Trophy's POV
I see my crush walking through the halls of Hotel OJ. I'm a jock and she's, well, Soap. She is coming over to me and asks me " Do you have a fever?" I ask with confusion" No why?" She said " Because your cheeks are a very bright red. Usually when a person has bright red cheeks they have a fever or some other reason that I do not know of." I was shocked that 1, I was blushing, and 2, that she was that smart. That only made me more fall in love with her. She then asks " Well since you don't have a fever, why do you have bright red cheeks?" I said with a deep breath " I have bright red cheeks because I love you." She starts to blush uncontrablly and said" I love you too." Then she kissed me! She pulled away and said with a flirty tone " Bye see you tommrow~" I went to my room my cheeks still bright red.
Review time! All the ships so far are eh and they actually make sense!( Very rare for ships) Anyways I don't remember any momments where they were even sitting together. If you do ship this plz leave comment or link of where some edvidence is. Or you could ship this for no reason. That's fine too. :3
Final score: 4/10
Cuteness: 6.5/10
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