Words to Describe Voices

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Abrasive: Showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh.

Accusatory: To blame.

Acerbic: Sharp and forthright.

Acidic: Bitter or cutting.

Acrimonious: Angry and bitter

Adenoidal: Nasal.

Alto: The highest adult male singing voice; countertenor. The lowest female singing voice; contralto.

Animated: Full of life or excitement; lively.

Appealing: Attractive or interesting.

Astringent: Sharp or severe in manner or style.

Authoritative: Like to be respected and obeyed; commanding and self-confident.

Barbed: Deliberately hurtful.

Baritone: Singing voice between tenor and bass from an adult male.

Barking: Make a sound such as a cough or a laugh, resembling a bark; utter (a command or question) abruptly or aggressively.

Bass: Low pitched voice.

Big: The ability to speak, sing, etc

Biting: Harsh or cruel.

Bitter: Angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unfair judgement.

Bland: Showing no strong emotion; dull and unremarkable.

Bleak: Cold and forbidding.

Blunt: Uncompromisingly forthright.

Bombastic: High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.

Booming: Loud, deep, and resonant.

Bored: Uninterested.

Boyish: Of or befitting a boy.

Brash: Self assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.

Braying: Speak or laugh loudly and harshly.

Breathy: An audible sound of breathing, often related to physical exertion or strong feelings.

Breezy: Appearing relaxed, informal, and cheerily brisk.

Bright: Intelligent and quick-witted.

Brisk: Active, fast, and energetic.

Brittle: Appearing aggressive or hard but unstable or nervous within.

Broken: Having given up hope; despairing.

Bubbly: Full of cheerful high hopes.

Burbling: Continuous murmuring noise.

Calm: Tranquil and quiet.

Caustic: Sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.

Cheerful: Noticeably happy and optimistic.

Cold: Lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional.

Colorless: Lacking distinctive character or interest; dull.

Contralto: The lowest female singing voice.

Countertenor: The highest male adult singing voice.

Crisp: Briskly decisive and matter of fact, without hesitation or unnecessary detail.

Critical: Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.

Croaky: Deep and hoarse.

Cutting: Causing emotional pain; hurtful.

Dead: Having or displaying no emotion, sympathy, or sensitivity.

Demanding: Making others work hard or meet high standards.

Disembodied: Lacking any obvious physical source.

Disinterested: Having or feeling no interest in something.

Dispassionate: Not influenced by strong emotion and so able to be rational and impartial.

Droning: Speak tediously in a dull monotonous tone.

Dulcet: Sweet and soothing.

Dull: Lacking interest or excitement.

Effervescent: Vivacious and enthusiastic.

Energetic: Showing or involving great activity or vitality; active.

Exasperated: Having or showing strong feelings of irritation or annoyance.

Faint: Barely perceptible.

Fawning: Displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious.

Feathery: Having, covered with, or resembling feathers.

Feeble: Faint.

Fierce: Showing  a heartfelt and powerful intensity.

Firm: Showing a resolute determination and strength of character.

Flat: Lacking interest or emotion; dull and lifeless.

Forceful: Strong and assertive; vigorous and powerful.

Fretful: Feeling or expressing distress or irritation.

Fruity: Mellow, deep, and rich.

Gentle: Soft; having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.

Girlish: Of or befitting a girl.

Glum: Looking or feeling dejected; morose.

Goofy: Foolish or harmlessly eccentric; silly.

Gracious: Courteous, kind, and pleasant.

Grating: Sounding harsh and unpleasant. 

Grave: Serious or solemn in manner or appearance; somber.

Gravelly: Deep and rough-sounding.

Grim: Forbidding and uninvited.

Growling: Low and grating guttural sound in a way that expresses hostility and anger.   

Gruff: Rough and low in pitch.

Guttural: Produced in the throat; harsh-sounding.

Hard: Stern, unwavering or unyielding.

Harsh: Unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary.

