed a steaming pot," Abdul Hameed offered, though his nephew shook his head.

Diya waited by the door as her father met him, giving him a swift hug.

"I would love to but Mama is expecting me to head home straight away. If I stay, she and Baba might begin to worry," he beamed.

"Of course, but do tell them next time. It has been a while since I've seen you,"

"Baba, we saw them two weeks ago on Eid!" Diya chuckled.

"Do give my salam to your parents and tell them to come over soon,"

Diya and her father waved Khalid goodbye and waited until he was out of their view before they headed back inside. Upon seeing her mother in the kitchen, Diya ran over to her and gave her a big cuddle.

"Salam Mama!"

"What has you in such a happy mood? You usually return with a dark cloud over your head!" Yumna jeered, patting her daughter's back.

Diya went ahead and explained the incident that happened as she and her father took their seats on the Majlis.

"Khalid is such a lovely boy, the perfect son anyone could ask for mashallah," Abdul Hameed praised as Diya nibbled on the fruit her mother had prepared for her.

"Mashallah, we're all very excited to hear about his proposal," Yumna added as she joined them on the Majlis with a pot of brewing tea.


Diya nodded her head, trying to keep a calm, straight face. Every time anyone mentioned Khalid's proposal, it felt like a thorn prick to her heart. Though she was careful not to express her discomfort in front of her parents. "Kawthar told us girls that her brother has someone in mind. I'm sure Khaltu Sara told Mama and the aunts, right?"

Her mother hummed in agreement.

"Abu Khalid hadn't mentioned it to us men," her father frowned.

"That's because it was meant to be a secret," Diya smiled, placing a finger to her lips.

Abdul Hameed tutted. "You women and your gossip!"

"It must be the girl who joined us on Eid, what was her name again? Diya, you know her, don't you?"

Diya was silent for a second before she answered. "Something like that, though she is actually my mentor at the Academy. Her name is Ameera,"

"So you should know how she is

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