Hearty: Enthusiastic, energetic, and often loudly expressed.

Hesitant: Slow to act or proceed (as from fear, indecision, or unwillingness).

High-pitched: A voice that is higher than usual.

Hissing: To make a noise like a long S sound; like a snake.

Hoarse: (Of a person or a voice) having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold.

Honeyed: Used to describe speech or a person's voice when it is gentle and pleasant to listen to, sometimes in a way that is not sincere.

Hostile: Having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature.

Hushed: Having the sound level reduced; very quietly-- especially used of the noise of conversation.

Husky: Low and rough voice.

Immense: Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree. 

Impartial: Treating all rivals and disputants equally; fair and just.

Indifferent: Having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.

Indistinct: Not easily seen, heard, or recognized.

Ingratiating: Flattering.

Insinuating: Hinting at something bad in an indirect and unpleasant way.

Intense:  Having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious.

Ironic: Showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying.

Jeering: Making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.

Joking: Humorous and flippant.

Jubilant: Feeling or expressive great happiness and triumph.

Lifeless: Dead or apparently dead.

Lacking vigor, vitality, or excitement.

Light: Gentle or delicate.

Lilting: Increase the volume or pitch of (ones voice).

Lively: Full of life and energy; active and outgoing.

Loud: Characterized by sound of great volume or intensity. 

Loving: Feeling or showing love and affection.

Low: Very low in volume.

Malicious: Having the nature of threatening evil.

Matter-of-Fact: A matter that is an actual fact or is demonstrable as a fact.

Mellifluous: Pleasing to the ear. 

Melodious: Having a musical sound; especially a pleasing sound.

Mezzo-soprano: A soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto. 

Mild: Humble and meek-- the opposite of bold.

Mocking: Expressing contempt or ridicule.

Modulated: Changed or adjusted in pitch, tone, or volume.

Monotone: A droning, unchanging tone.

Monotonous: Dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.

Mournful: Filled with grief or sadness.

Muffled: Cover or wrap up (a source of sound) to reduce its loudness.

Musical: Having a pleasant sound; melodious or tuneful.

Muted: No sound.

Nasal: Produced or characterized by resonating in the nose as well as the mouth, e.g. Lois Griffin from Family Guy.

Nasty: Behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.

Neutral: Having no strongly marked or positive characteristics or features.

Nonchalant: Feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.

Obsequious: Obedient or attentive to excessive or servile degree.

Oily: Unpleasantly smooth and ingratiating.

Orotund: Full, round, and imposing.

Passionate: Showing or caused by intense feelings or a strong belief.

Penetrating: Clearly heard through or above other sounds.

Piercing: Extremely high, loud, or shrill.

Piping: High-pitched.

Placating: Intended to make someone less angry or hostile.

Plummy: Having  an accent thought typical of the English upper classes.

Polished: Refined, sophisticated, or elegant.

Pretentious: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc than is actually possessed.

Quavering: Shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion.

Querulous: Complaining in a petulant or whining manner.

Quiet: Tranquil and reserved by nature; not brash or forceful.

Ragged: Rough or uneven.

Raspy/rasping: Hoarse or harsh sounding. 

Raucous: Making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud voice.

Raw: Strong and undisguised.

Razor-edged: Very sharp.

Reedy: Unpleasant.

Refined: Elegant and cultured in appearance, manner, and taste.

Relaxed: Free from tension and anxiety; at ease.

Resonant: Deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring.

Restrained: Characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate. 

Ringing: Having or emitting a clear resonant sound.

Roaring: Utter a loud, deep, prolonged sound. 

Robust: Strong.

Rough: Not gentle; violent or boisterous. 

Rumbling: A continuous deep, resonant sound.

Surly: Bad mannered and unfriendly.

Sweet: Pleasant and kind or thoughtful.

Sympathetic: Feeling, showing or expressing sympathy; feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's sorrows.

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